The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2195: a door frame

Danyang is the first medicinal herb that was born in the darkness. It can be said that the heavens and the earth are naturally generated.

No one knows what kind of medicine is contained in such an medicinal medicine, and what kind of medicine effect it has.

Throughout the ages, although there have been countless strong men in the demise, no one dares to swallow this medicinal herb.

Today, there is a Jiang Yun!

Although Jiang Yun’s original intention was to devour the fire of Danyang, the whole Danyang was swallowed up by his own fire.

When the efficacy of Danyang began to infiltrate into his body, the darkness hidden in his body suddenly trembled, and the mind of Jiang Yun gradually became blurred.

In front of a flower, Jiang Yun found himself entering the darkness again!

As in the case of the last arrival, there are still countless colorful lines in the darkness, which are going back and forth.

For the arrival of Jiang Yun, these lines seem to remember him, they all showed excitement, and the former servant came to his side.

Jiang Yun can clearly feel that these lines want to be close to himself.

The last time I came to make these lines, Jiang Yun also regarded them as spiritual demon, so naturally there is no block at the moment.

Even let them continue to shuttle back and forth between their own transparent bodies.

However, Jiang Yun’s gaze is firmly watching his front!

The front is still the darkness of the darkness, as if there is no end.

When Jiang Yun came here last time, in order to figure out the role of those lines, he also followed the lines and almost traveled the whole darkness.

But this time, Jiang Yun is faintly aware that there seems to be countless noisy voices in front, what is being said.

However, no matter how hard I try, how to use my heart, I can't hear the sound of what it is. I can't hear what the voice is saying.

The more he couldn't hear, the more Jiang Yun wanted to hear it. Therefore, after hesitating, Jiang Yun urged his body shape and galloped in the direction of the voice.

Those who originally surrounded the lines of his body, saw Jiang Yun's move, one by one is also busy behind Jiang Yun, and rushed out with him.

Ginger clouds are faster than lightning, just like a light, moving through the darkness.

If there is a second person here, regardless of his level of cultivation, I am afraid I can't see the shape of Jiang Yun at all.

In this way, Jiang Yun constantly broke through the endless darkness and went all the way.

In this darkness, there is no time to exist, and there is no consumption of aura, so Jiang Yun can always keep crazy.

However, he did not know how long he had shuttled.

It seems to be a few years, it seems to be decades, hundreds of years!

In such a long process, those voices have never stopped dissipating.

It seems that they also hope that someone can find them, so they deliberately keep ringing, giving Jiang Yun a hint to guide Jiang Yun's direction, so that Jiang Yun will be lost in this darkness.

Although Jiang Yun still can't understand what the voices are saying from beginning to end, but in any case, those voices are farther and closer to him.

Until, in front of him, finally appeared... a black door!

Strictly speaking, this is not a door. At most, it can only be regarded as a broken black door frame.

If it is not because the sounds come from the door frame, if it is not because Jiang Yun has a clear feeling, then after the door frame, it is clear that there is no hole in the sky...

Perhaps, he can't tell the difference, it is a door frame.

Because this frame is too big!

When Jiang Yun asked for the drums, he would see the door.

The door is already very spectacular, but if it is compared with the broken door frame, it is a world of difference, there is no comparable.

It is conceivable that if this door is intact and stands here, it will inevitably be magnificent and magnificent.

Even if you use the sky to describe this door, you can't describe it as huge. It seems that it is fundamentally heaven and earth!

Jiang Yun’s figure has stopped, standing in the darkness, looking up at the broken door frame, and simply can’t understand, this door is where to go, and who is standing!

Above the door frame, it is pure black, with no lines or patterns.

It’s just that black, Jiang Yun’s eyesight alone, it’s impossible to tell what the material is.

The numerous lines that followed Jiang Yun to come here, although still surrounded by Jiang Yun’s body, are no longer free at the moment, and seem to have been deeply shocked by this frame.

In the ears of Jiang Yun, the noisy sounds coming out from the door have been extremely loud, and Jiang Yun can hear it. It is a human voice, and countless sounds are mixed together.

Among them, there are men and women.

It’s like a group of people gathered together, and they have a dispute over something. They are showing their opinions and not giving each other.

But unfortunately, Jiang Yun could not understand what they were saying.

After standing quietly for a while, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his foot and walked toward the door frame.

At this time, those static lines are also alive, hurriedly in front of Jiang Yun, seems to be anxious to stop Jiang Yun from moving forward.

The attitude of these lines is beyond the expectation of Jiang Yun, and his body shape stops, watching them say: "You don't want me to go?"

All the lines of the body shine.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "I have come here very much, I saw this door, how can I figure out what is going on here!"

"Do not worry, I just have a look, there will be nothing!"

After that, Jiang Yun took another step.

Although those lines still want to block, but after all, they gave up and stopped at the same place, letting Jiang Yun pass through them, step by step to the front of the door frame and stop.

It’s not that Jiang Yun wants to stop, but he has to stop!

Because from this distance, the broken door frame, there is a strong pressure, so that he can not go forward half a step.

In this regard, Jiang Yun is not unexpected.

Although he does not know the origin of this door, he does not know where it leads, but such a magnificent door is so that anyone can approach it at will.

After watching the door frame for a while, Jiang Yun slowly closed his eyes, his brows wrinkled slightly, and he remembered the darkness he was in his mind.

This darkness breeds the various sources of power in the demise, and this darkness can be obtained as a ritual.

Even when you get dark, you can get a qualification.

In the past, Jiang Yun never knew what qualifications it was. But now that he saw this door, he suddenly realized that the so-called qualification would be the qualification to enter this door.

"But me, I am already qualified, why can't I still be close?"

"And, this door is simply broken, how can I enter and where will I enter?"

With these doubts, Jiang Yun fell into meditation.

After a long time, he continued to talk to himself: "Chen Siyu, a fair old man, they are all qualified, it is my fellow man."

"And this door is also broken, does that mean that the darkness is actually this door!"

"Only all the darkness has been found, or it is only after all the qualified people have arrived that the door will be fully revealed so that we can enter the door!"

"What is the end of the door?"

"Is the old man I saw in the memory of the Wind of Silence, is it the one in the door?"

Just when Jiang Yun’s thoughts came here, his heart was a movement, a dangerous feeling came, and he suddenly opened his eyes and returned to Danyang!

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