The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2167: Original source

After breaking through to Tianyuan, although all the forces in the body of Jiang Yun were destroyed by the wind of silence, in addition to the seals of the three roads, there are still a few things that have been preserved.

Refining the demon pen, the cloud cover, the 100,000 mountains, the sword, and the flameless lamp that appears in the hands of Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun did not know why they could escape.

Can only guess because they are just instruments, or because they contain creatures.

There are five monsters in the refining pen. In the top of the black cloud, there is a monster from the extraterrestrial battlefield. There is a big demon in the 100,000 mountains, and there are hallucinations in the sword.

Among the flameless lamps, there is a fire and fire!

Although these pieces of artifacts have been preserved, in addition to Shurao sword and 100,000 mountains, Jiang Yun can no longer continue to manipulate them.

But as long as they are okay, Jiang Yun is already satisfied, and is not ready to use them at all, just carefully hiding them in their own bodies.

However, at this moment, when he was wrapped in the hot flame of Xue Jingyang, which was condensed by Dan Feng, when he was about to be burnt into the air, his mind suddenly sounded a fire.

The fire alone, even told Jiang Yun, he has a way to let the flameless lamp can absorb these flames!

To be honest, when Jiang heard the fire alone, Jiang Yun’s first reaction was to believe it.

This fire of Danfeng comes from the Danyang clan, from the Tianyuan Jingfeng strong show.

Even the body of his own silence is unbearable, and the fire demon, the little fire demon, has to absorb these flames with a device brought from the domain.

How can this be?

But then he thought that the origin of this flameless lamp was still unknown to him.

I only know that it is inexplicable in the mountains and seas, and then fell into the hands of the Wan Yao Cave.

And the instruments that appear in the mountains and seas are not possible. Just like the 100,000 mountains, is it the same time that the righteous fathers brought them into the Taoist domain and brought them into the mountains and seas?

If so, then maybe it can really absorb this fire of Danfeng.

Just like that, the origin of this flameless lamp is probably very unusual, and even it may be recognized by the monks who are present.

However, since I have already used the power of reincarnation, and now there is no other better way to counter this fire of Danfeng, so it is better to try it.

Jiang Yun took out the action of the flameless lamp, which naturally made the audience feel incomprehensible.

Also let Shura and Luo Xin, who are ready to save him, temporarily stopped their stature.

No one knows what Jiang Yun is going to do.

Only Xue Jingyang with a sneer, obviously in his view, no matter what Jiang Yun is going to do, it is impossible to escape the fate of being burned by his own flame!


After the appearance of the flameless lamp, Jiang Yun’s palm was directly removed, and a horrible suction was emitted. He suddenly saw the fire of Danfeng, which had shrunk to the size of a hundred feet, and rushed toward the flameless lamp. past.

With the ignorance of these flames, the flameless lamp above illuminates the lines of the road, which was never seen before, and was never discovered.

Looking at these lines, Jiang Yun’s eyes are even more shocking.

Because these lines are clearly the lines that I saw in the darkness, the source lines that make up the source!

Sure enough, this flameless lamp is simply from the destruction of the domain, and even very likely to be the source of some kind of power!

This is really beyond the expectations of Jiang Yun.

However, now Jiang Yun can't even think about the origin of the flameless lamp.

Because I look at the lines that are lit up on the lamp, relying on Jiang Yun’s familiarity with the lines, taking advantage of the flameless lamp to absorb the flames, his mind is also extremely fast in combination with these lines. Into a flameless lamp.

In the appearance of the flameless lamp that condensed with his own mind, Jiang Yun’s eyes were brighter, and suddenly he raised his hand. The volley painted a flameless lamp with its own source and imaginary. Then light a bunch.

The illusory flameless lamp that only Jiang Yun can see, silently immersed in the real flameless lamp.

The two are completely coincident.

At the same time, Jiang Yun is also a slap in the face, the flameless lamp will automatically fly into his hands!

Until then, Jiang Yun was truly the master of this flameless lamp!

Naturally, in the inside, the fire that is secretly glad is unique, and the complexion can not help but suddenly change.

Fire alone, there is always hatred for Jiang Yun.

It’s just that Jiang Yun’s more and more powerful strength makes him not even dare to give birth to his revenge. He can only use all his thoughts on the study of flameless lamps.

He is already the equivalent of a flameless lamp, and it is a fire demon, so I did not expect him to discover some secrets of the flameless lamp.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun was surrounded by the fire of the sky and the phoenix, and he was about to be burned to death, he jumped out.

It seems that he is a loyal Savior, but in fact, by absorbing these flames, he can better play the role of a flameless lamp, and it is even possible to put Jiang Yun in it.

Unfortunately, although his ideas are good, Jiang Yun has made his ideas a reality.

However, he never imagined that Jiang Yun had discovered the true secret of the flameless lamp, and easily became the master of the flameless lamp and became his master.


Xue Jingyang looked at his own fire of Danfeng and was actually cleaned up by Jiang Yun’s unremarkable light in his hand. The face that had no expression at all had finally changed color.

This Danfeng burning feather is the strongest technique he can now display. His power is second only to the source of Danyang.

Even he tried to compare with the lower-ranking masters of the family, and even they could not bear the power of this flame.

However, now, it has been absorbed by Jiang Yun!

Not only Xue Jingyang, at this moment, everyone is also shocked.

They almost all think that Jiang Yun has just been a dead end.

Otherwise, Shura and Losin will not want to save regardless of the shot.

But who can think that the development of things has changed again.

This Jiang Yun even took out a piece of implement, and easily absorbed the fire of Danfeng.

Most people's eyes also look at the flameless lamp in the hands of Jiang Yun. I really want to know what the lamp is, and it has such power.

Some ethnic groups who are also good at the power of fire can't help but worry that if the flames of their own ethnic groups encounter this light, will they be easily absorbed?

Although it is very curious, no one can recognize this lamp. When they want to come, this is inevitably the instrument of the ancient invisible family.

After all, even the ancient invisibles themselves are hidden communities, so their collection of instruments, these people can not recognize, naturally more normal.

Only two people looked at the difference in the look of the flameless lamp.

These two people, one is Shura, the other is Si Lingrui!

There is a hint of remembrance in Shura’s gaze. It seems that he not only knows the flameless lamp, but also has a deep relationship with it.

As for Si Lingrui, he was frowning and said to himself: "How do I remember, I seem to have seen it in which book..."

"No, is it for someone who has said such a lamp?"

At this moment, Jiang Yun held a flameless lamp, but suddenly turned to look at Xue Jingyang, smiled slightly: "come and not indecent!"

The voice fell, and there was a flame in the flameless lamp. It was the fire of the dragon and the phoenix of Xue Jingyang.

Only at this moment, there is no more of Xue Jingyang's breath in this flame, but it has become Jiang Yun.

This also makes Xue Jingyang's complexion change again. Under a bite, there is a round of Danyang on the top of the head!

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