The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2286: Troglodyte death zone

After walking in the road for two days, Jiang Yun finally understood why Hong Zhen said that the current domain has been abandoned!

Because this road has come, the world that Jiang Yun has passed, whether it is the road or the wilderness, is almost ten circles and nine empty spaces, and basically no monks and creatures can be seen in it.

In some worlds, there are still a variety of city buildings, but they are empty;

In some worlds, it is completely ruined, and apparently a large-scale war has taken place;

There are also a few living beings in the world, but only some mortals and ordinary animals.

Seeing these scenes, Jiang Yun can already think of it. All the monks, all the monks, have already been shackled by the Tao, become the masters of the Tao, or have escaped to somewhere, hid, or have been killed. .

In short, the domain is like a dead field!

This naturally makes Jiang Yun's mood more and more heavy, but what he can do is to spread the speed to the extreme, to enlarge the knowledge to the extreme, and to do everything he can to the mountains and seas, while seeing Whether to find the trace of the monk.

However, Jiang Yun’s heart still has not given up hope.

Because Hong Zhenyi said, those who have been taken away by the Taoist people in the mountains and seas should still be alive.

Jiang Yun also believes that he is telling the truth.

Tao Zun, I am afraid that I want those people's lives to marry themselves, or even to kill those people in front of their own faces!

As long as they do not appear in front of the Tao, they will not die.

In this way, after three more days, Jiang Yun’s knowledge finally found a world that was positive and small, and there was a breath of monks in it!

This world is only one size of a city.

Outside the world, a lineup is arranged, like a bubble, wrapping the whole world.

Within the world, although there are tens of thousands of monks, but the strongest is just the Taoist world, and most of the monks' strength is in the heavens!

At this moment, nearly a thousand monks above the heavens are standing on the ground, and they have also formed a certain formation.

Standing in the forefront is a tall white-haired old man, and the strongest of all monks.

His old face was tired and tired, but among his eyes, he was burning with endless fighting.

Not only him, the nearly thousands of monks behind him, all of them are in such a state, such a look, and what they look at is a huge vortex appearing above the sky.

There, there is a black shadow that is slowly coming out of the whirlpool.

It is a black warship!


Before the warship sailed out of the whirlpool, there was a sudden scream in the mouth of the old man.

The next moment, thousands of monks raised their hands, and a lot of aura suddenly swarmed out of their bodies.

These auras belonging to different realms of monks gathered in the air, not only condensed but not scattered, but even condensed into a imaginary spear with a hundred feet long at a very fast speed!

Because these monks practice different martial arts and have different strengths, the color of this spear is also colorful, and it looks like a bells and whistles.

However, it contains amazing power!

Obviously, the role of the formation they formed can bring together the power of all of them!

Immediately after the spear appeared, it shivered slightly, and then, like the arrow of the string, headed straight toward the ship that was coming out of the whirlpool.


The spear had a sharp whistling sound, and the scorpion stabbed the ship and went straight.


Then, another loud noise came, and the spear condensed by the aura exploded.

The tremendous force of the explosion caused the ship to violently tremble.

But above the hull, there is a golden pattern of circles and circles. It is like a cockroach, and the force of the explosion is solved.

"Come back!"

The old man of the Taoist platform spoke again, taking the lead to raise his hand, and a thick aura rushed out of the body.

Behind him, nearly a thousand auras followed closely, once again condensing a spear and stabbing the ship.

Above the warship, the ripples brought by the golden lines became more and more fine, and a huge tarpaulin shield was formed, which blocked the spear in the air.

At this time, there was a voice in the warship: "These people have a lot of tricks, but in front of our saints, any of your resistance is useless."

At the same time as the sound was heard, a figure stepped out of the battleship.

This is a beast that is shaped like a bear. It is a sigh of exuberance on the strong body, at least the five worlds.

The bear demon's eyes with gloomy light, overlooking the nearly thousand monks underneath, the face flashed a trace of cruelty, and suddenly a strange scream.

Among the screams, his body suddenly rose and turned into a thousand feet, directly using his huge body, and smashed down to the thousand monks below.


Looking at the bear demon that was like a mountain, the roar of the old man in the Taoist platform, together with the aura radiated by the thousands of monks behind him, condensed into a huge shield.


The shield just appeared, and the beast's body had already slammed into the shield.

Although the shield did not break, there was a crack on it immediately.

Among the thousands of monks under the shield, they were shocked by huge forces and many people spit blood.

The bear demon is unscathed, laughing out loud: "Hey, I have to look, you can stop my attack several times!"

The bear demon raised his hand, picked up his palm, and slammed the shield toward the shield under him.


The fall of each of his palms is a powerful and terrible blow to those tribes.

Although all Terran monks insisted on gnashing their teeth, when the bear demon slashed four palms, dozens of monks could not support it. The mouth was squirting blood and the body fell to the ground.

As they fall, the formation of this formation is naturally unbreakable.

"Haha!" The bear demon smirked and laughed: "What are you waiting for, kill them quickly, one does not stay!"

As he made a sound, he saw the battleship, and suddenly there were a lot of figures emerging, and rushed toward the monks below.

These figures are all demon, there are 10,000 people, and the weakest are also the heavens!

The old man in the Taoist platform widened his eyes and sighed out loudly: "All scattered, each fighting!"

Their biggest reliance is the formation.

Now that the formation has been broken, it is better to face the group of demons.

And the bear demon, it is a figure, once again turned into a normal size, appeared in front of the white-haired old man.

The bear demon squinted his eyes and swept him up and down. He said contemptuously: "You are their head, you are a human being, it is really too weak, die!"

When the voice fell, the bear demon raised his hand and fanned again toward the old man.

The strength of the bear demon is much stronger than that of the old one. In the face of the attack of the other side, although the old man knows that he has no resistance at all, he still clenches his teeth and condenses all the strength, ready to fight.


However, at this moment, a loud shock from the eardrum of the old man was faintly heard, and the bear demon in front of him had already flown far away.

The old man looked at his fist that he hadn't had time to throw it out, and he couldn't help but lie there.

At the same time, an indifferent voice rang in him, in the ears of all Terrans and Yaos.

"I am also a human race!"

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