The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2189: With it

When Jiang Yun looked at the "sun" above the head with a puzzled look, within the Danyang family, Xue Qianxi was watching Jiang Yun, and his eyes showed a strong murderousness.

Jiang Yun’s analysis of the Jiufeng Jiuyang array is basically correct.

Jiufeng Jiuyang, combined into a large array, is divided into nine small arrays, progressive.

There is a phoenix and a yang in each small array, but all are hidden in nothingness.

The phoenix is ​​an ally, and the yang is the eye, and they jointly control the changes in the formation.

Killing a phoenix and destroying a yang can break a small array.

Even breaking the Jiufeng Jiuyang can completely break this big array.

However, this is the original Jiufeng Jiuyang array!

In the early days of Dan Ding, Jiang Yun borrowed the power of the Danfeng Chaoyang, which was originally controlled by Xue Jingtu.

In the end, it was even more tempting the nucleus, urging the formation, destroying the entire Danding world, and burying Xue Qianxi's glimpse of the gods.

At that time, Xue Qianxi doubted whether Jiang Yun was proficient in the formation and controlled Dan Feng in any special way.

To this end, Xue Qianxi deliberately found a few people who are proficient in the formation of the law, and made some changes to the Jiufeng Jiuyang big array.

This change is to reveal the yang that was originally hidden, and to hide the phoenix in the yang!

This change seems to be convenient for those who enter the market to find the eye, easy to break, but in fact, the line is certainly the key to breaking, but it is also the most powerful part of the entire array.

In addition, many people actually have a kind of rebellious psychology. The more easily they get, the more they can't believe it.

Although every person who enters can clearly see the Danyang hanging above the head, most people simply don't think that the sun is the eye.

And when they understood, the hidden ambushes and murders in the array would have killed them.

Jiang Yun is like this!

If Liu Yun, a disciple of Jiang Yun, enters this battle, he should be able to see through it at a glance.

But Jiang Yun can't!

At the first sight of Jiang Yun’s entry, he saw the Danyang. He didn’t believe that the Daoyang people used to protect the entire ethnic group, how could it be so easy to present the eyes under their own eyes?

After personally experiencing the changes in the formation, let him speculate on the composition of the formation, he doubted that the Danyang, I am afraid it is really the eye!

If you change to someone else, I am afraid that even if you have doubts, you still can't try it yourself.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun has always been bold and careful, and his eyes only swept away, and he did not hesitate to vacate and rushed to the Danyang.


Just as Jiang Yun’s figure just vacated, I immediately felt the power of a very familiar rotary squeeze to attack myself, and let his eyes suddenly shine a light, knowing that his doubts are correct!

The supreme source of cultivation practiced by the entire Danyang people, Danyang nine turns, is the Jiuyang from this array.

Within the first layer of the array, for Danyang to turn, with the deepening of the formation, the faster the rotation of Danyang, to the ninth floor, is the Danyang nine turn!

At this moment, Jiang Yun is facing a turn of Danyang.

Although it is only a turn, it is not the show of Xue Jingyang from Tianyuan, but the entire force of the Jiufeng Jiuyang Dafa.

As you can imagine, the gap between the two is great!

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not dare to have the slightest scorn, and has already completed the reincarnation.

Under the fifth round of the round, although his body still began to feel the pain of tearing, but he did not care to continue to rush toward Danyang.

Seeing Jiang Yun’s behavior, Xue Qian’s eyes are more sneer!

If Xue Qianxi shoots at this moment, he can completely turn Danyang into a nine-turn.

In that case, Jiang Yun will die.

However, at the beginning, Jiang Yun broke the Danyang nine-turn technique twice in a row, so that Xue Jingyang eventually died.

Therefore, Xue Qianxi is naturally not prepared to make Jiang Yun die so happy.

He even hoped that Jiang Yun could break through Jiuyang continuously and experience the pain of Danyang's nine turns one by one.

When I saw that my body was going to tear, Jiang Yun finally got close to this first yang, and saw a Danfeng inside it!

Danfeng's eyes sparkle like the indifference of human beings, and they are also watching Jiang Yun, which is clearly equipped with intelligence.

Jiang Yun bit his teeth and suddenly stepped into Danyang.


Waiting for his figure to stand firm, a flame has come on the way!

Although the flame came suddenly, and the temperature was higher than the flame in the array, it did not hurt Jiang Yun.

Because Jiang Yun’s hand raised a flameless lamp!

The reason why Jiang Yun has the confidence to enter the Jiufeng Jiuyang array, in addition to his status as a refining sorcerer, his other reliance is this flameless lamp.

When the war will be wartime, because of the unique reminder of the fire, Jiang Yun inadvertently knows that the flameless lamp is a degenerate instrument.

Moreover, it also allows Jiang Yun to truly take it for himself.

Although Jiang Yun still doesn't know which ethnic group the flameless lamp is from, he knows that the flameless lamp can absorb the fire of Danyang.

There is a flameless lamp in hand, Jiang Yun even can not break the Jiufeng Jiuyang big array, but as long as there is no Danyang people, then this array can not kill him.

As for the Danyang people who already know the existence of the flameless lamp, it will inevitably be strictly guarded. Jiang Yun is not worried.

The Danyang people are known for their refining drugs and are proficient in the fire. Their attack method is based on fire.

Even if they know that they have a flameless lamp in hand, they can only attack themselves with fire.

At this moment, all the flames that Danfeng spurted all rushed to the flameless lamp.

And Jiang Yun has already raised his hand, and a spurt of blood screams at the same time: "浑天!"

In the body of Jiang Yun, Qian Tiandao, who had been ready to go, was waving under his hands. A majestic aura emerged and rushed directly to the scented demon pen that Jiang Yun’s hand had firmly held!

浑天道身, can provide aura for Jiang Yun, just like the original three-in-one of Jiang Yun, temporarily replaced Jiang Yun, so that Jiang Yun can display the scent!

A kind of full-bodied **** seal, appeared in an instant, and fell into the body of Danfeng.


The demon prints into the body, letting the body of the Danfeng tremble slightly, and the flaming eyes burst into a dazzling light.

However, Jiang Yun’s face suddenly changed.

Because Feng Yaoyin successfully entered the body of Dan Feng, but in the body of Dan Feng, he also clearly felt a strong sense of God.

Xue Qianxi!

Xue Qianxi has already suspected that Jiang Yun can control Dan Feng. Of course, it is impossible to give Jiang Yun the opportunity. Therefore, in Dan Feng’s body, he deliberately left a **** knowledge and wanted to see how Jiang Yun can control it. Dan Feng of his own family!

It is a pity that Xue Qianxi is a supernatural powerhouse and does not know the refining magic that was born in the Taoist domain.

However, Xue Qianxi does not matter.

Anyway, as long as Jiang Yun can't control Dan Feng, then he can't break the array.

Then, the Danfeng in front of Jiang Yun suddenly opened his mouth, and spit out people: "Jiang Yun, I put you in the first time, there are eight big arrays behind, in each big array, I Will wait for you!"


When the voice fell, Dan Feng suddenly opened his wings and forced a force toward Jiang Yun. He directly flew Jiang Yun out of the Danyang and re-entered the battle.

Heavy drops fell to the ground, Jiang Yun's face has been gloomy to the extreme.

Because, since Xue Qianxi has left a **** in the body of Dan Feng, then it is impossible for him to accept these Danfeng again.

This means that it is impossible for them to break through the Jiufeng Jiuyang Grand Array, which means that Nangong Dream and others cannot enter the Danyang nationality, which means that Shura can only fight alone, which means that they want to destroy the Danyang people. The plan will also become empty!

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