The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2113: Xue Xueyang

Looking at Jiang Yun, who has restored his true appearance, everyone is deeply shocked and also has a lot of thoughts.

Someone has been admiring Jiang Yun for a long time.

Because Jiang Yun has done a lot of people who dare not do it for a lifetime, even things that they can't even think about.

Although they already knew the appearance of Jiang Yun, they really saw it at the moment.

In particular, Jiang Yuncai just clicked and killed the sword sword with a sword, and forced the sword and the patriarch's sacred consciousness, which naturally made these people's hearts full of excitement.

Sure enough, it is a well-deserved name!

Some people are turning their thoughts in the dark, and their eyes are not showing good intentions.

Today, the six major generals can still be effective against Jiang Yun’s wanted order.

If you can catch Jiang Yun, or kill Jiang Yun, then this rich reward will be owned by you.

However, let's not say that the difficulty of killing Jiang Yun is so great. There is a Xue Jingyang who has a deep hatred and a hatred of Jiang Yun.

Xue Jingyang can let go of Jiang Yun!

For the thoughts of everyone around, Jiang Yun can naturally guess.

Originally, he did not want to reveal his true identity, but he also knew very well that if he wants to help Nangong Huaiyu become a mysterious woman today, he must first solve one of Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian!

With a pair of two, he will lose!

Through his analysis of the strength of the two, although the two seem to be inconsistent, but Xue Jingyang should be higher, so he decided to solve the sword.

Of course, if you want to kill the sword master, Jiang Yun also knows that it is unlikely.

Therefore, he can only use the help of the illusion and Shurao sword to force out the saga of the sword and the patriarch, and successfully rid the sword.

At the same time, he also wants to test the Nangong Dream!

Before the Nangong Dream, Jiang Yun promised that as long as Jiang Yun can do everything he can to make Nangong Huaiyu a mysterious woman, then she will guarantee the safety of Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun believes that he should not deceive himself as a Nangong dream, he has always been cautious, but he did not dare to take risks. Therefore, he took the opportunity to test the Nangong dream!

Fortunately, Nangong Dream did not let him down.

When the sword and the patriarch's genius appeared and was ready to attack Jiang Yun, Nangong dream did not hesitate to shoot!

In this way, Jiang Yun naturally does not mind revealing his true identity!

Nowadays, as long as you defeat Xue Jingyang and let Nangong Huaiyu become a mysterious woman, then you can ask Nangong Huaiyu to introduce the drum.

Once the drums appear, they are completely safe!

Because the two royal families have regulations, for any group that wants to be promoted to the generals, as long as they can ask for the drums, then even if the final promotion fails, no ethnic group can shoot this group during the whole promotion process.

Especially the family, it can only be onlookers!

This rule is naturally to prevent the crowd from being secretly smothered by other ethnic groups.

But now, it is the biggest umbrella for Jiang Yun!

Now, from the real goal of Jiang Yun, there is only one obstacle left, that is, Xue Jingyang in front of me!

At this moment, Xue Jingyang is also watching Jiang Yun, his face and eyes are all extremely calm.

To be honest, although his third brother died in the hands of Jiang Yun, although he also knew his father's glimpse of the gods, it was broken by Jiang Yun's hard force to destroy the Dan Ding world.

However, for Jiang Yun, he has no hate.

Because, in his eyes, no one can be his opponent.

Even the sword that is the same as him is, in his opinion, just a coward.

No one knows that Xue Jingyang's vision is not limited to this remote southwestern wasteland.

His goal is that the far-off Central Pole is the two royals who are high above.

Even, he wants to make his Danyang family the third largest royal family in his lifetime.

Therefore, he will come to participate in this Xuan Yin nationality Xuan female trial, help Nangong no moon to become a mysterious woman, and then slowly eat into the power of Xuanyin.

After the control of the Xuanyin family, the strength of the two great generals will be assembled, and he will begin his expansion plan to gradually eliminate other generals.

Until the unification of this southwestern wasteland, let this southwestern wasteland become the Danyang wilderness.

At that time, he had the power to compete with the royal family in the middle pole area.

It can be imagined that a little-known Jiang Yun can be the object of his hatred.

However, at this moment, this Jiang Yun has also become an obstacle in front of him, blocking an obstacle to his first step in success.

Therefore, he must kill Jiang Yun and let Nangong become a mysterious woman!


There is no extra language, Xue Jingyang's eyebrows, a fire phoenix has reappeared, opened his mouth, and spurted a cloud of fire toward Jiang Yun.

Xue Jingyang, the first shot!

In the twinkling of an eye, the rest of the square had already retired and gave it to Jiang Yun and Xue Jingyang.

Everyone knows well, and now everyone in the Xuanyin's mysterious women's trials, including Nangong Huaiyu and Nangong Wuyue, have become supporting roles.

The victory and defeat between Jiang Yun and Xue Jingyang will determine the final result of this mysterious woman trial.

This fact makes Nangong Dream and many Xuanyin people all face helplessness.

In particular, Nangong Dream is a deep look at Nangong Huaiyu and Nangong Wuyue, both of whom are under the color of concern.

Although the Xuanyin people have no young masters, only the mysterious women, but these two will soon become candidates for the mysterious woman, compared to other leaders of the family -

Poor, it is not a general far.

The overall strength of the Xuan Yin people, among the nine major families, this is the bottom!

"Now I am alive, but I can still let the Xuanyin family maintain the position of the family. But if I am dead, Huaiyu, she can still shoulder this important task, can the Xuanyin family continue to be in the family?"

Shaking his head secretly, Nangong dream's gaze removed from his daughter's body and looked at Jiang Yun.

"If there is Jiang Yun help, then maybe..."


The idea of ​​Nangong Dream was interrupted by an explosion.

The fireball spurted out by the fire phoenix exploded in the air and turned into a flame arrow. With the sound of whistling, it radiated endless heat and went straight to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun also raised his hand, and under the illusion of imaginary, there were countless flames, and they turned into a fire, and they greeted the arrows of fire.

"Not self-reliant!"

Xue Jingyang’s heart flashed this thought.

On how to play with fire, how can Jiang Yun be his opponent, not to mention that Jiang Yun’s realm is three levels worse than himself.


The fire and the rocket completely collided.

The smog and the Martians cover the sky, but Jiang Yun and Xue Jingyang, both of them, are still standing still.

The first round of the two hands, is actually not the same!

Naturally, this has also caused countless people to exclaim: "This Jiang Yun, with the strength of Tianyuan six, can fight halfway back to the source?"

Originally, Jiang Yun was not an opponent for Xue Jingyang, so he would absorb a lot of Xuanyin in the Xuanyin Cave, in order to improve his strength as much as possible.

Switching to other Tianyuan six-fold monks, it is impossible to be a half-step opponent.

However, Jiang Yun has embarked on the road of cultivation. The strength is not only incomparable to the same level, but also almost always maintains the powerful strength of being able to cross the enemy in a big realm.

Tianyuan’s six-folder, he’s half-step back to the source, more than enough.

Moreover, he also has the best way to deal with Xue Jingyang!

With the disappearance of the rocket and the fire, this time, it is Jiang Yun’s turn to take the initiative!


Around the clouds, there is a sudden wind!

These winds are all black, ubiquitous, bursting under the whirlwind, turning into a storm, sweeping all directions.

Not only did it blow away the flames and smoke of the sky, but it also blew the shock of everyone!

Because in this wind, there are countless... haze!

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