The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2154: Point will start

Only one day is left from the day when the ancient invisible point began.

On the stand in the middle of the greedy wolf world, there are many monks who can't wait to be seated.

Jiang Yun and Shura have also made the final preparations, waiting for the beginning of the battle.

However, for the nine great clan leaders of the Southwestern Wilderness, at this moment they are all caught in a huge entanglement.

Because just after Bailiyong summoned them, they issued an order to them "euphemism", that is, tomorrow's point will be in the battle, I hope that the people they sent can kill Jiang Yun!

Upon hearing this order, the nine patriarchs were shocked.

Not to mention Nangong Meng and other three people and Jiang Yun relationship is a good patriarch, even if Xue Qianxi and other six patriarchs, are a little can not believe this order of Bai Liyong.

In accordance with the rules set by the two major royals, the point will be in the battle, is not allowed to kill!

After all, the point will be just a qualification to get.

Most of the monks who came on the scene did not know each other at all, and could not commit to killing the other side.

Although Jiang Yun and the six major generals had hatred this time, Xue Qianxi did not mind killing Jiang Yun, but he would fight, in addition to the light and dark royal family, there is also the host of the creation royal family.

Si Jing'an's attitude towards Jiang Yun, even if the fool can see it, is extremely important.

Even if the Jiang Yun family will fail, I believe that Si Jingan will find a way to give Jiang Yun some special care.

However, now, Bai Liyong actually instructed them to kill Jiang Yun.

Two big royals, one wants to protect Jiang Yun, one wants to kill Jiang Yun!

If the two messengers who come here have different status in their respective royal families, then the nine patriarchs may be more likely to make choices.

However, Bai Liyong is a close confidant of the light and dark family.

And the Secretary Jing An, even Si Lingrui must call him a family uncle, which is enough to show that he is obviously not low in the generation of the royal family.

Whether it is these two messengers, or the royal family behind the two messengers, the nine great generals simply did not dare to offend.

It can be imagined that the nine patriarchs are now entangled in the heart!

Among the Xuanyin tribes, Nangong dream brows and looks at Nangong Miaodao: "Do you want to find a way to inform Jiang Yun about this, let him have a preparation?"

Nangong wonderfully shook his head: "The greedy wolf is now equal to Jiang Yun, they are under house arrest, and we have no way to get close to the valley."

"Not to mention, telling Jiang Yun is useless."

"Jiang Yun is strong again, unless it is really not to be killed, otherwise it is categorically not to be against the Dark Emperor!"

"Now let him know that Bai Liyong wants to kill him, I am afraid that it will affect his play and lose to his opponent!"

Nangong dreams and sighs again and again: "It is better to inform the Secretary Ling Rui, this is the family of Si Jingan, see what he said!"

Nangong nodded and said: "Now, it can only be so."

"However, this matter can't tell the company Ling Rui from our mouth, find an irrelevant person to inform Si Lingrui."

Once Bailiyong knew that Xuanyin had secretly ventilated to Si Lingrui, then Xuanyin would not want to continue to survive in the Southwestern wilderness.


"Hundreds of brave people want to kill Jiang Yun?"

Upon hearing this news, Si Lingrui was even more surprised than the nine patriarchs!

Although they created a difference between the royal family and the dark royal family, he also looked down on Bailiyong, but never imagined that Bailiyong would kill Jiang Yun.

Naturally, without knowing that Jiang Yun had been enemies with Bai Liguang, Si Lingrui couldn’t figure out what the reason for Bai Liyong to kill Jiang Yun.

"While the uncle has told me that this Jiangyun has a good potential, but it is nothing more than that. There is no other special explanation."

Si Lingrui closed his eyes and recalled the words that the uncle had said to himself. He shook his head and said: "The uncle should only have a love for Jiang Yun, so he wants to draw him."

"But, for a monk in a district, it is not worthwhile to go to Bailiyong or even Bailiguang."

"Unfortunately, I can't contact my uncle now!"

"Forget it, tomorrow I will try to say a few words to Jiang Yun, and express my attitude. Maybe Bai Liyong can look at the face of me and my uncle, let go of Jiang Yun!"

"If Bai Liyong still insists on killing Jiang Yun, then I will not be able to control it."

"In the future, once the uncle asks, I have a confession anyway!"

Although Si Jingan is the uncle of Si Lingrui, they are not the same tribe at all.

In addition, Si Jingan did not even think that the Dark Emperor would want to kill Jiang Yun, so he did not say hello to Si Lingrui.

Otherwise, as long as Si Jingan is strong and wants to protect Jiang Yun, then Si Lingrui will naturally save Jiang Yun at all costs!

However, there is still a person in the world of greedy wolves, and it is necessary to protect Jiang Yun.

This person is Losin!

The patriarch of the Xuanwu area, the patriarch of the Feng family, and the strong man who is in the virtual world, have now become a common monk who is not a natural source.

Even, he did not contact his own people, but huddled with most other monks, thinking hard, how can he convince Jiang Yun and bring him back to his own ethnic group!

In short, under the different attitudes of the various forces, the point of the ancient hidden family will finally begin!

Above the millionth grandstand on the bottom of the platform, it is already overcrowded.

Even so, there is still a large number of monks gathered in the sky above the greedy wolf world.

After all, this time will be a battle, in addition to the four elephants in the region, there are many monks in other wasteland!

Then, the major generals of the four-image area appeared on the platform of the thousand feet.

Looking at these tribes, all the monks have the color of envy and yearning.

That is not the family of the wilderness, but the general of the four-image area!

It is said that any one of the family members has the strength to kill the great wilderness.

Just as all ordinary ethnic groups want to be like the generals, the greatest wish of the wilderness family is to be able to enter the four-image area with their own ethnic groups and become the generals there!

It is a pity that this desire is almost impossible to achieve.


In addition, there are a total of twelve generals in the four-image area. In addition, there are four generals from other wasteland, and the nine great generals in the southwestern desert.

Although the number of people in the wilderness area clearly occupies an advantage, but in the momentum, it is far worse!

After all the families were all together, Bailiyong and Si Lingrui, the true messengers of the two royal families, accompanied by a group of monks, appeared on the highest stand.

The emergence of the two royal emissaries made everyone suddenly quiet.

After Bailiyong and Si Lingrui looked at each other, Si Lingrui smiled slightly: "The last time I will be elected, they are all hosted by the next uncle. This time, it will be hosted by Baili."

After a few words of politeness, Bailiyong stood up and looked at all the people below: "You are not here to see us, so I will not talk nonsense."

"The ancient hidden family, why?"

As the voice of Bai Liyong fell, Jiang Yun, Shura and an elder, the three directly appeared on the platform, and they held a fist to everyone around them, which suddenly caused a burst of cheers.

Today's Jiang Yun, the popularity of the Southwestern Wilderness is extremely prosperous!

Bai Liyong went on to say: "What are the nine great generals in the Southwestern Wilderness?"

Twenty-seven people will appear!

Bailiyong swept over them and once again said: "The battle will be divided into three rounds. Each round of nine battles will be held in order from the low to the high.

"The first round, starting from Tianyuan!"

"The ancient hidden family, you will be sent to the heavens, come forward!"

Jiang Yun took a step forward!

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