The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2263: Good and evil

Looking at the middle-aged man who appeared in front of himself, his face was white, and the old man’s face suddenly showed a murderous murder.

A horrible pressure instantly covered the man's body, causing his body to tremble slightly, and it was difficult to resist. He couldn't help but withdraw a few steps backwards.

However, he did not dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction. The mediocre face even showed a respectful color, and he bowed his head and said: "Predecessors!"

The respectfulness between the men's looks not only did not let the murderousness on the old man's face converge, but instead made this murderous, with a bit of disdain, and a heavy sigh: "No wonder there is a breath of the heavenly people. It turned out to be the slave of the heavenly people. !"

"Draw your name and hurry!"

Come, naturally, it is a hunting demon!

Like the little beast, he looked for Jiang Yun in the field battlefield for three years and decided to go to the Dojo to continue searching.

If he comes to count again, then he will see the scene of the little beast being taken away.

And with his identity as a slave to today's race, and his relationship with the little beast, he will not let the little beast be taken away.

It’s a pity that he was so late at the end of the day that he was just staggered with the little beast. He didn’t know that the little beast was taken away.

The old man’s murderousness and contempt, the hunter demon are all in sight.

In particular, the words spoken by the other party made the hunter demon tremble, and the words of chilling that he originally wanted to say could no longer be said.

The hunter has seen the old man!

Every monk who leaves the field and enters the extraterrestrial battlefield will come to the old man before entering the extraterrestrial battlefield, and will leave his own name here.

The hunter demon was also left from the Tao, and at that time, the old man was already here.

After many years, the hunter did not think that the old man was still here.

What he didn't even think about was that the old man broke his identity today.

The slave of the heavens!

Although the character of the hunter is so lonely, he has not been in contact with outsiders for many years, but this does not mean that he is stupid.

Being able to live to the present under the strong character of Tsinghua, if he is too stupid, he will already die.

If it was not three years ago, Tianjia took the initiative to tell him that he was the slave of the celestial being. He did not know the existence of the celestial being.

Naturally, this also made him realize that the existence of the celestial being is absolutely a secret thing.

The strength of the Tianzu is even stronger than he can imagine.

However, the old man easily said the name of the celestial being, and the vocabulary was scornful, and the strength was also terrible.

This is enough to show that the identity of the old man is not only similar to the heavenly people, but also in opposition to the heavenly people!

After these thoughts were swept in the minds of the hunter, he did not say a word. He just went to the old man and worshipped. He hurried to the stone tablet with countless names and carefully searched for his name. .

Soon, the hunter demon found his own name, reached out and crossed it, and then turned around and turned to the old man for a ceremony before he said: "Predecessors, the younger generation called the hunter, and left!"

After that, the hunter has already left.

The old man smiled coldly, although he heard his words, but apparently did not care.

In addition to guarding the extraterrestrial battlefield, the locals are not allowed to make any oversteps, but the slaves charged by the heavenly people have no right to interfere.

However, since ancient times, the Tianzu has never received a slave, but now it has received such a hunting demon.

Hunting demon...

When the old man thought of the name of the hunter, which meant a straightforward name, he couldn’t help but move his head and suddenly looked up and looked at the stone monument, the name that had just been erased by the hunter.

Although the name of the hunter was indeed erased, there were two more words next to it... Save me!

Looking at these two words, the old man's gaze can not help but condense, suddenly understand that the hunter is a slave to the celestial being, not willing, so ask for help.

The old man also wants to call back the hunter, but he hesitates when he speaks.

The slaves are not in their own jurisdiction.

If you arbitrarily take the shot and help the hunter to get rid of the slave identity, it is also a crime against the celestial being.

Although this matter can be big or small, if the Tianzu really grasps this handle, it is also a trouble!

Therefore, the old man shook his head, after all, he gave up the idea of ​​calling back the hunter, gave up this idle thing, and closed his eyes again.

And he did not know, just because of his difference in his thoughts today, it completely changed the fate of the hunter, but also successfully retired the hunter to his opposite!

As the old man thought, the hunter demon is incomparably hated by the Yaozu, and he can be willing to become a slave to the celestial being, only because the strength is not good, and there is no qualification for refusal.

It is conceivable that when he knew that the old man had the ability to help himself get rid of the slave status, his heart was really overjoyed.

Especially in his simple cognition, I take it for granted that since the old man is a human race and he is also a human race, the old man should naturally help himself.

It’s a pity that when he deliberately grinds into the domain, he never hears the old man again.

Standing in the seam, the hunter looked around, slowly closed his eyes, still with a look of hope, patiently waiting, waiting for the old man to suddenly appear and save himself.

He stood there quietly, for a long time, his life experience, flashed quickly in his mind, and his heart gradually integrated into the darkness, no longer the slightest light.

When he finally opened his eyes again, his eyes showed a sigh of relief, and the yin smiled: "The Yaozu accepts me as a slave, and the Terran can't help me!"

"In this world, people are good, demon is worth it, there is no good thing at all, all **** it!"

"Good, good, good!"

The hunter screamed loudly and made a big stride, walking towards the depths of the Tao.

Human nature is good, and human nature is evil.

In fact, the nature of the hunter is not bad. When he heard that there was a hard time in the life and death, he was ready to go to the rescue with Jiang Yun and he could see it.

However, he has experienced great difficulties, coupled with many years of life, making his character more and more lonely and extreme.

Such a person, if he meets a good person, may still be able to maintain the kindness of his heart, but as long as he is slightly stimulated, it will easily go to an extreme.

Like the hunter at this moment, he has completely abandoned the goodness of his heart!

Good and evil, this is between the thoughts.


Daoyu is the hometown of the hunter, the home of the hunter.

While in the dark clouds, the hunter has thought about the situation of returning to his hometown and returning to his hometown.

But now, at this moment, when he is really in his hometown, it has just turned into a dark heart, and naturally there will be no more excitement and joy.

What he can think of is how his family died in the hands of the saints. What they can think of is how they escaped from their homes like a dog of a family. What they can think of is that they are in the dark clouds. The dark life in the middle.

Therefore, when he passed through several worlds and found that it was a desolate place, there was no living in it at all. He did not think about the reasons, but directly shot and destroyed the world.

Although in the dojo domain, the hunter can not control all the power of the black cloud as the arm of the field, but it can also be used a little.

What's more, his own strength is not weak, it was the peak of the heavenly source.

This time, he became a slave to the celestial beings. In order to let him do his best, he specially rewarded him with a medicinal medicine, which made him successfully enter the source.

Among the small dojos, the strongest of the returnees are almost invincible existence!

With a twisted mind, with the darkness of the heart, there are only two words in the hunter's place, that is, destruction!

Although his task is to find Jiang Yun, but he even wants to kill Jiang Yun, how to seriously find it!

What's more, when he wants to come wherever Jiang Yun hides, as long as the place is destroyed, then Jiang Yun will definitely show up.

In this way, as the hunter demon gradually penetrated the field, he also entered the sight of Tao Zun!

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