The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2163: Actively admit defeat

Jiang Yun just stood up for half an hour and stood up. His injuries have all healed.

In fact, don't look at his injuries, but with his body of silence, he can't make a big difference to him.

His rest is just to restore the physical power that has just been consumed.

As Jiang Yun stood up, the atmosphere that had a little relaxed around the test bench suddenly became dignified again.

In three trials, Jiang Yun’s opponent died and was injured.

No one knows if the next person will die in the hands of Jiang Yun, or can kill Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s gaze naturally also looked at the six great generals, and eventually stayed on the old man of the Xuanyin family. He smiled slightly: “Predecessors, please enlighten me!”

This old man is not someone else. It is the mother-in-law of Nangong Huaiyu, and it is also the oldest person in the Tianyuan environment where the Jiuzu participated in this battle.

Although there are strong people in the Tianyin family, the Nangong dreams of the old man as the opponent of Jiang Yun, originally intended to protect Jiang Yun.

After all, Laojiao, as the mother-in-law of Nangong Huaiyu, has dealt with Jiang Yun several times, and is also grateful to Jiang Yun, so she will inevitably be merciless to Jiang Yun.

At the same time, the strength of the old man is indeed not weak, even if it will be deliberately defeated in the hands of Jiang Yun, but at least it can also represent the Xuan Yin people in the four elephants of the major generals, as well as the two major royals.

However, after three trials, now Nangong Dream is in turn hoping that Jiang Yun will be able to show his feelings...

At this moment, I heard Jiang Yun’s polite words, Nangong Dream and all Xuanyin people are taking a breath.

The fighting process between Jiang Yun and Laojiao is obviously a lot less than before, just like learning from each other.

In the end, the old man is taking the initiative to admit defeat!

This result is also expected by everyone.

Among the nine great generals in the Southwestern Wilderness, the Xuanyin and Jiang Yun have the deepest friendship, and it is impossible to make it difficult to fight in the battle.

Only the face of Bai Liyong is not very beautiful.

After all, he gave orders to the nine major generals, so that they must kill Jiang Yun.

Now Xuanyin is clearly deliberately releasing water, and it is against the orders of its own.

However, Bai Liyong has also inquired about the relationship between Jiang Yun and Xuan Yin. Although there is some anger in his heart, there is no direct attack.

In fact, he did not know, whether Nangong Meng and Nangong Miao were the best shots for this comparison test, or deliberately letting water, really racked their brains.

It was not until the previous Shura’s strong opening that they had a battle with the Tucheng industry that they finally made up their minds.

If you let go of Jiang Yun, you will be offended by Bai Liyong, but it will be something after the battle.

And if you kill Jiang Yun, I am afraid that Nangong Dream will die directly in the battle, and die in the hands of Shura!

However, Nangong Dream soon did not worry that Bailiyong would blame his Xuanyin.

Because of the following, Jiang Yun chose the Xueyu and Jianmu families respectively.

Although the two families did not pass the Qi and Yin dynasty in advance, they chose the same result. After fighting with Jiang Yun for a while, they took the initiative to admit defeat!

Naturally, they don't want to offend Jiang Yun, and they don't want to be separated from Shura.

As for the Bailiyong, although it is a royal messenger, the Tiangao emperor is far away.

Unless he can summon a large army, otherwise it is impossible to really be too embarrassed about his own ethnic group.

Bai Liyong is indeed anxious, but also helpless.

The law does not blame the public, let alone him, even if Bai Liguang personally comes, it is impossible to destroy the three majors at the same time.

However, at this time, Bailiyong did not care about getting angry, but was thinking about **** Jiang Yun!

Now Jiang Yun has won six games in a row, although the remaining three opponents have hatred with him, but whether or not he can kill Jiang Yun, Bai Liyong is not grasping much.

"If the guess is correct, Jiang Yun's last opponent will be the Xueyang Yang of the Danyang."

"And among the nine generals, Xue Jingyang should also be the one who is most likely to kill Jiang Yun!"

