The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2111: I have opinions

Previously, Jiang Yun used his body to bring out a lot of Xuanyin's gas, and achieved the first place in the first round. Many people thought that he might have the power to fight with Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian. .

But at this moment, after seeing the realm of Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian's ascension, these people immediately rejected their own ideas!

Jiang Yun, the source of the territory is nine.

Although he won the Xuanyin gas far more than Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian, but the power of Xuan Yin's transformation into power, I am afraid it is still not enough to make his realm also reach the half-step back to the source!

There is a huge gap between the great realms of the monks' practice. Even if the Xuanyin people rely on the sinister yin, they can make the repairs temporarily improve, but this kind of improvement must also follow the rules of practice!

It is not difficult to upgrade from Tianyuan to Tianyuan. However, if you want to upgrade from Tianyuan to Jiyuan, it is difficult to go to heaven.

Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian, the real realm has reached the source of heaven and earth. Now with the help of these sinister yin, it is still unable to fill the gap into the source, and can only be regarded as a half-step source.

It is also extremely difficult for Jiang Yun to move from the source platform to the heavenly source.

Even if Jiang Yun can pass the gully, he can also reach the half-step return, but the strength of Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian are far superior to the same level, how can Jiang Yun compare with them!

Therefore, Jiang Yun still does not have the slightest chance of winning!

This idea, let Nangongfei and other Xuanyin people who belong to Nangong Wuyue and Nangong Temple, and let go of their hearts.

Finally, Jiang Yun and Nangong Huaiyu respectively took the square!

The elders of the Xuanyin family waved, and ten pieces of Xuanyin ordered the Qiqi to explode. The turbulent sin of the sinister yin, all of which were all made into the lines of the sky, were divided into two, first poured into the Nangong Huaiyu's body.


The lines of the body entered, the body of Nangong Huaiyu trembled a little, and a breath suddenly filled out, and her cultivation began to climb.

Nangong Huaiyu was originally the source of the Eight Diagrams, and the moment of effort, it has already entered the nine!


Then, with the sound of an explosion coming out of her body, she entered the heavens.

Moreover, her breath continued to climb until she reached the Tianyuan triple, which stopped.

Everyone looked at Nangong Huaiyu with a dull gaze. I didn't expect the amount of Xuanyin's gas that Jiang Yun had obtained. It really filled the huge gap between Yuantai and Tianyuan.

If this time the Xuan female trial, without the emergence of Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian, then Nangong Huaiyu will definitely become the ultimate mysterious woman.

Nangong Wuyue and Nangong Yu’s faces could not help but reveal the color of luck. They secretly thanked the two of them for bringing in the two strongest masters.

Otherwise, they simply can't compete with Nangong Huaiyu.

I feel the change of my own cultivation. Although I know that this is only temporary, the face of Nangong Huaiyu still shows excitement.

However, her excitement just passed away, and she quickly looked at Jiang Yun beside her.

Although Jiang Yun has not absorbed the runes, but everyone has been able to speculate through the growth of Nangong Huaiyu, Jiang Yun can only promote the realm to Tianyuan triple or quadruple, not at all. It is the opponent of Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian.


Under the gaze of everyone, all the remaining lines are pouring into the body of Jiang Yun.


Almost at the moment of the influx of lines, Jiang Yun’s body has a roaring sound, and it has already broken through to the heavenly source!

And then, Jiang Yun's breath was soaring at a faster rate than Nangong Huaiyu, and all the way to the Tianyuan Sixth Realm stopped!

This result has also made many people feel puzzled.

"Strange, his real realm is only one level higher than Nangong Huaiyu. How can the realm of promotion be more than three in the Nangong Huaiyu?"

"It should be because his realm is already at the peak of the source, and it is only one step away from Tianyuan."

"Yes, that gully, he has already filled in more than half of the real world. Going to Jinzhou, there is so much influx of Xuanyin, so he can upgrade to Tianyuan Liuzhong!"

Although the realm of Jiang Yun’s ascension has indeed given everyone an accident, but for the result of this mysterious woman’s trial, everyone is no longer surprised.

At this time, the elders of the Xuan Yin family screamed: "The rules of the second round of trials are challenges!"

"Any group can challenge other groups at will, as long as two wins..."

Suddenly, someone interrupted the elder’s words: "Why should this be so troublesome, this final winner is better to decide between me and Xue Xiong directly!"

The person who speaks is the sword!

Although his manners and words are extremely arrogant, they make it impossible for people to refute because he is telling the truth!

Anyway, there is only one person in the mysterious woman, and among the nine groups, the strength of the sword and Xue Jingyang is the strongest. Then the two of them win the other side. Whoever helps the Xuanyin people is bound to be the ultimate mysterious woman.

The Xuanyin elders looked at Nangong Dream and asked her for advice. The eyes of Nangong Dream were watching Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun, without saying a word.

In desperation, Nangong dream can only say: "If there is no opinion from other people who test, then follow the sword..."

"I have opinions!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun finally opened his mouth and interrupted the words of Nangong Dream!

By Jiang Yun interrupted the words, Nangong dream was not angry, but the eyes showed light, watching Jiang Yundao: "Oh? Do you have any opinions?"

Not waiting for Jiang Yun to open, but Tu Jian shook his head and smiled slightly: "Sorry, I forgot you, so I will lose money, solve you first, and compete with Xue Xiong." Let's go!"

Jiang Yun looked at him with a faint look: "I also feel that each one is a challenge, too much trouble, so I suggest that it is better for me to accept the challenge of all of you!"

"You, can be together!"

Jiang Yun’s voice fell, and the vast inner city of Xuanyin was succumbed to death, but then there was a burst of crazy laughter!

Laughter naturally comes from the sword!

After the sword, more and more laughter began to spread from the surrounding crowd.

Even Xue Jingyang, who has always been like an outsider, has a scornful smile on his face and gently shakes his head.

Jiang Yun’s suggestion is beyond the expectations of everyone, and everyone thinks that Jiang Yun should be crazy.

Even the Nangong Huaiyu, Bajiang and Luo Guang are all horrified.

They are extremely admired for Jiang Yun, but this worship is not blind.

If Jiang Yun is only going to single out one of Xue Jingyang and Tu Jianzhong, they believe that Jiang Yun should win, but at the same time challenge the two, there is really no chance of winning.

Tu Jian laughed and leaned forward, and there were tears in his eyes. He pointed his finger at Jiang Yundao: "I really laughed at me, now I don't want to kill you."

"I want to take you as a slave, when you are fine, you can tease me!"

The brow of Nangong Dream is also wrinkled tightly, and there is even a hint of anger on his face.

Although she knows the true identity of Jiang Yun, she is also well aware of what Jiang Yun did in the battle of the drug god, but at this time, Jiang Yun said something like a play.

No matter what purpose he is, but at least he did not try to test the mysterious woman, or that he did not put Nangong Huaiyu in his heart!

Jiang Yun defeated, even if he was killed, it does not matter, but his practice will completely ruin the hope of Nangong Huaiyu becoming a mysterious girl!

In the face of the laughter of everyone, Jiang Yun's face is still extremely calm, and even closed his eyes slightly, seems to be waiting for everyone to laugh enough.

Tu Jian laughed and slammed into the front of Jiang Yun: "I am very curious, why do you think you are qualified to accept our challenge?"

Jiang Yun slowly opened his eyes and looked at Tu Jiandao: "You can't take my sword!"

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