The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2139: my choice

Jiang Yun’s refusal made Si Jing’an’s eyes flash a glimmer of light, adding to the tone: “Are you sure?”

Jiang Yun is once again a heavy nod: "OK!"

Si Jing'an's eyes were deeply gazed at Jiang Yun, and his eyes looked stunned. It seemed that he wanted to see through Jiang Yun's thoughts at the moment.

In fact, the reason why Si Jingan took the initiative to let Jiang Yun knock the drum again, is to try to give Jiang Yun some compensation.

Although Jiang Yun has made the same choice as he did in the past, a large part of the reason is because of his own persecution!

In his own capacity, to persecute a monk from a source of territory, it can even be said that it has completely changed the fate of Jiang Yun. It is indeed a bit of bullying, and it makes some of his heart intolerable.

Therefore, it is only a matter of generosity, and simply let Jiang Yun completely enter the heavenly source, it is also the conclusion of this cause and effect.

Then the next thing, you can get back on track.

The Jiang Yun family's worship can continue in the normal steps, regardless of the final result, they are conscience.

Since then, there has been no relationship with Jiang Yun and his ethnic group.

When he wants to come, Jiang Yun will definitely understand what he means and will definitely agree.

But he did not expect that Jiang Yun actually refused his good intentions.

Jiang Yun is not prepared to knock on the drums, and even the objects of the road have been selected.

Si Jingan is really confused and can't understand Jiang Yun's thoughts.

He firmly believes that his previous guesses are correct. Jiang Yun should also understand that he let him ring the behavior of the drums, which is intentional.

However, Jiang Yun did not accept it. Is it really ready to give up this worship?

For others, Jiang Yun’s discourse makes them a little surprised, but they can understand it.

When they want to come, knocking on the drum will not only consume power, but also be hurt by the power of earthquake.

Previously, Jiang Yun knocked out the 82nd drumming behavior, which made them feel inexplicable.

Now, if Jiang Yun really listens to Si Jing'an, and then knocks on the drum again, then they will feel even more strange!

Therefore, they all believe that Jiang Yun has given up this time.

Instead of delaying the time here, and constantly ringing the drums, it is better to have a quick decision and quickly finish, so that he can quickly heal the retreat.

The most important thing is that Jiang Yun’s source platform has been broken, and it is indeed necessary to quickly break through to Tianyuan.

If you drag on for a long time, then his cultivation may be fixed forever in the realm of today, and naturally can not afford.


Despite my incomprehensibility, these doubts, Si Jingan certainly can't ask, so I can only cough gently: "I don't know, which one do you want to choose, as your family's point?" ”

Jiang Yun turned around and faced the nine patriarchs who were not far away. They did not answer immediately, but they looked at the nine people one by one!

These nine high-ranking enthusiasm, under the gaze of Jiang Yun's eyes, everyone's face is also a hint of curiosity.

Not only they, but all the monks in the entire southwestern desert are curious, and Jiang Yun is ready to choose which one to use as a point.

"The six major generals such as Danyang should be impossible. Don't say that Jiang Yun's strength is now falling, and the injury is extremely heavy. Even when he is in full state, it is impossible to choose these six majors."

"That's not necessarily, I think Jiang Yun, if the strength is not reduced, may choose the six majors, you must not forget, he has always been a hegemonic."

"Even the nine major generals have been forced by him to stand up and recognize him. He will also care about the hatred of the six great generals such as Danyang!"

"It's useless to say that. Today's Jiang Yun is difficult to walk. He still has the possibility to choose the six major generals. He can only choose among the three remaining generals."

"Well, the biggest is possible, or choose the Xuan Yin family!"

"Although the Xuan Yin people can not be merciful, it is said that Jiang Yun can control the shadow of the Xuan Yin people in the trial of the Xuan Yin, perhaps he can compete against the power of Xuanyin!"

Everyone is talking about it and guessing Jiang Yun’s last choice.

Don't look at which group Jiang Yun seems to choose, and the result will end in failure, but this choice is also very important.

Finally, Jiang Yun’s gaze has seen the nine patriarchs: “My choice, the greedy wolf will!”

Jiang Yun’s voice fell, and everyone in the Southwestern Wilderness was once again stunned.

To be honest, Jiang Yun’s decision is beyond the expectations of each of them.

In any respect, Jiang Yun has no reason to choose the greedy wolf.

Although Jiang Yun and the six major families have hatred, but the hatred is the deepest Danyang.

If Jiang Yun wants to trample on the face of a certain family by choosing the opportunity to take the road, he should choose the Danyang.

If Jiang Yun still holds a glimmer of hope that he can walk through the election, he should choose to build the Mu and Xuan Yin.

Both of these groups are counted as Jiang Yun’s friends, and the power possessed by the two great families is not good at attacking.

Relatively speaking, the danger of choosing the road is naturally smaller.

The greedy wolf family, among the nine great generals, is the most despised, and it is also the most resentful of the majority of monks, but at the same time the strength is also quite strong. Jiang Yun chooses them, there is really no benefit.

However, after the patriarch of the greedy wolf family, his face was exposed with a sinister smile!

On the way, he couldn’t kill Jiang Yun, but he can definitely report the hatred of Jiang’s family.

Only Si Jingan did not know that Jiang Yun was in the southwestern wasteland and the grievances between the nine majors, so there was no special feeling for Jiang Yun to choose the greedy wolf.

Si Jingan turned to look at the long-term leader of the greedy wolf race: "The wolf chief, then the aristocrats will open the way to the election."

"Remember, Jiang Yun's cultivation is the source of the nine-fold, and the danger on this road must not exceed ten times that Jiang Yun himself has cultivated as a realm!"

The greedy wolf chief, Long Tianhong, hurriedly greeted Si Jingan with a fist, then glanced over Jiang Yun, and smiled and said: "The small friend can see my greedy wolf, choose the road, my greedy wolf will not let Xiaoyou Disappointed!"

Jiang Yun is also a faint smile.

Si Jingan once again looked at him and said: "Jiang Yun, do you have any other requirements?"

"If you don't have one, then you have to start now!"

Jiang Yun said a little bit: "Yes!"

At this point, Si Jingan naturally will not say anything more. The figure retreats and reopens at the same time: "Well, the greedy wolf will open the way to the election!"

Wolf Tianhong spit out two words: "Follow!"

When the voice fell, the other eight people took the patriarchs a few steps at the same time and let the place open.

Then, the wolf Tianhong waved a hand, a **** force from his hand, instantly filled the entire dark space.

Under the influence of the power of this wolf, the entire dark space suddenly changed.

Jiang Yun and the nine patriarchs were originally standing in the dark void, and the distance between them was no more than ten feet.

But now, with the emergence of the power of the wolf, the pillars of the roots have risen in the darkness of the surroundings, and the bottom is not seen.

Everyone, including Si Jingan, stood on a stone pillar.

Each stone pillar is as if it existed in the darkness. Its area can only accommodate one person.

Moreover, although Jiang Yun and Wolf Tianhong did not move, the distance between the two was stretched wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This also makes him and Wolf Tianhong stand on a stone pillar, and they are at least a thousand feet away from each other, and the middle of the two is an endless darkness!

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