The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2207: Stepping on the phoenix

Don't say that Xue Qianming has only one blank left in his mind. Even Xue Qianxi, when he saw the soul of Jiang Yun from the body of Xue Yuanshou, he was completely stunned. Now!

It was also because of the sluggishness of the moment that he was not able to escape in the first place, so that he was seriously injured now.

However, this can't blame him!

If you switch to anyone, you can't imagine that Jiang Yun, a source of heaven, can win a strong man who is in a virtual reality!

If the soul of Jiang Yun also disappears with the self-explosion of Xue Yuanshou, then Xue Qianxi’s heart will feel better.

But when he thought of the sneer that Jiang Yun’s face showed at the time, he knew that Jiang Yun was definitely not dead!

The emergence of this thought made his heart unconsciously raise a hint of jealousy for Jiang Yun.

Because although he has fully understood why Xue Yuanshou will be good at himself, he really can't think of how Jiang Yun won Xue Yuanshou.

Even, he is still worried that since Jiang Yun can win Xue Yuanshou, will it be possible to win himself?

After a while, Xue Qianming finally recovered, and remembered that when the power of the sacred object was summoned, the sacred thing did not respond. So he hurriedly asked again: "How is the patriarch, my sacred object? Is it also? What happened?"

Xue Qianxi was still in the gap between the teeth, and squeezed out four words: "I don't know!"

As a patriarch, he did not know the situation of the holy things. This is also a great shame for him.

But he really doesn't know.

The shocking impact of ten Danyangs, together with the power of Xue Yuanshou's self-destruction, filled the place where the holy things were already destroyed by the power of destruction, and truly became a forbidden place, and even his gods could not enter.

He only knows that when the explosion happened, Jiang Yun’s deity was still in the holy things!

Xue Qianxi’s answer made Xue Qianming stunned: "So, what do we do now?"

How to do?

Xue Qianxi finally took his eyes back from the front and looked at his own ethnic land.

At this point of view, even if it is as strong as him, the body is involuntarily shivering, and the heart is even more painful to drop blood.

The old family was killed, the guardian collapsed, the first ancestor blew himself, and he was seriously injured. Even the family that had survived for countless years was turned into a sea of ​​fire. All the tribes stood there pale and looked helplessly.

The Danyang people themselves have been hit hard by this!

The devastating is only second. If today’s events are spread out, God knows how many other great families will take advantage of this time to annex their own Danyang people.


Xue Qianxi took a strong breath and calmed himself down: "Await another moment and see if Jiang Yun will appear."

"If it does, kill him at all costs!"

"Then, we immediately left the tribes with all the tribes, dispersed, and went to our slaves to settle down temporarily!"

"Although this has been hit hard, our strength has been greatly reduced, but as long as you and I are still alive, as long as our people are still alive, then in time, we can restore the original strength!"

Xue Qianming also took a deep breath and nodded. "When Jiang Yun has squandered even the soul, even if he is not dead, it must be extremely weak. I think he must have escaped and will not appear!"

"And that Jiang Luo, how to deal with it?"

Shura always stood in the distance, watching the huge fire group like the Danyang people. His face was dignified. He was also worried about Jiang Yun’s life and death.

Seeing that Xue Qianxi and Xue Qianming looked at themselves, Shura did not show the slightest fear, and there was still war in his eyes.

Although Xue Qianxi wanted to kill Shura at once, but for the sake of the entire ethnic group, he could only forcefully suppress the inner hatred: "Now, you and I can't kill him."

"It's better to take the people away when it's a waste of time to hang around with him."

"If not, if there are other people who will bring the family, our situation will be even worse!"

Today, Xue Qianxi is seriously injured, and Xue Qianming has no strength in the body because he just tried to protect the ethnic land and fight with Shura.

As for the other Danyang people, the fire of Danyang in their body was borrowed by Xue Qianxi to deal with Xue Yuanshou, so the entire Danyang family can be said to have no more people to fight.

Xue Qianxi went on to say: "If he doesn't shoot, then he doesn't have to care about him. If he wants to stop, then you and I will separate one and entangle him, and the other one will quickly leave with the people!"

Xue Qianming nodded heavily and no longer spoke. He once again looked beyond the family, the fire group whose momentum had gradually weakened.

Naturally, all the people are also watching this fire group!

It was a long time passed, and when the fire group was about to go out, Xue Qianxi said with a long breath: "It seems that Jiang Yun should be running. Now, we lead the people to leave!"

"it is good……"

Xue Qianming naturally promised that he did not wait for his voice to fall, but his face was suddenly changed.

Because of the fire group that is about to be extinguished, there is a figure again!

Jiang Yun!

Seeing Jiang Yun, Xue Qianxi's pupil can not help but suddenly shrink!

Although I saw the soul of Jiang Yun with my own eyes, it has already exploded with the self-explosion of Xue Yuanshou, but at the moment, Jiang Yun, not only has nothing to hurt, but also has a much stronger breath than before in the big battle. .

In this case, there is only one possibility, that is, Jiang Yun’s cultivation is a realm, and it has improved!

"kill him!"

In the eyes of Xue Qianxi, the murderousness of the murderous, low-pitched voice, he is not the injury in the body, has already taken the lead to rush out!

He can ignore Shura for the time being, because he knows that he and the sacrificial two can't kill Shura.

But Jiang Yun is different.

Even if Jiang Yun’s cultivation has improved, there is no Xue Yuanshou. He is still only a monk in Tianyuan.

And the reason why his own Danyang family will become the present appearance, forcing himself to take the tribes to leave the clan and move to the slaves. The culprit of all this is Jiang Yun!

What's more, he and he have the vengeance of killing.

If you don’t kill him at the moment, your hate is hard to come by, and it’s hard to beat!

Xue Qianming did not rush.

Although Xue Qianxi was seriously injured, but he wanted to come, to kill a heavenly source, it is more than enough, so his gaze is only firmly staring at Shura, in case Shura will be rescued.

Shura didn’t mean to shoot at all. Instead, he raised his arms and showed a color of interest on his face. He looked at Jiang Yun.

He believes that since Jiang Yun dared to appear at this time, he must have dependence.

Sure enough, looking at Xue Qian, who was rushing to himself, Jiang Yun’s face did not change in the slightest, and his footsteps kept going, still welcoming Xue Qianxi.

However, just as Xue Qianxi was about to be close to Jiang Yun, in the body of Jiang Yun, suddenly there was a flame of a group after another!

A total of nine groups!

Each group of flames has a size of a hundred feet. After it appears, it instantly turns into a Danfeng with nine sizes!

Seeing the nine Danfengs that suddenly appeared, Xue Qianzhen’s body shape suddenly stopped, and his face was gloomy!

At the same time, he also remembered that Jiang Yun had said to himself when he was in the same position as Xue Yuanshou. The nine who burned their bodies and integrated Danyang's Danfeng did not die at all.

I still didn't believe it, but now it seems that these nine Danfeng really didn't die.

Not only that, but their breath is stronger than before.

Dan Feng, Nirvana rebirth!

Just like Jiang Yun, who also completed the eight-time nirvana.

Nine normal-sized Danfengs are arranged in a herringbone shape.

The Danfeng, who rushed to the forefront, came directly to Jiang Yun’s body and carried Jiang Yun’s body with his own body!

Jiang Yun, stepping on the phoenix!

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