The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2248: Kneading


Poor old man, because it was a perfect solution to a big trouble, a leisurely drink of a sip of wine, is savoring, suddenly heard the words of Jiang Yun, but let him suddenly be picked up again, violent Coughed up.

When the coughing sound stopped, I heard a "squeaky" sound, and the jug in my hand had been smashed to the ground by his cockroaches, licking his teeth and saying: "Start today, stop drinking!"

After the explanation, the old man’s face showed a smile with a touch of approval: "This kid is even more difficult than his master, and even out of my identity so soon!"

"However, this saves me trouble. After he escapes from this robbery, I will have a good interview with him!"


For the old man who was always sitting at the entrance of the road and the extraterrestrial battlefield, although Jiang Yun had only seen two faces and only said a few words, Jiang Yun was extremely respectful.

What's more, Jiang Yun's memory is not bad.

After knowing that there is even more powerful existence than the two royals and the ruined family, he immediately recalled all the people he might have with such an identity, and finally confirmed the identity of the other party.

At this moment, with the exit of the voice, Jiang Yun’s raised palm has also pressed down to the surging black cloud below, gently pressing it!

This imaginary press seems to be inconspicuous, but under this press, the old man temporarily lends him the power, suddenly burst out and turn into a boundless wave of air, just like another There is an imaginary sky, covering the top of the black cloud.

In an instant, the surging black cloud suddenly fell into a state of quiescence, just as time stopped momentarily, so that it still maintained the ups and downs.

And this still only lasted for a few more time, and I heard a loud bang from "Boom".

Black cloud, crash!

Before that, Jiang Yun did his best and tried hard to solve the powerful black cloud that could hardly be countered. Under the palm of Jiang Yun, it was easy to collapse.

This scene, so even if you already know that the power of the old man is bound to be very powerful, Jiang Yun is shocked.

Not to mention the people in the distance who are onlookers, all of them are stunned!

The next moment, from the black cloud of the collapse, there was a loud roar of anger, so that all the people who heard it were like lightning strikes, and their bodies were trembled.

Except for a handful of strong people who are still able to keep their shape stable, most people's bodies are uncontrollably swaying, and then they fall into nothingness.

Many beasts, except for the little beasts, have all been squatting on the ground, and the body is shaking violently.

What's more, there is blood in the ears.

After the roar of the roaring disappeared, everyone climbed up from the ground one by one.

Looking at the calm, only a few pieces of black cloud fragments of the size of the palm of the hand, the hearts of everyone in the same breath spit out a long breath, his face showed a relaxed color.

Although this black cloud is from beginning to end, only one person is targeted by Jiang Yun, but the power carried by this black cloud is too strong.

They can't escape, they can only stay in the same place, and naturally there is danger of being affected.

Now that the black cloud is broken, even if it contains some power, at least it will not let you wait for someone to have a life worry, then it does not matter.

However, only Jiang Yun, at this moment, still stands above the black cloud that has collapsed, watching the countless pieces of debris that have been formed by the collapse of the black cloud below, and there is a glimmer of light in the eyes.

Look at him, it seems, thinking about something!


"Damn, he really shot, if it weren't for him, I will definitely kill that guy this time!"

Among the small rooms, from the stone that radiated the light, the sound of the roaring figure came again, and the snoring hunter was quietly relieved.

Although the hunter does not know what happened, but since this figure is so angry, it is not difficult to guess, he must not have killed Jiang Yun.

Moreover, it can be heard from the words of the figure. It seems that someone has stopped him and prevented him from continuing to kill Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun is not dead, the hunter will not be in the heart.

But as long as Jiang Yun does not die, the things that he gives to Jiang Yun those origins will not be exposed, and the little beast will not be in danger, which is enough.

Sure enough, after the voice snarled two times, the hateful said: "Forget it, this matter is that I first violated the rules, and he did not shoot for the first time, until I shot the second time. It is also a face for me."

"If I take another shot, it will be really big!"

"Furthermore, it's not that I didn't kill the ants, but because of his shots. This way, even if the matter is spread out, there will be no loss to my face!"

"Oh, but I want to kill an ant, so no one can save it!"

"Staggered today, waiting for the ants to leave the battlefield outside the field, I will shoot again, by the time, I can see if you can save the ants!"

Having said that, the figure suddenly raised the voice: "Hunting demon!"

The hunter hurriedly promised: "In!"

"Remember, continue to collect the Heavenly and Original objects here."

"If someone breaks into the black cloud again, as long as they have these two things, they will kill me and grab these two things!"

Although this practice is also contrary to certain rules, but the opening of the door is just around the corner, this figure can not care so much.

The hunter naturally nodded and promised.

"Okay, I am going..."

Half of the words, the sound of the figure was suddenly stopped, and from the stone, there was a horrible breath burst out.

Under the cover of this breath, the body of the hunter can't control and tremble.

He knew that this adult was angry again.

And, very, very angry!

"Hunting, demon!"

At this moment, the shadow of the figure that was squeezed out of the teeth again rang in the ears of the hunter: "This person, have you been to the dark clouds!"

Then, in front of the hunter's eyes, a ray of light condensed into a human form and appeared in front of himself.

The hunter shook his body and looked up. He saw the human figure, and it was Jiang Yun!

This made his heart suddenly sink, do not understand that this hunter is clearly ready to let go of Jiang Yun, why suddenly show Jiang Yun's appearance to himself.

But he did not dare not answer, but he hurriedly nodded: "Yes, he has been there twice, and he has been here for the first time for more than ten years!"

The sound of the figure contains an endless murderous path: "That's right!"

"This ants, I want to let you live a few more days, but I did not expect that you dare to take the initiative to challenge me."

"Do you think that someone will help you, I will not kill you?"

"This is killing yourself, no one can save you!"

"Give me death!"


"you you you!"

Not only was this figure suddenly becoming arrogant, even the old man at this moment, his face changed abruptly.

I even want to appear directly at Jiang Yun's side, and then quickly fly Jiang Yun to the kick, flying as far as possible!

"Your boy, the ignorant is fearless, the courage is too big, even my idea is dare to fight!"

"But you don't know, I can't kill him. When it's time, he will kill you again, even I can't save you."


At this moment, above the black cloud, Jiang Yun, who has been thinking for a moment, suddenly raised his hand and waved, and in front of him suddenly appeared ten shining things.

These things are varied and varied, with a blade, a brush, and a big clock...

On top of every thing, there is a strong volatility, and there is a line of light on it.

And Jiang Yun, slowly reaching out, began to piece by piece, crushing these things!

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