The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2127: Will drum

The two looks are very similar to Jiang Yun, but the figure and temperament have different figures!

That is the two bodies of Jiang Yun, the body and the thunder!

These two Taoist bodies, together with Jiang Yun’s deity, are three Jiang Yun, standing next to the drums, which are in the triangle and will lead the drums.

Then, the three men raised their hands and smashed the drums that led the drums!

Whether it is a avatar or a Taoist priest, it is not a strange thing for a monk who is ruined, but anyone with a certain strength has his own avatar.

Especially those strong and strong, their avatars are stronger than the deity.

It is like the ancestors of the three patriarchs who are standing behind Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun summoned the avatars. They didn't feel strange. Even if Jiang Yun had two avatars, they could all accept it.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun actually let him together with his two avatars to knock the drums together to fulfill what he had just said.

He had to use enough drums to let the remaining six unwilling to stand up and recognize his family, and had to show up.

This is beyond the expectations of everyone.

What more people think is, is Jiang Yun’s practice not a violation?

After all, among the monks who have traditionally slammed the drums, no one has ever been like Jiang Yun, combined with the power of the avatar to ring the drums!


Among the shocks and doubts of the people, the three Jiang Yun, each of them have made three punches!

Taoist, this is all Jiang Yun.

Under the Trinity, actions are also made at the same time.

Therefore, it is clearly a sound of nine drums, but it is a drum sound!

Nine in one!

The strong anti-shock power contained in the drum sound is beyond the imagination of all.

Especially for Jiang Yun and his two avatars, this power is just like a huge wave, and the rushing into their bodies.


Under the influx of this terrorist force, Jiang Yun and the body of the Taoist body seemed to have turned into three small boats in the stormy waves. After a slight tremor, they suddenly went backwards toward the rear.

The three figures each quit three steps away, and even after stopping, the three bodies were still shaking.

It is not difficult to see that they have each been injured!

The separation of the three tyrants, such as Nangong Dream, was also affected by the power of drums.

Fortunately, their respective strengths are strong to the extreme, so their respective forces of operation, this power can be easily resolved.

Just three people looking at Jiang Yun's eyes are full of horror.

"This Jiang Yun is really crazy!"

This idea has once again become a common idea in everyone's mind!

However, they also want to see more now. This is another nine drums. Will the drums recognize the behavior of Jiang Yun’s use of the sound of the drums, and will force the big generals to stand. Come out and recognize Jiang Yun!

Everyone's eyes are firmly focused on the drums, and no one will go to see Jiang Yun.

The six major generals, such as Danyang, went up to the patriarch and went down to the tribe. Everyone’s face was gloomy and terrible.

As a family, they are high in this southwestern wilderness, and no one dares to provoke.

However, this Jiang Yun, again and again, provokes them not to count, and now it is in this way, to force them to stand up and recognize him!

Now, their only hope is that Jiang Yun’s behavior is not cited and recognized by the drums!

At the moment, Jiang Yun, although watching the drums in the same way, although the body is still shaking slightly, the chest is violently ups and downs, but there is an amazing light in the depths of his eyes.


Under the gaze of everyone, the golden guide also gave a slight sway of the drum, and above the drumhead, began to gradually light up the golden light!

Looking at the reaction of the drums, the horror of all faces is thicker!

The face of the six major ethnic groups is even more ugly.

Because this means that the drum will start to start soon, which means that Jiang Yun’s behavior by drumming the drums is in line with the rules!

Many people who are not ethnic groups, after seeing this scene, although still horrified on the face, but there is a bit more ecstasy.

Because, Jiang Yun's behavior, they also found a relatively simple road to worship!

There are also arrogance among their families, and Tianjiao also cultivates and has avatars.

If they can also be like Jiang Yun, they will also be sent by the deity and the singer to sing the drums. Even if the other people disagree, they can force them to appear.

After all, relying on the deity, you need to knock out twenty-seven drums to qualify for the worship, but if you have two avatars, you only need to knock out nine drums to get the qualifications.

The difficulty of the two, but there is a world of difference!


Finally, after the golden light above the drumhead was illuminated to the extreme, it suddenly rose into the sky and shot a golden beam of light, illuminating this dark space!

It is clear from the entire southwestern wasteland that this beam of light has even left the space and illumined in a certain direction.

That direction seems to be the direction of the greedy wolf!

Among the tribes of the greedy wolf, a golden pillar of light descends from the sky, and stands in the top of the earth, like the pillar of the true golden golden pillar!

Looking at this pillar, the greedy wolf will have all the ethnic groups, the blood of the eyes is bright, and the heavy sighs in the throat vent their extreme anger and dissatisfaction.

In particular, the patriarch of the greedy wolf family, one turned into the same phase, the black greedy wolf with a size of three feet, and the sharp fangs of the mouth were squeaky.

The greedy wolf will be a fierce name in the southwestern wilderness, and almost dare to be an enemy of all ethnic groups.

Just now, he couldn’t help but swear by Jiang Yun’s behavior, thinking that Jiang Yun could not force the strength of the family.

But now, this golden beam of light immediately appeared in his ethnic group and appeared in front of him.

Let him only feel that his wolf face is a dull pain, as if he had been fanned by a palm.

Although he really did not want to recognize Jiang Yun, he did not dare to disobey the command of the drum.

After all, that is the rule set by the two major royals.

Even though his greedy wolf is quite arrogant, in front of the two great emperors, it is just an ant.

If the golden light column disappeared before the golden light column disappeared, no one appeared in the black space where the drum was placed, then the light column would violently explode and instantly destroy their entire greedy wolf. Family.


Behind Jiang Yun, there is a shadow again, it is a black greedy wolf!

The greedy wolf family finally became the first general to be forced by Jiang Yun with strength and forced to recognize it!

Although everyone has already known the result, they watched the greedy wolf and showed up the patriarch, and they still couldn’t help but breathe.

Because, this also represents that the six majors in the confrontation with Jiang Yun, has been defeated by Jiang Yun once again.

With the emergence of the greedy wolf, as long as Jiang Yun can continue to knock out enough drums, then the remaining five major families will inevitably appear behind him.

The five major families have long been unaware of how to describe their current mood.

They can only hope that Jiang Yun will not be able to continue to knock out enough drums, so that their family face will at least keep a little.

As for the shameful face of the greedy wolf, let him lose it, anyway, the greedy wolf, just the demon!

The **** ruler turned to look at the greedy wolf beside him, and suddenly remembered the words that Jiang Yun had said to her.

"You will appear sooner or later!"

This made the blood of the blood gauge can not help but be shocked, said: "At that time, this Jiang Yun has made up his mind, let the nine great generals, Qi Qi appeared to recognize him?"

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