"However, if Xue Jingyang is not Jiang Yun's opponent, then I want to kill Jiang Yun, but it is not easy!"

Originally, it was impossible to kill Jiang Yun in the war. Bailiyong has changed the rules for this.

If Jiang Yun is not dead after the end of the battle, Jiang Yun will definitely be with Shura, and there is almost no possibility of killing him.

Bailiyong is only the strength of returning to the source. The other four royals brought by it are more natural. The five people together cannot be the opponents of Shura.

What's more, there is also an unclear Si Lingrui!

Therefore, the point of war is the only chance to kill Jiang Yun.

Just as Bailiyong kept turning his thoughts, Jiang Yun was already on his way to the test bench.

As speculated by Bai Liyong, Jiang Yun put Xue Jingyang at the end!

Next, he chose the Frost Heaven.

Although the Frost Tianzu was originally unshakable and wanted to kill Jiang Yun, after seeing the endings of the first three games of the three strong men, they decided to choose the same as the Xuanyin people for the sake of their own people’s lives. Did not dare to use all efforts.

Anyway, the hatred between Frost God and Jiang Yun is not deep.

However, when the battle of Dan Dingjie was in the battle, they were in the confusion of Xue Jingtu, and they joined forces with Xue Jingtu to deal with Jiang Yun.

To this end, they have several ethnic groups killed by Jiang Yun.

The few strong people, the strongest is only the source of heaven, and such hatred is great for the Frost Heaven.

If Jiang Yun is weak, then the Frost Tianzu will naturally not hesitate to kill the killer.

But now Jiang Yun is strong, especially with a stronger than Jiang Yun, who is still on the sidelines. They certainly can’t go to Jiang Yun’s death.

With the initiative of the Frosty tribes to admit defeat, everyone has already seen it. Today, Jiang Yun’s point will be fighting, and only Xue Jingyang’s last opponent should be left.

Although the Thunders did not play, the decisions of the Thunder and the Frost Heavens must be the same, and they will take the initiative to admit defeat.

And Xue Jingyang is different. The whole Danyang and Jiang Yun are really irresponsible hatred.

The Danding world was destroyed, the three young masters were killed, Xue Jingyang was defeated by Jiang Yun, and even the knowledge of Xue Qianxi was destroyed by Jiang Yun.

These hatreds, if the Danyang people do not report, then it is not worthy of being called the generals.

What's more, Xue Jingyang's face is always calm, no matter how powerful Jiang Yun is on the test bench, how strong he is, there is no slight change in his face.

In anyone who wants to come, Xue Jingyang is clearly well-informed.

And this is also a normal thing, the sun of Danyang, known as the most powerful natural source of the Southwestern wilderness, can you be afraid of a **** cloud?

However, the sword that is the same name as him is already dead in the hands of Jiang Yun, which makes many people are not very optimistic about Xue Jingyang.

At this time, the people of the Thunder family also embarked on the test bench.

Immediately after this person appeared, Jiang Yun was holding a fist in his fist: "Ginger brother, you and I both went to the end, how?"

In this sentence, everyone knows that their guess is correct, and the Thunder people have given up and Jiang Yun as a feud.

After a few rounds, after the transition, the Thunder will inevitably give up.

The face of Bai Liyong has been gloomy to the extreme, but until now he did not think of the way to kill Jiang Yun.

Si Lingrui is taking a long breath, and his trip to the southwestern wilderness should be able to complete his merits.

Not bothering the light and dark people, but also have an account for Si Jingan!

Others are also beginning to whisper.

"If Jiang Yun wins Xue Jingyang, the other two of the ancient invisibles will no longer have to compare. They have already succeeded!"

"Yes, the next match will definitely be extremely exciting. Whether it is Xue Jingyang or Jiang Yun, you will do your best!"

"I hope Jiang Yun can lose, I want to see how strong the patriarch of the ancient invisible family is!"

Just when everyone was talking about it, on the stands, An Ruoqi was quietly getting up and silently came to the place where the Danyang people gathered!

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