The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2131: Source station crash

Jiang Yun was caught in a coma because he was too hurt!

This result, although somewhat dramatic, is also expected by most monks in the Southwestern Wilderness!

The force of the anti-seismic force of the drum is just like the tide. One wave after another hits Jiang Yun’s body, and many of the weaker monks who are outside are injured.

If you are really in the space, I am afraid that it may be directly killed.

It can be imagined that this power is terrible!

And Jiang Yun can support it until now, this strength is already very valuable.

However, it is a pity that Jiang Yun fell into a coma at this time.

Especially even in a coma, Jiang Yun’s body still stands there.

This scene is a tragic scene, which is seen by everyone, and it is inevitable that they will regret Jiang Yun in their hearts.

Only the last one, Jiang Yun will be able to beat the sound of eighty-one drums, so that the nine great generals of the entire Southwestern wilderness, whether they are willing or not, must appear behind him and recognize him. Strength, recognition of the qualifications of Jiang Yun's ethnic group defeat!

If such a scene appears, what will it be shocking!

By that time, Jiang Yun's harvest was not only the qualification of his ethnic group to become a nationality, but the real name of the southwestern wilderness, and even the entire destruction.

And his deeds can be passed on through the ages!

With one's own strength, when it is introduced, it will forcefully criticize all the generals in the southwestern desert. This is a very beautiful thing!

However, after all, it is a glimpse!

Nangong dream shook his head gently, and could not help but raise a remorse.

"If Jiang Yun knocked out three drums for the first time, I took the initiative to help him save some strength. Now, he should have enough strength to knock out this last ring, enough for the nine majors. All showed up."

The eyes of Nangong Huaiyu have been filled with fog.

If possible, she really wants to give her strength to Jiang Yun, let Jiang Yun knock out the last drum.

Bajiang and Luo Guang are still in the Xuanyin.

At the beginning, they didn't know what Jiang Yun was doing, but later Xuanyin people told them that they understood.

However, compared with other people's feelings of regret and sympathy for Jiang Yun, they are holding their fists tightly, and there is only a deeper reverence for Jiang Yun.

What's wrong with the drums!

Jiang Yun has done things that almost everyone can't do, enough to make them proud and proud.

Indeed, the Shura and Tianxiang people, these two ethnic groups, millions of ethnic groups, all looked up at their Lord in the Shura days!

Although the vast majority of them do not know that Jiang Yun is their main esteem, at least they know that Jiang Yun and their two ethnic groups have a very close relationship.

What Jiang Yun is doing now is also a huge glory for them!

In the middle of the seam, he was rushing to Shura of the Xuanyin women's world at the fastest speed. Looking at the silent Jiang Yun, his eyes flashed through the eye-catching light.

"Lord, you have done enough, it is time to take a rest, wait until you insist on the election, and when it is time to fight, give it to us!"

After seeing the process of Jiang Yun's ringing and drumming, and knowing what he knew, Shura realized that the process of worshipping the Buddha must have changed.

Therefore, he also specifically asked someone to ask about it, and learned about the changes in the worship today, which is much more difficult than it was at the beginning.

However, Jiang Yun is still almost the ultimate, and his strong man who is in the virtual world must naturally do his own.

All the monks in the southwestern wilderness, only the people of the Danyang family, were completely relieved at this time.

Their face is finally saved!

The nine major generals, only their Danyang people were not forced out by Jiang Yun.

Whatever the reason, but at least in their minds, think that the Danyang people are stronger than others.

However, this did not reduce their hatred for Jiang Yun.

Every Danyang tribe, looking at Jiang Yun’s eyes, still has a strong murder.


Among the creation royals, the middle-aged man was also watching Jiang Yun, rubbing his chin, his brow slightly wrinkled: "This kid is a pity!"

"However, unfortunately, it is a pity that I can't help but know that I shouldn't take it to me."

"Now you can't say it, you have to go to the southwestern wasteland in person. After all, when we choose the road, our royal family must have it!"

"I don't know, this time the light and dark people will send out who will go on this road, will it be boring!"

Shaking his head, the middle-aged man rose up and raised his hand, ready to break up the picture of the light from the twelve-faced drum.

But his palm just had to be swung, but it suddenly stopped, and the eyes of the eyes once again burst into a dazzling light, watching Jiang Yun deeply.


Although Jiang Yun has been in a coma, even if it is a Nangong dream, it is impossible to go forward to help Jiang Yun, or to wake him up.

They can only wait for the drum to disappear on its own, waiting for the end of the process.

This time has not lasted for too long.

After Jiang Yun was in a coma, it was only a moment, and the light on the drum had once again slowly illuminated the golden light.

Looking at the light, everyone is regrettable or excited, and it is a long breath.

Anyway, this lead will be coming to an end.

However, at this moment, from the stunned body of Jiang Yun, there was a scream of dull roar!

The sound of this roaring sounded, and everyone in the wilderness of the Southwest was heard clearly.

Most people are confused and don't know what it is and what it means.

Some people think that this may be caused by the increase in Jiang Yun’s injuries.

However, the avatars of the eight tyrants standing behind Jiang Yun, after hearing the roar, were under a slight glimpse, and the complexion changed at the same time: "This is, this is the source station broken. the sound of!"

With their powerful strength, of course, we can hear that the sound of Jiang Yun’s body is clearly the sound of the source rupture!

The voices of eight people sounded almost at the same time.

Because of the shock in their hearts, they also made their voices not weaker than the drums that had stopped. Naturally, they were clearly introduced into the ears of everyone in the Southwestern wilderness.

There are two possibilities for the source station to be broken. One is that the injury is too heavy, and the other is that it automatically attracts external forces to destroy it, so that you can break through to the heavenly source.

Although Jiang Yun has been in a coma, the injury is indeed extremely heavy, but everyone does not believe that Jiang Yun's source platform is broken, not because of injury.

After all, if the injury caused the source to be broken, then for the monk, it is almost the same as losing life.

Although Jiang Yun’s acting is strong and hegemonic, it is impossible to force the six major generals, but he will not hesitate to take up his own source platform and take up all his own cultivation.

He will definitely protect the source station as much as possible.

Therefore, Jiang Yun has attracted external forces on his own, or, in other words, it has attracted the power of anti-seismic forces that have led to the drums, destroying their own source stations!

Reminiscent of the eighty drums that Jiang Yun has already knocked out, everyone is more and more aware that this guess is correct.

Jiang Yun, even by ringing the opportunity to lead the drum, want to break through to the source of heaven!

This makes everyone, really do not know how to describe Jiang Yun.

Ringing the drums, there are not many people who dare to do it.

If you do it, it must be careful.

But Jiang Yun is good, and he has turned this into an opportunity to improve his strength.


Just when everyone was stunned, Jiang Yun’s body repeatedly heard a few dull explosions, and several sources in his body were broken.

The nine source platforms of Jiang Yun, under the attack of dozens of drums, have long been cracked and cracked, on the verge of collapse, and may be completely destroyed at any time.

Although Jiang Yun was unconscious, these source stations were unable to support because of the cracks on them. They began to collapse one after another!


At this time, Jiang Yun’s mouth suddenly spit out a sigh of relief, and opened his eyes in a difficult way.

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