The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2008: Receive a younger brother

The sudden shock of all the secrets is just a flash, and most people are unaware.

Only the five people who have just discussed how to treat Jiang Yun, and Shura have made the Lord feel faint.

The faces of the six people are also slightly changed.

Because don't look at them, they have pretended to stop paying attention to Jiang Yun, but the six people's knowledge is secretly concerned about Jiang Yun.

Naturally, they also saw that Jiang Yun had just entered a desert secret, and then all the secrets had a shock, which made it easy for them to guess that this shock must be related to Jiang Yun.

Especially the middle-aged man was brows slightly, and said to himself: "Now, he should be the one we are looking for!"

"However, it is still necessary to observe for a while!"


Jiang Yun naturally does not know the vibration of all the secrets. His gaze is only to look at the vague figure that appears in front of him.

The figure also stood in the desert and slowly moved.

With his movements, the desert he was in was suddenly vacated, scattered into an independent sand, surrounded by his body, constantly circling and dancing!

Next, the man's palm began to make a variety of different prints, so that the surrounding sand sometimes condensed into various shapes, and sometimes turned into a variety of attacks.

Looking at the constant changes between the figure and the yellow sand, Jiang Yun’s face has already revealed the color of enlightenment.

This figure should be an image left by a strong person, the purpose is to guide others how to control the power of this sand!

And this is naturally one of the secrets in the secret!

After the fuzzy figure stopped, Jiang Yunwei hesitated, and there was a bit of silence in the palm of his hand, and he fell into the stone tablet.

Stone tablets, there is no slight reaction.

Jiang Yun took the palm of his hand back from the stone tablet and continued to make a circle in the secret. After confirming that there was no other chance, he turned and walked out.

"Big brother!"

Just when Jiang Yun just took this secret, a voice full of cordial calls suddenly sounded in his ear, so that his face could not help but look at the person who spoke.

It was the Shura people who had just been beaten by themselves!

At this moment, he was looking at Jiang Yundao with a smile: "Big Brother, you came out, I want to go to which secret place, I will take you there!"

The attitude of the other party’s sudden change made Jiang Yun’s mind not turn around at all, and he said: “What are you calling me?”

"Big brother!" Dahan smiled and said: "You are so powerful, qualified to be my big brother!"

"This..." Jiang Yun brows can not help but wrinkle: "We are an ordinary study, winning or losing is a common thing, you don't need it!"

"No no no!"

Dahan shook his head and said: "The big brother does not know, we Xiluo people and people fight, if defeated, there are only two consequences."

"One is to go back and continue to practice hard, wait until you become stronger, then find another person to avenge, not endless, until you can win!"

"Another kind of conviction is oral, and the enemy is a friend!"

The Shura people's acting style is so simple and straightforward that Jiang Yun is somewhat surprised.

However, compared to the endless death, Jiang Yun is naturally more willing to be a friend of the enemy.

Moreover, Jiang Yun read countless people, can be seen that this big man really wants to make friends with himself.

What's more, during the Shura period, he was able to make friends with the Shura people and help his actions. So Jiang Yun nodded and accepted the younger brother.

Seeing Jiang Yun promised, the smile on the face of Dahan is even more powerful: "Big Brother, where do you want to go, I will take you there!"

"Don't you want to stay here?" Jiang Yun glanced at the Dahan Road: "Can you leave at will?"

"Of course!" Dahan grinned and said: "This is not my errand. I am here, and I just want to talk to foreign monks!"

"When I leave, there will naturally be someone to take over my place!"

"Big brother, walk around, I will take you around!"

After that, the big man couldn't help but say that he even pulled Jiang Yun's arm forward and dragged him away.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but smile, and he could only let the other party pull away.

Although this big brother is a bit inexplicable, but from the mouth of Dahan, Jiang Yun still got a lot of useful news.

Let him have a more detailed understanding of the Shura people, especially the various secrets within them.

The mystery does have a hierarchy, and the criteria for distinction, besides the level of strength contained in it, depends on the number of opportunities.

Like the secret that Jiang Yun has just entered, although there are skills left by the predecessors to control the power of sand, it is only the lowest level of mystery.

The secret of the advanced point, not only will there be some treasures, but it is also possible to gain the power contained in it.

Even, it is said that among some secrets, there will be strong powers to sit down.

If you can be seen by the other party, it is possible to directly accept you as a disciple and point out your practice!

As for the Shura people, the power they own is called the power of war, but this is quite general.

After all, today's Shura people are made up of many ethnic groups, there is no way to subdivide them.

In addition, most of the Shura people will also repair several forces at the same time.

These forces naturally come from various secrets.

However, even if they are the masters of Shura Tian, ​​they cannot enter and leave the secrets at will.

Only when you reach a certain strength and have made a certain contribution to the ethnic group, are you eligible to enter some secrets.

It is only compared to the foreign monks who can only choose the secrets by luck. They can choose the secrets according to their own circumstances.

For example, this big man named Luo Guang, on identity, can also be regarded as the Tianjiao of the Shura.

Nowadays, in addition to its own fighting power, it also repairs three kinds of forces, and these three forces are related to the flesh.

In short, Luo Guang is equivalent to the physical training in the domain, and the strength of choice is also to constantly temper their own body.

Therefore, in the case of Jiang Yun’s previous suppression of the realm, he was able to fly him out with a single punch, so that he was really convinced, and he recognized Jiang Yun as his eldest brother.


Therefore, under the leadership of Luo Guang, Jiang Yun has gone through more than a dozen secrets in just one day.

And because of the accompaniment of Luo Guang, Jiang Yun was relieved of the trouble of being challenged by the Shura people who guarded the secret.

Once anyone wants to challenge Jiang Yun, Luo Guang will stand up and have a chest, so that those people can only helplessly give up.

Although the clouds hidden in each of the secrets, Jiang Yun did not look up, but there are some gains.

Now, Jiang Yun can understand why Shura has existed for so long, but there are still countless monks who are eager for it.

It is indeed very helpful for any monk to cultivate here.

Not to mention what foreign objects are obtained, but the skills and the methods of attack that are left by the seniors in the secret world will be greatly benefited.

However, for today's Jiang Yun, these things can bring him help, but it is not big.

Moreover, he is also looking for herbs that can cure snow.

Therefore, after waiting again from a secret environment, Jiang Yun confronted Luo Guangdao: "Brothers, it does not contradict each other, I come to Xiu Luotian, want to find some rare medicinal materials outside, do you have more plants?"

Luo Guang thought for a moment: "I don't know anything about medicinal materials, but if there are more plants in the secret, it can only be a cloud water secret!"

With the fall of Luo Guang’s voice, Jiang Yun suddenly looked up and looked at the front.

There was a Shura people there, tall, tiger-backed, staring at Jiang Yun with indifference, and a body of warfare!

And seeing this person, Luo Guang's face can not help but suddenly change!

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