The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2108: He does not dare to kill

Jiang Yun looked at the empty Xuanyan Grottoes exit, and couldn’t help but secretly said: "It’s so strong, these two people have already reached the peak of Tianyuan, and it’s really the two strongest masters in the Southwestern wilderness!"

Just after Xue Jingyang and Tu Jianlin left, the last blow was to hold the idea of ​​killing Jiang Yun. Naturally, there was no possession of private possession, and all the power was used, so that Jiang Yun knew the true strength of the two.

If it is not Jiang Yun who can control the haze here, and with the help of a lot of haze, then he is likely to be directly killed by the attack of these two people.

Xue Jingyang's power of Danyang is fire, and these haze are simply the condensation of Xuanyin's gas, which is just the nemesis of fire, so it can easily extinguish the fire phoenix.

The sword of the sword, the haze is incapable of extinction, and Jiang Yun can only use the Xuanyin order to block it.

At the same time that Jiang Yun and the two strongest and few masters have played against each other, other people have already demonstrated their powers and have taken all the strengths.

They madly resisted the yin army that wanted to drown themselves and others, and walked desperately toward the exit.

Although they all hate Jiang Yun, but at this moment, don't talk about attacking Jiang Yun, even self-protection is a problem.

Those weaker monks, after realizing that they could not rush to export with their strength, had to hate and crush the Xuan Yin order in their hands.

Around the square of the inner city, the audience have all widened their eyes, and they are completely shocked by everything that happened in the Xuanyan Cave.

Especially the Xuan Yin people, it is the color of fear.

Even the Nangong Dream, once again emerged from nothingness, his brow furrowed, his eyes fixed on the figure of Jiang Yun in the picture.

Because they also saw it, Jiang Yun clearly can control those haze!

They were still wondering why, no matter how powerful, the hidden haze hidden by Jiang Yun will be easily discovered by Jiang Yun and killed by one blow.

Now they finally understand that since Jiang Yun can control the haze, it is naturally easier to kill them.

However, this is not good news for the Xuan Yin people!

Haze, the threat of foreign monks is not great, but the Xuan Yin people have a huge threat, just like the natural enemies of the Xuan Yin.

In fact, the reason why the Xuan Yin people's mysterious women's trials are to be held in the Xuanyin Grottoes, the real purpose is to use the hands of foreign monks to kill those haze!

The Xuanyin Cave contains the source of the power of the Xuanyin family, and the haze is born under the influence of the source of power. Every 100 years, the number of haze will reach a saturation.

At this time, it is necessary to kill these haze and prevent them from rushing out of the Xuanyan Cave.

Xuanyin also can not often let foreign monks enter the Xuanyin Cave to help kill the haze, so simply put the place of the Xuan female trials in Xuanyan Grottoes.

Now, there is a cloud that can control the haze, a natural enemies for the haze. If he further takes these haze out of the Xuanyin Cave, it will be for the Xuanyin. A nightmare.

So at this time, Nangong Dream had the idea of ​​quickly closing the Xuanyan Cave.

However, when she saw the Nangong Huaiyu, who was full of nervousness, she had to dispel this thought.

If you really close the Xuanyin Cave now and let Jiang Yun fall into it, then your daughter will definitely hate it forever!

After Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian came out, a group of people began to appear on the square.

Everyone is almost unfaced and has a lingering heart.

As a monk, facing life and death, although it is commonplace, but thinking of the moment, the endless haze of encirclement, let them have gone through the horror experience of the ghost gate, or let their hearts burst into a cold.

Especially those female members of the Xuanyin family, do not look at their strength, the courage is not inferior to men, but in the face of the haze, they simply have no chance to fight back.

Naturally, at this moment, they are also hateful to Jiang Yun. Looking at the Jiang Yun in the picture, all of them are gnashing their teeth!

But at this moment, there is a big voice that sounds: "You don't think about it. If my big brother really wants to kill you, no one can live out!"

This voice was clearly introduced into everyone's ears, and the people who had just escaped from the heart trembled, turned around and looked around, his face showing a thoughtful color.

Because they found out, all the people in the ninth floor of the Xuan Yin Grottoes, except Jiang Yun, have all escaped.

Although they would rather believe that they are waiting for someone to escape from the Xuan Yin Order, they are escaping from their own strength, but they have to admit that this big trick is telling the truth.

The endless haze, even the stronger who is comparable to the return to the source, if they really want to kill them, are they likely to escape?

Jiang Yun, they are merciful to them!

"He doesn't want to kill, but he doesn't dare to kill, can't kill!"

However, there is another voice that sounds: "If he really dared to kill us all, then as long as he left the Xuan Yin women's world, he will die!"

Talking is the sword!

Although Jiang Yun, who had just been forced by a sword, had to use Xuan Yin to resist, but he did not kill Jiang Yun, he was still a little worried.

At this moment, naturally, I don't want other people to weaken the hatred for Jiang Yun.

The words of Tu Jian did not get too many people's response.

Because Tu Jian is killing a lot of foreign monks in Xuanyin Grottoes, many Xuanyin people have lost the opportunity to pass the trial.

Now, the family and friends of these foreign monks, as well as those of the Xuan Yin people, are watching him evilly.

Ba Jiang and Luo Guang both disdained and grinned. Even Nangong Huaiyu looked at Tu Jian with a strange look.

Jiang Yun does not dare to kill?

The seven great generals of the Tianjiao people, Xue Jingyang's younger brother, died in his hands. In the southwestern wilderness, is there anyone he dares not to kill?

"How can this picture not be seen clearly!"

Just then, someone exclaimed.

The only picture on the original square, so that everyone can clearly see the behavior of Jiang Yun.

But now, this picture is incomparably blurred. It is really like water, which makes the body of Jiang Yun's body become distorted, even if the Nangong dream can no longer be seen clearly.

This change has nothing to do with foreign monks, but the Xuan Yin people have suddenly changed their face.

The reason why they want to make everything that happened in the Xuanyan Grottoes is clearly presented, one is to protect their people, and the other is to know all the movements of all foreign monks in it.

After all, in the Xuanyin Grottoes, they have the power of their Xuan Yin people, Xuan Yinzhu!

Although it is reasonable to say that foreign monks can not find Xuanyin beads, but Jiang Yun is different!

Because the guardian of Xuanyinzhu is also a haze!

"This kid, he said that he came to help Huaiyu. He wanted to ask Huaiyu to help him. His real purpose is not to want to enter Xuanyan Cave, for Xuanyinzhu?"

Nangong dream, the mood of the strong man who is in the virtual world, is also a bit messy at this moment.

Even, she could not wait to enter the Xuanyin Cave immediately to see what Jiang Yun is doing.

Unfortunately, she can't!

As a patriarch, she cannot enter the Xuanyin Cave alone, and cannot be close to the Xuanyin Bead.

Therefore, she can only wait patiently with others.

At the moment, the ninth floor of Xuanyin Grottoes is silent.

Jiang Yun, still standing in the same place, did not move, his four around gathered a lot of haze.

However, these haze, no matter what shape, have all gone in one direction, swaying their bodies and shaking slightly.

Because, in that direction, there was a white-haired old man who was watching Jiang Yun!

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