The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2265: I am Jiang Yun.

At this moment, Jiang Yun is still in a dream.

Although he is still in the reincarnation of the world, his memory is no longer chaotic.

Because there is one thing that runs through his life from beginning to end.

It’s those rays!

Since Jiang Yun felt that he could piece together the light of a color into a complete shape, he has been doing this.

However, the number of those lights is too much, and there is not a very specific shape in Jiang Yun’s mind.

He is completely relying on his own instincts, according to his own imagination, to a little bit of patchwork.

Once the mistakes are put together and they do not match his intuition, they must all be disrupted and re-spelled from the beginning.

Such a project is really extremely vast and can not be done by the power of the world.

Fortunately, every time he reincarnates, the light will still be with him.

Even the patterns he had never finished before, still intact, so that he can continue to fight.

In this way, it took a full seven years, Jiang Yun finally completed a patchwork of color.

At this moment, he is already the old man who will be the wood.

However, looking at his own masterpiece in front of him, Jiang Yun’s eyes were gradually lit up.

In the eyes of others, the patterns of these rays are nothing at all, and they are completely irregular shapes.

But in the eyes of Jiang Yun, it is clearly a wind.

Stretching out the palm of his hand, gently stroking the wind, Jiang Yun’s mouth is also gently spit out four words: "The wind of silence!"

With the export of these four words, Jiang Yun’s body, suddenly came a burst of earth-shattering “咔咔” sound.

A huge crack appeared in all directions and appeared between heaven and earth.

Just as the world is broken, as everything is about to be destroyed.

For this horrible scene, Jiang Yun did not have the slightest movement, but instead slowly closed his eyes and said again: "I am Jiang Yun!"


This four-character export, as if with the power of destroying the earth and destroying the land, turned into four storms, soaring and rushing out.

The world that has spread all over the cracks can't bear the impact of this storm, and it has exploded and turned into countless pieces!

Those Jiang Yun had not had time to piece together, but the light of the various colors that he was placed there, also blasted, and rushed into Jiang Yun’s body.

The influx of these rays made the white hair of Jiang Yun’s head instantly turn black at the speed visible to the naked eye;

The wrinkles stacked on his face were quickly smoothed;

Let his sly body gradually straighten up.

In particular, the permanence of his body is not only swept away, but also has a huge atmosphere, rising in madness.

All the changes seem to be completed in an instant, but this moment of time, in the mind of Jiang Yun, is the memory of his reincarnation!

"I am Jiang Yun!"

The same four-character export, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his eyes, the original turbid eyes, become incomparably deep, but also has two excellent mans, flashing out.

Jiang Yun, wake up from a dream!

Or, he survived from death!

Looking at the endless darkness around, Jiang Yun did not rush to get up, but still sat there, staring at the darkness, and gradually remembered what happened before his death.

The night of the lonely dust sealed the gods who had already captured their souls, and then they motivated their own souls, urging all of their own, blasting themselves, and the soul of the gods of Tianjia.

Before he died, he also said a word to Jinsuo, hoping that he would not enter the reincarnation, and not turn to the next!

"I am now dead and resurrected, or have I been transferred again?"

Jiang Yun’s knowledge of the gods looked at his own soul. At first glance, his body could not help but tremble.

Your own soul has become complete!

The soul, which is illusory, is invisible to the naked eye.

Only the monks who have cultivated to a certain realm can see the soul, but also because of the illusion, so the soul is complete, can not see, can only feel on their own.

Jiang Yun now clearly feels that his soul has become complete!

Not only is it complete, but the golden lock in his own soul has disappeared and disappeared, but in his own soul, there is a seal, and a pattern formed by several lines.

Jiang Yun’s gods stared at the seal. Although the seal was not a gold lock, it was a lock shape.

Jiang Yun did not try to crack this seal.

Because he knows that with his current strength, it is impossible to break open.

However, even if he did not break the seal, he knew that among the seals, it was his own memory!

Or, it should be the memory of your own first life!

In that memory, you should have your own parents, your own family, and your true loved ones!

Although Jiang Yun does not know what happened after his death, it is not difficult to infer from his mind and the disappearance of the Golden Lock.

"Golden lock heard the words before my death, and completed me, released my soul that was always protected, and through the soul, successfully let me die and resurrected, did not let me reincarnate. ”

"So my soul has finally become complete."

"Just, the gold lock is a seal, still sealed the memory of my first life!"

"Why, since I have already made my soul complete, I still can't let me know the memory of my first life."

"My first life, what did it go through, need to be so secret?"

"It should be, the truth about the disappearance of the dead family..."

For his own life, Jiang Yun already knows that he is a ruined person. When he was in his first life, it is likely that the dead family will disappear.

Whether the mortal family is destroyed by others or another way to go is absolutely the biggest secret between heaven and earth. It cannot be known to other people, so it is necessary to seal the memory of your first life.

In this regard, Jiang Yun is not in a hurry, anyway, as long as he sees the righteous father, all the secrets, he can know.

Looking at the golden lock seal for a long while, Jiang Yun looked at the pattern formed by the number of lines that appeared in his soul.

"this is……"

Jiang Yun’s brows were slightly wrinkled, but then the eyes were exposed to the hustle and bustle.

Because this pattern is clearly like the pattern of the wind of silence formed in the eyebrows of the eyebrows, it is a source of strength.

Although he did not know what power it was, from this pattern, he felt a familiar atmosphere.

When he saw Tianjia, the kind of exuberance on the body of Tsinghua made him unable to move, so that he wanted to worship him.

"Is this the power of the day, and this power is hidden in the soul, not in the body?"

Soul, although there is power, but unity is called soul power.

Jiang Yun is very familiar with the soul force, and knows that in addition to the soul force, all other forces are hidden in the body, originating from Dantian.

However, the power of Tianjia is actually in the soul, which Jiang Yun has never seen.

However, Jiang Yun also thought of the explanation: "Tianjia, the soul is one, his soul is the body, the body is the soul, but I am not, so this power is in my soul."

"And, this should be the time when Tianjia completed half of my soul, and when I blew myself, I left his power in my soul."

"Then, can I use this power?"

Jiang Yun thought about it, and there was a force in the pattern that suddenly came out, and above his body, there was also a breath of breath.

At this moment, Jiang Yun clearly realized that he had turned himself into... Heaven!

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