The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2218: Sixth force

When Jiang Yun arrived at the second transmission array, the idea that he had just overthrown in his heart came out again.

Life and death, it should really be what happened.

Because there is no one in this transmission array!

There is no guardian in a transmission array, but it can be explained that the other party may have something to do temporarily, but there are no two consecutive transmission arrays, which can't be said anyway.

Looking at the empty transmission array, Jiang Yun's brow furrowed slightly, his mind twirling rapidly, thinking about what happened to the life and death door.

The biggest possibility is naturally the emergence of a large-scale war between the five forces.

And the enemy of life and death is a vain end!

The gate of life and death can be seen as the refining demon sect, and the sinister sac is the sacred sect. The two are just like natural enemies.

However, it is not a day or two for these two forces to coexist in the extraterritorial battlefield. The strength between each other, even if it is not evenly matched, but it is not an easy task for one party to destroy the other.

If the two really fought, it would only be a situation of both losses.

Unless there are other forces that help the world, they dare to deal with life and death!

"The Temple of the Road!"

Jiang Yun’s mouth spit out these three words.

The most likely to help the power of the virtual world, can only be the temple!

Because the Taoist temple belongs to the Tao, all of them are the disciples of the night.

The hatred between Daozun and the night is not necessary.

Now that Dao Zun has completely restored his freedom, he is very likely to cooperate with the virtual world to destroy the door of life and death, and to report his hatred by the night!

Although Jiang Yun knew from the mouth of the night, he had almost no delay, and immediately set off, but it has taken more than two months to arrive here.

For more than two months, it is not too long for the monk, but for the Taoist who has been trapped for thousands of years and finally regained his freedom, this time is enough for him to do many things.

"If it is true, if his hands have reached the battlefield outside the field, what has become the domain now?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun involuntarily shuddered, did not dare to continue to think, but hurriedly lifted his foot into the transmission array, ready to first figure out what happened to the life and death door.

However, Jiang Yun's footsteps just entered the transmission array, but his eyes were suddenly flashing cold, and did not step into the transmission array, but disappeared directly into nothingness.

As Jiang Yun disappeared, he saw a cold light, which also appeared from nothingness, just falling on the position where Jiang Yun stood before.

"Oh, man!"

Then, another screaming sound, the space around it suddenly twisted, and several figures emerged from it.

These figures are three monsters and three monks standing on the monsters.

At this moment, these three people are all looking around with a doubtful color, looking for the whereabouts of Jiang Yun.

Before they found Jiang Yun, a vast pressure had already enveloped their heads.

Jiang Yun appeared directly in front of them.

Seeing Jiang Yun, feeling the pressure of his body, the body of the three-three beasts could not move at all, and the complexion suddenly changed.

Jiang Yun's eyes swept through the three beasts. Although there was no expression on his face, his heart was picking up the waves.

The monsters that live in the extraterritorial battlefields, even the refiners, can't fully surrender them and use them as their mounts.

However, these three human monks can actually treat these three monsters as mounts, which is far beyond the expectations of Jiang Yun.

At the same time, the sound of the night's solitary dust also sounded in Jiang Yun's mind: "There are no demon prints in these three monsters."

For the beast, the night of the dust is naturally the most understandable, even if even Jiang Yun is far from good.

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Yun suddenly understood.

These monsters are not surrendered by human monks, but are voluntarily used by these human monks as mounts.

Or, they are ordered by the more powerful monsters to make them mounts for human monks.

The so-called more powerful monsters can only be called imaginary, is the creation of the three demon!

It seems that the virtual world has cooperated with other forces, and this power...

Jiang Yun’s gaze swept through the three human monks.

The strength of these three people is not weak, and the strength of the old man in the middle is a natural source.

However, this old man turned out to be a monk, while the other two monks came from the domain!

In the extraterritorial battlefields, the monks who are in the domain do not belong to the heavens, and the monks in the Taoist domain belong to the temple of the Tao and the gates of life and death.

It’s hard to make a difference. If you don’t return to heaven, the three major forces of the Taoist Temple and the Virtual World will join forces to launch an attack on the door of life and death.

"What are you guys!"

Jiang Yun did not think about this problem, but asked directly.

In the face of Jiang Yun’s problem, the monk who knew the domain had knowing that Jiang Yun’s strength exceeded his own, but he did not fear, smiled coldly and asked: “Who are you!”

Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed in the cold, and they were too lazy to continue nonsense with them. Above the head, they directly rushed out of the three golden lights, and they did not enter the three people’s eyebrows.


A burst of sound came, and the soul of the destroying domain monk blew directly, and there was a palm in his hand that struck Jiang Yun.

The power contained in this palm is at least equivalent to the source of origin.

This sudden change, even Jiang Yun did not think of it beforehand.

Fortunately, his current cultivation is not the same as before, seeing the palm of his hand appear, the body has already 3,000 weak water rushing out, surrounded by his own body.

When the palm of the hand didn't get into the weak water, the speed slowed down immediately, and Jiang Yun raised his hand and smashed it out and smashed the palm of his hand.

Although the palm disappeared, Jiang Yun’s brow was wrinkled more tightly.

The destroyers in the extraterritorial battlefields are prisoners and are abandoned by their respective ethnic groups.

In their souls, there should be no protection of the strong.

However, Jiang Yun also encountered a person who has the protection of the gods in the soul. That person is the hundred martial arts of the light and dark royal family.

However, Bai Liwu was enshrined in the life of Bailiguang, posing as a prisoner and coming to the battlefield outside the territory for other plots.

In front of this, the name of the ruined monk who is like a road robbery, there is also a strong sense of protection in the soul to prevent others from searching for the soul.

It’s hard to be, they are just like Bai Liwu?

This monk is already flying away, so Jiang Yun can only focus on the souls of the other two monks, hoping to know the answer from their souls.

"They really are the people of the Taoist temple. However, they don't know much about it. They are only ordered to cooperate with some monks in the field. In this peripheral area, they will stop people who are going to the death gate!"

"And these monks do not come from no return to heaven!"

Jiang Yun sorted out the information, and with the death of the monk who had destroyed the domain, he gradually got his own analysis.

"There is a sixth force in this field outside the battlefield."

"And this force, although from the destruction of the domain, is not a prisoner."

"They and the temple, the imaginary world, the three parties cooperate, and jointly deal with the life and death!"

"I remember that Dao Zun has a avatar that is still in the doldrums. Is it that his avatar has instigated these martial arts monks and entered the extraterritorial battlefield?"

Nowadays, the genre of the genocide is strictly forbidden to enter the extraterritorial battlefield and the domain of the domain. In the final analysis, it is because Jiang Yun secretly smashed the sacred body.

Therefore, Jiang Yun feels that this sixth force, and the Tao Zun split must be unable to get rid of the relationship.

Although Jiang Yun faintly understands the reason for the matter, there are still some questions that have no answer.

For example, how can Tao Zun enable those who have eliminated the domain to enter the field battlefield?

Do you respect the Taoist monks in cooperation with these monks?

Behind those who destroy the domain, there are other minors, or the shadow of the royal family...

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