The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1991: Beat one eye

Although Jiang Yun came to this area for a long time, the slaves he saw were only one of the fire lions.

However, both Ye Chunyang and Ye Danqiong have solemnly told him that the various slaves of the genocide, including some of the sergeants of the Da Shi, or Tianjiao, are indeed truly powerful.

In this regard, Jiang Yun is also deeply convinced.

He is very clear that the lesser days of arrogance, in fact, are equivalent to the Taoist sects in the Daoist dynasty, which is the object of cultivation in the whole ethnic group, and the strength is naturally far superior to the same level.

However, for the young owner of the Golden Eyes, Jiang Yun really did not care.

The power of the golden eye, in addition to being able to see through all the illusions, can also deter the soul of the soul.

The strength of Jiang Yun’s soul is that Wei Jifei can deter.

At the same time that Ji Hongfei’s golden eyes came, Jiang Yun did not dodge, but looked calmly at Ji Hongfei.


I heard Ji Hongfei’s mouth suddenly screaming with screams, and the golden light in the eyes suddenly disappeared. He even reached out and covered his eyes. The whole person fell directly to the ground and rolled up.

This sudden change is beyond everyone's expectations.

Even with so many people present, no one can tell, what happened to Ji Hongfei.

Because from the beginning to the end, Jiang Yun did not do anything at all, just looking at Ji Hongfei calmly!

So that the two men who Ji Hongfei took, they were lying there for a while, I don’t know if it’s time to shoot Jiang Yun.

However, even if they want to shoot, there is no such courage, their golden eyes are not as good as Ji Hongfei, and where will be Jiang Yun’s opponent.

Jiang Yun’s eyes, though not eye-catching, contain the power of the Jiang people’s illusion.

With Jiang Yun’s current strength, even if the Jiang’s imprint does not emerge, one can easily bring people who are not as good as him into the illusion.

Coupled with the power of the Xiao people's looting, Jiang Yun's knowledge has already been turned into the same, and can easily impact other people's souls. Therefore, Ji Hongfei's golden eye power is the real class door in front of Jiang Yun.

Even if Jiang Yun is willing, he can kill Ji Hongfei at a glance.

However, considering the identity of Ji Hongfei, Jiang Yun still left him a life.

Looking at the ground tumbling screaming Ji Hongfei, Jiang Yun has regained his gaze, and no longer ignores the same shocked Xue Jingtu and An Ruojun, calmly turned and walked toward the store.

The previous Xue Jingtu arranged three people at the door to block him from going to the road, still standing there.

When Jiang Yun’s gaze looked at them, the three people were busy shunning and avoiding the road.

Jiang Yun Shi Shiran passed by the three people.

Looking at the back of Jiang Yun, Xue Jingtu finally recovered, his eyes slightly picked up, his brows locked, apparently not willing to let Jiang Yun leave so easily.

However, he just promised that as long as Jiang Yun can defeat Ji Hongfei, he can leave with Xian Mingzhi.

Now that Jiang Yun has done it, he is not good enough to leave it, so he looks at An Ruoyi again.

An Ruo really opened his mouth: "Slow!"

Jiang Yun’s figure stopped again, but he didn’t turn around, but he turned his back to An Ruo’s words: “Why, is Ann’s girl wanting to go back?”

An Ruo's look is indifferent: "I promised things, naturally will not repent, but this fairy branch has great use for me, so I am willing to exchange things with you."

"Source stone, Gongfa, Shenbing, no matter what you want, as long as you say it, I can satisfy you!"

"Do not change!"

Jiang Yun left the two words coldly and continued to move forward.

Not to mention that this fairy branch is a must for Xueqing, even if it is not necessary, Jiang Yun will not exchange with An Ruo.

When Ji Hongfei insulted Qianshan, An Ruoyong did not directly participate, but he always stood by and watched.

It is not difficult to see that although An Ruo-Rong is a woman, acting must be extremely overbearing.

This is Feixing City, not the land where she asked the lover, so she still has convergence.

If you are asking the love affair, if you encounter something like Qianshan, I am afraid that her shot is even more unscrupulous than Ji Hongfei.

How can Jiang Yun exchange Xianmingzhi with her!

Jiang Yun was bluntly refused, letting An Ruoyan’s face suddenly reveal a chill.

In her capacity, the introduction of things for things has already given Jiang Yun’s face, even if he meets anyone else in the family, he will not disagree.

But this Jiang Yun turned out to be so ignorant, so that her heart was powerless and angry.

Jiang Yun walked to the side of Qian Hill and reached out and helped him to support him: "Let's go!"

Qian Shan naturally witnessed the process of Jiang Yun and Ji Hongfei's fight. At this moment, they were like petrochemicals. They allowed Jiang Yun to lift him up and then walked out with him.

Wherever they passed, the surrounding monks also consciously let the road open.

At this time, if they still don't know that Jiang Yun's strength is extremely strong, then it is a lot of white life.

In this way, Jiang Yunqi supported the money hill, not only defeated the Jinyan tribe master Ji Hongfei, but also took the Xianmingzhi from the hands of the two major ethnic groups, and left the hall!

At this time, An Ruoqi quietly spoke to a woman next to him: "Follow him!"

The woman nodded and promised to leave quietly.

And Xue Jingtu's lips also squirmed a few times, and saw the second floor of the drug shop, there is also a figure directly into the void.

In front of everyone, Xue Jingtu and An Ruojun are not good at killing Jiang Yun directly, but with their identity and character, they have suffered such a big loss in the hands of Jiang Yun, and they can easily give up.

What's more, no matter what the origin of Jiang Yun, they are not in the heart.

In addition to the two great royal families, they are the ones.

And Jiang Yun is mysterious, but it is absolutely impossible to be a royal family, so they have no fear.

Although everyone else knows that these two will never let go of Jiang Yun, but they also know that some things will only happen in the dark, so everyone is gradually dispersed.

And when everyone wants to come, Jiang Yun should take the Qianshou people to quickly leave the Flying Star City, and even should leave the Flying Stars, so as to avoid the search of the two majors, and then wait until the Shura days really open.

Can be unexpected to everyone, Jiang Yun not only did not leave the Flying Star City, and directly took the money hill to the city to find the inn.

For Jiang Yun’s approach, everyone was unclear, but then it was considered that Jiang Yun deliberately did it.

In the city of Feixing, at least on the bright side, let Xue Jingtu and others are embarrassed to find him.

But where did they know that Jiang Yun had never cared about Xue Jingtu three people, he just wanted to find a quiet place to help Qian Shan treat the injury.

It’s a pity that the city of Flying Star is full of people, and the inns are already full of people.

What's more, Jiang Yun offended the three people of Xue Jingtu, and spread the entire Flying City at a very fast speed.

All the inns were opened by various forces of the entire Southwestern Wilderness. After learning about this, no one dared to risk the crime of Xue Jingtu, staying in Jiangyun.

In desperation, Jiang Yun can only take the money hill to leave the Flying City, find a remote cave outside the city, heal the money hill.

Jiang Yun’s forefoot entered the cave, and Xue Jingtu and An Ruoqi’s men’s feet followed.

However, they did not go to the trouble of Jiang Yun, but stayed near the cave.

Then, in all directions, there began to be a monk coming...

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