The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1975: Killed the machine

Apparently, Ye Rongzhong is worried that there is still a strong force in the holy medicine stone, so that he does not dare to shoot Jiang Yun, so he can only take Ye Jiannan, the Tianxiang family, the only person who cares about the life of Jiang Yun to threaten Jiang Yun!

Ye Rongzhong’s practice, let alone Jiang Yun, even the vast majority of Tianxiang people are suddenly changing.

Although before today, no one really cares about Ye Younan's life and death, but after Ye Younan lit up the refining talent of the holy medicine stone, she has become the arrogant woman of the Tianxiang people, and it is the future hope of the Tianxiang people.

If Ye Younan dies, it will be a great loss for the Tianxiang people. Of course, they do not want Ye Younan to have any accidents.

Therefore, Ye Chunyang first looked gloomy: "Great, what are you doing!"

Although some old people did not dare to speak, they all looked at Ye Rongzhong with anxious look.

However, there are also people who are gloating for Ye Rongzhong's actions, such as Ye Lingzhu, and Ye Zhan and others!

They are all very clear. If you leave everything behind, you will rely on the evil between yourself and Jiang Yun. In the future, Ye Younan will only live, so he will not look good to himself.

Even with Ye Younan's status and strength becoming higher and higher, I am afraid that he will in turn retaliate against himself and others, so they hope that Ye Rongzhong can kill Ye Younan.

For Ye Chunyang, Ye Rongzhong screamed coldly: "What am I doing, can't you see it?"

"Everything I do is for the development of my Tianxiang people!"

With the fall of Ye Rongzhong's words, Jiang Yun, who is facing Ye Rongzhong, finally faintly said: "A good reason for a good boy!"

While talking, Jiang Yun slowly turned around, facing Ye Rongzhong again, his eyes cold.

"Ginger Brother, don't worry about me, you are going!"

Ye Younan suffered several changes in succession, so that her mind is no longer as fragile as it was at the beginning.

Although she was taken hostage by Ye Rongzhong, she was not too surprised.

After all, she used to be the chip that the entire Tianxiang people used to get the benefits.

Therefore, her only hope now is that Jiang Yun will no longer be implicated by himself and quickly flee!

Jiang Yun did not pay attention to Ye Younan's words, but still facing Ye Rongzhong: "Ye Rongzhong, since you said that you are developing for your Tianxiang people, then I will tell you."

"If Ye Younan has any accidents today, then I will let you go through the entire Tianxiang people and bury them!"

After Jiang Yun first learned about her experience from Ye Younan's mouth, the first impression of the Tianxiang people was not very good.

Later, the performances of Ye Zhi, Ye Shuo and Ye Lingzhu, who were seen, made him more and more disappointed with Tianxiang.

If it is not because of the timely appearance of Ye Zhiqiu, I am afraid that Jiang Yun has already given up the Tianxiang people.

Although Jiang Yun can say that it is extremely difficult to persist in the present, he has also received clear support from Ye Chunyang and others. However, with the appearance of Ye Rongzhong and the two other elders who have never appeared, he finally lost his hope and decided. Give up the Tianxiang people completely.

Even so, Jiang Yun never thought about going to destroy the Tianxiang people.

Even in addition to that Ye Shuo, he did not think about going to kill the Tianxiang people.

He just wants to take away the holy stone. After all, there is a pattern of silence in the holy stone, and there is a way to practice the sect.

Moreover, this holy medicine stone is the thing that the patriarch of the year was deliberately left to help the Tianxiang people. It is something that belongs to the genocide. Naturally, it is impossible to stay in the Tianxiang people.

Nowadays, Jiang Yun is a descendant of the dead family. It is a reasonable thing to retrieve the holy stone.

However, he never imagined that today, the elders of the incense of the incense are despicable to take Ye Younan as a hostage, to use it to leave the holy stone and to tell the secrets of the holy stone!

This also makes Jiang Yun finally murder!

"Great tone!" Ye Rongzhong sneered: "If you are not relying on the holy stone, you are already a dead person, and now dare to speak up!"

"Tell you, my patience is limited!"


Ye Rongzhong’s voice just fell, and Ye Younan’s mouth suddenly screamed, and there was a trace of blood flowing out of his mouth.

Ye Rongzhong has secretly shot and injured her meridians. Although she has tried hard to hold back, she still can't hold back.

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, the cold light flashes. For all the circumstances, he naturally sees it clearly, but don't look at him as if he has a well-thought-out, but in reality he is helpless!

Because no one knows, in fact, today's holy medicine stone has no power other than the pattern of silence and the practice of the mortal family!

In the same year, the patriarch who left the holy stone, although in order to ensure that the ethnic group is disobedient, deliberately left behind the power that can be driven by future generations to guard against.

However, if the patriarchs are fascinated, they will not know that their descendants will face the threat of other ethnic groups when they want to be recognized by the members of the Tenth.

What's more, the power of silence can suppress the power of all members of the tenth family. Therefore, the power in the holy stone is only a trace!

Just Jiang Yun used to kill the Fire Lions, it is this power!

That silk power, let alone killing the strong, even if it is a strong strong, it can be easily killed, but it disappears completely after use, no longer exists.

Although Jiang Yun is not afraid of Ye Rongzhong, but Ye Younan is in the hands of the other party, so that he is a rodent, and there is really no good way.

Just when Jiang Yunxin changed his mind, Ye Chunyang suddenly said: "If you are too big, if you don't stop, then don't blame pure Yang and commit the following!"

Ye Rongzhong turned his head and turned to the evil of Ye Chunyang. "Ye Chunyang, do you know what you are talking about!"

At the moment, Ye Chunyang has no fear at all. The old face is covered with frost and frost: "You have forgotten the teachings of your ancestors, and you have taken a wrong step. Chunyang hopes that you will not be wrong again!" ”

"Haha, am I wrong?"

Ye Rongzhong sneered: "Ye Chunyang, yes, they did give us help."

"But since then, our Tianxiang people have survived to this day, and it is entirely through our own efforts that they have no relationship with them anymore."

"But now, their descendants are coming back. In a simple sentence, it is necessary for our entire ethnic group, hundreds of thousands of people, to be willing to return. Why?"

Ye Chunyang calmly waited for Ye Rongzhong to finish after saying: "The big lady said yes, but Jiang Yun said, can give up our Tianxiang people, just to bring back the holy stone."

"This reason is not an exaggeration. But it is not too big to be too big, but it is to threaten him with the life of our own people. Is this not bad?"

Ye Rongzhong shook his head and said: "Ye Chunyang, Ye Chunyang, you are really alive to the dog."

"What is wrong with sacrificing her a family and being able to exchange for the great benefits that benefit my entire community?"

"I see, you should not be a patriarch. After today's business, you will remove the patriarch's position!"

Ye Rongzhong’s understatement of the two words, actually removed the position of Ye Chunyang’s patriarch, and suddenly let the Tianxiang people change their face.

However, Ye Chunyang did not care: "Greater, the position of the patriarch, I can not, but Ye Younan, you must let go!"

When the voice fell, Ye Chunyang’s body suddenly spurred a strong breath, and his eyebrows also showed a mark!

And seeing this mark, others have not responded, Jiang Yun's body can not help but suddenly shocked.

If the whole person is struck by lightning, he may even step back and step back from the autonomous, revealing the horror!

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