The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1988: They also want

"Benevolent?" Qian Qian’s words made Ji Hongfei sneer and said: "You have such a thief and there are benefactors. It seems that your benefactor is not a good thing!"

"Like this, as long as you say the name of your benefactor and tell you what you need, I will let you go today!"

Qianshan is there, and it is already dying. "I don't know the name of the benefactor. The storage ring in your hand is what he gave me. As for what he needs, I can't say it."

"Why can't you say?" Ji Hongfei frowned and said: "It's hard to be done. Can you see what your benefactor needs?"

Qian Hill shook his head again and again: "I really can't say it!"

Ji Hongfei said coldly: "Since you don't want to say it, you can't blame me. I will search your soul now and see where your benefactor is sacred!"

When the voice fell, Ji Hongfei’s eyes began to shine with golden light.

At this time, there was a calm voice suddenly coming: "I will tell him!"

With the sound of this sound, everyone's eyes naturally look at the direction of the sound.

Even the money hills that were squatting there were all a slight tremor in the body, and they tried their best to raise their heads. In the eyes that had been blurred by blood, they saw a figure of a man appearing.

"You said for him?"

Ji Hongfei looked at the man who suddenly came out, and the shining golden light in his eyes became more and more intense. Obviously he wanted to see through the other party.

But unfortunately, his gaze could not see the ordinary man in front of him.

Ji Hongfei’s brow can not help but wrinkle: "It will not, you are his benefactor?"

Appeared, naturally it is Jiang Yun!

Originally, he thought that Qian Xiaoshan did not listen to his advice and once again stole other people's things.

But the words just made by Qian Xiaoshan made him understand that he had wronged the money hill.

Qian Xiaoshan was behind him for a whole afternoon and knew that he was looking for a few scarce herbs.

So after he gave him the source stone, in order to repay his kindness, he ran around in the city of Feixing, looking for the herbs for himself.

Today, he finally found the medicine he was looking for in this pharmacy!

When I thought of telling myself this news, even if I repaid my kindness, it made Qianshan’s heart extremely excited.

Under too much excitement, he did not notice that Ji Hongfei and others who were just preparing to walk into the pharmacy, slammed into Ji Hongfei's body.

Ji Hongfei is a lord of the Golden Eyes, and his status is so esteemed.

What's more, today, there is a beautiful woman who seems to be taller than him, so naturally he will not let go of the money hill.

Therefore, Ji Hongfei saw the identity of the Qianshan Qianshou people, and even used this to humiliate him. He decided that he had stolen something and wanted to ask him from his mouth.

This is what Jiang Yun thought of in the brain just after he heard the words of Qian Xiaoshan!

Since Qian Hill is blaming himself for himself, then this matter is naturally related to himself!

In the face of Ji Hongfei's questioning, Jiang Yun calmly walked to the side of Qianshan, and reached out and helped him.

In the eyes of Qian Xiaoshan, there was an anxious feeling, his lips were stunned, but he could not make a sound. He could only shake his head hard.

Jiang Yun naturally knows that he wants to let himself go quickly. After all, his identity has been exposed and he does not want to be hurt by him.

"Reassured, nothing!"

Consoling Qian Qian’s sentence, Jiang Yun looked up at Ji Hongfei, calmly saying: “Benevolent, don’t dare to be, but the storage device in your hand is what I gave him.”

"I am really looking for something. As for why he refused to say it, he should be worried that after being known by others, he would buy it first and let me be happy!"

"I can guarantee that he did not steal anything from this pharmacy."

"If you don't believe it, you can let this shop check it out."

"If there is something missing, I am willing to pay ten times the price!"

"In addition, the storage device was given to you. There are some source stones in it. It is because he has hit your compensation. Can this be revealed?"

Jiang Yun was completely calm and said these words.

And his words also make it impossible for anyone to pick up the problem.

After all, the cause of the whole thing was that Qian Xiaomei had smashed Ji Hongfei and was seen by Ji Hongfei as a thousand-handed person.

Today, he is willing to guarantee for Qian Hill, willing to compensate him, and even willing to give Ji Hongfei the storage device containing the precious source stone. This can naturally stop here.

Ji Hongfei is still dissatisfied.

Because Jiang Yun’s approach is to refute his face.

However, in the face of so many people, he is a family of lesser, Jiang Yun's words are not leaking, if you are really entangled, it will only increase the laughter.

Therefore, he can only smile coldly: "Well, count you, take him, and hurry!"

After that, he stopped paying attention to Jiang Yun and Qian Hill, but said to the beautiful woman who was always on the sidelines: "An girl, I am sorry, disturbing your Yaxing."

"This is the biggest drugstore in Flying Star City. I will take you to the shopping!"

"No matter what the girl looks at today, it is counted on Ji's body!"

Jiang Yun looked at Ji Hongfei deeply and stopped talking. He supported the money hill and left.

The reason why Jiang Yun is so tolerant, of course, is not afraid of Ji Hongfei, I really do not want to cause trouble again, so I would rather pay for the source stone, and let things go.

However, Qian Hill shook his head hard, his lips still groaning, clearly what he wanted to say.

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "You don't have to talk, your injury can't die, wait for me to find a place to treat you."

Although Qianshan’s injury is not light, his life is not a big problem. It’s not difficult to cure with Jiang Yun’s medicinal tract.

Qian Shan’s face was even more anxious, and finally he finally squeezed out a few words from his teeth: “He, they want, Xian Mingzhi!”

Xianmingzhi is one of the extremely rare medicines needed to treat Xueqing!

Hearing the words of Qianshan, Jiang Yun naturally understood.

Before Qian Shan always refused to tell Ji Hongfei what Jiang Yun needs, because Ji Hongfei also wants to buy Xianmingzhi!

Jiang Yun really did not expect that there would be such a coincidence.

He is also very clear that if he really leaves the hill with money now, then when he comes back, Xian Mingzhi must have been bought by Ji Hongfei.

Once you miss it and want to buy it, you don't know what time to wait.

In desperation, Jiang Yun can only say: "Thank you, then you are waiting for me for a while, I will go!"

Qian Hill nodded hard and sat down on the ground directly.

And Jiang Yun is no longer delayed, the gods spread out, did not enter the store, and instantly found the place where Xianmingzhi is!

Then, Jiang Yun's figure flashed, and he had already arrived at the pharmacy. He appeared directly next to Xianmingzhi and recruited a buddy: "Man, this medicine, I want it!"

Jiang Yun understands that Ji Hongfei must not let himself and Qianshan so easily, so he must buy it at the fastest speed.

Even, he has already optimistic about the price, and directly plugged the storage device filled with the source stone to the buddy.

Although the price of Xianmingzhi was extremely expensive, when Jiang Yun left the Tianxiangzu, Ye Danqiong gave him a lot of source stones.

As a group of refining drugs, the wealth of the Tianxiang people is extremely amazing, so Jiang Yun is also considered to be rich in wealth.

The buddy just saw the process of disputes between Jiang Yun and Ji Hongfei, but he naturally would not pay attention to these things. The gods swept the source stone and immediately confirmed the number after the correct quantity: "Well, please wait while the guest officer, I took this piece of fairy branch out!"


Just then, Ji Hongfei’s voice sounded!

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