The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2042: Castle

Three days after Jiang Yun left, a group of people came out again in Shura.

The number of people is not much, only about a hundred people, including Luo Guang and Ba Jiang!

Most of these 100 people are not old, but the weakest is the strength of the source and the five.

There are three strong people in Tianyuan, and the old man who is headed is the strongest.

Although such a lineup does not dare to say how strong it is, even those who take the family's arrogance and lord are not so good.

At this moment, many of the Shura people's faces are full of excitement and curiosity, one by one constantly turning their heads to look at the black lacquered seams around the week.

The Shura people adopt an attitude of avoiding the world. Although there are people who lurk in the stars, or go further afield to inquire about the news, and gain insight into the entire southwestern wilderness, and even the destruction of the domain, but it is only a very small number of people.

Nowadays, the hundred people who have come out of Shura Tian, ​​except for the old man and a Tianyuan strongman, are the first to leave Shurao!

It is unimaginable to put such a thing anywhere.

In the Taoist domain, Tianyou can leave the world and travel around.

The Taoist territory, in the Taoist domain, is the existence of the hegemonic level, and is able to open the existence of the school!

The Shura, the source of the Taiwanese powerhouse, did not even leave the world where they lived.

It can be imagined that the entire Shura has paid a price for the identity of the tenth family.

Naturally, this also makes Jiang Yun feel that he is worried about the Shura people's minds and hopes that they can join the WTO.

When these Shura people learned that they and others had to go to the war of medicine, all of them were like lightning strikes, completely standing on the spot and could not believe their ears.

There are even people who think that it will be a joke that the family is long and old and others.

Until now, they really left Shurao and finally realized that this is not a joke.

Although it was calm and calm on the face of the old man, he had left Shurao, but his heart was a little excited.

In the past, when she left Shura, she needed to change her face and hide her identity.

But this time is different!

This time, her task is to bring the Shura people behind them to the world, to let all the forces in the southwestern wilderness know a different Shura!

Deeply took a breath, the old man calmed his inner feelings and slowly said to the people behind him: "We, set off!"

Hundreds of Shura people immediately followed the other road and left the boundary of this Shuraotian and rushed to Danding.

Foreigners, even for the flying star world that is close to Xiu Luotian, do not know -

The Shura, this has been concealed for countless years of ethnic groups, this knife of the sinister family, will soon show his edge!


Dan Dingjie belongs to the Danyang family and is also the venue for the battle of drug wars.

However, only a few people with the heart know that after the first drug war began, this Dan Ding world appeared.

This Danding world is simply the world of the Danyang people who have opened up for the war of medicine!

Although there are fifteen wilderness areas in total, except for the Zhongji area and the Sixiang area, which belong to the two major royal families, the other eight wild areas are actually occupied by the major generals, and the situation is chaotic.

In short, each family wants to continue to grow their own power and have more land resources, so that their ethnic groups can be a big one in the wilderness, and become the owner of the entire wasteland.

The same is true of the Southwestern Wilderness.

The nine great generals are all looking for various reasons to achieve their own goals.

The war of medicine is a way that the Danyang people came up with in such a situation.

At the beginning, the other eight generals, all the monks in the southwestern wilderness, did not care much about the war of medicine.

However, under the impetus of the Danyang people, the influence of the drug **** warfare is getting bigger and bigger, and the eight great generals will no longer be willing to let the Danyang tribes monopolize this drug **** battle.

Therefore, the eight major generals also sent people to come forward, and asked the Danyang people to jointly fight the drug **** battle and share a piece of cake.

Although the Danyang people have their heart, they are not likely to contend with the Eight Great Clan. They can only accept it.

Fortunately, the Danyang nationality is the refining and medicine family, and even controls nearly half of the entire southwestern wilderness area of ​​the sale and distribution of the drug, so it is still in a dominant position in the battle of the drug god.

In this case, other families will also be helpless.

After all, the ethnic group is not a sect.

Among the Zongmen, almost all the disciples come from all directions, and it is easy to divide the Zongmen with a certain price.

But the ethnic group, all the people have the same blood.

Even if there are inconsistencies in the interior, they will still be in a group if they encounter foreign enemies.

Ethnic interests are always above personal interests.

Therefore, other families will only be able to find the refining pharmacists and the ethnic groups behind them in the dark.

I dare not say that I can compete with the Danyang people, but at least reduce the Danyang people's control over the drug.

It is this purpose that the greedy wolf family always wants to turn the Tianxiang people into their own slaves.

Although most of the refining pharmacists who came to participate in the battle of the drug gods came from certain fixed ethnic groups, the drug gods fought once in a hundred years.

In the past 100 years, no one can guarantee the birth of a genius in a certain ethnic group.

Coupled with the vast area of ​​the Southwestern Wilderness, even the Nine is not always aware of the development of each ethnic group.

Therefore, now that the war of medicine has begun to appear, there are already a large number of ethnic groups and monks in the Danding world. Therefore, the major generals have also begun to send out ethnic groups and go around to find some suitable targets.

The Tianxiang people entered the Danding world at this time.

Tianxiang is famous for its three-acre land where Tianxiang is located, but it is not even known to many people in the entire Southwestern wilderness.

However, this time is different.

This time, behind the Tianxiang people, there are four major families who are stalking, and such an abnormal situation naturally attracts the attention of the other five major families.

Although they do not know what the four majors are staring at the Tianxiang people, but since the other people are staring, they will naturally not be willing to be behind.

Therefore, while the other five major families also sent people to the Tianxiang people, they also secretly began to investigate the reasons.

The Tianxiang people simply don’t know, and they don’t even think that their own group, which is not very eye-catching, will cause attention to the nine overlords of the Southwestern Wilderness.

Of course, if you know the reason, they can only helplessly, and whoever causes the trouble is their main lord!

Tianxiang people did not participate in the drug **** war twice, and it was a light road for Danding. So after entering Danding, they went directly to a familiar inn and lived in.

Dan Dingjie is not like the flying star world.

The space of the stars is a place where all ethnic groups want to occupy a place. Therefore, there are many cities and complex forces.

And behind the Danding world, there are Danyang people, so one world is a city, enough to accommodate hundreds of millions of people!

This time, the Tianxiang people sent a total of twenty people.

After all, participating in the war of drugs, there will be no danger, even if there is danger, even if the whole family is dispatched, the Tianxiang people will not play much of a role.

At this time, there are still a few days away from the beginning of the war of medicine.

As the place where the medicine **** war is held, Dan Dingjie is also very prosperous, especially the richness of various herbs, far surpassing other worlds.

In addition, Ye Danqiong lacks a few flavors for the medicinal herbs needed for Xueqing treatment.

Therefore, after being settled, under the conviction of Ye Danqiong, Ye Zhiqiu took Ye Younan and other ethnic groups and went to the city.

At the same time as buying medicines, it is also to open the eyes of everyone.

Just as Ye Zhiqiu left the inn, Jiang Yun has already embarked on the last transmission to the Danding world!

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