The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2319: Ten thousand monks

Jiang Yun’s face was not moved because of the question asked by Tao, but he calmly looked at the other side.

After a while, Jiang Yuncai said: "Your words, have you finished?"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun had already lifted his foot and took a step toward the position of Daoyi!

At the same time as Jiang Yun lifted his foot, the 10,000 monks who surrounded him also acted together, exuding a strong breath, just like forming an invisible hood, which blocked Jiang Yun’s advance. The shape of the body, so Jiang Yun had to take back the pace.

Looking at Jiang Yun, Dao’s face showed a disappointment: "I have heard a lot about you. I originally had some expectations for you. I want to cooperate with you, so I deliberately asked them." Questions."

"But now, you are just a coward, I am quite disappointed!"

In fact, Jiang Yun is very interested in knowing the answers to several questions that have been asked in a row.

However, Jiang Yun does not understand the real purpose of the road, but also worried that the road is not delaying his time, what is the backhand.

What's more, anyway, as long as we can grasp the first one, then the answer to these questions, Jiang Yun can still learn from the soul of the Tao, and know more clearly.

Therefore, Jiang Yun will only take the shot.

Today's Jiang Yun has already applied the technique of reincarnation, but he only recruited the reincarnation of the fourth world. In fact, the reincarnation he can now recruit has reached the sixth world!

It’s just that Jiang Yun has always used to leave a little card for himself. He will show all his strengths when he doesn’t come up.

Even in the reincarnation of the fourth world, he has the ability to at least contend with the strong players in the early stage, which is not blocked by ordinary formations.

Unexpectedly, the formation of these 10,000 monks is actually extraordinary, blocking their own way.

This made Jiang Yun think of the way in which the thousands of monks were able to unite each other when they seized Guo Pat.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun took a look at the tens of thousands of monks around.

Although these thousands of monks have long appeared, but Jiang Yun has never seriously looked at them, after all, Jiang Yun's main purpose is to kill the Tao.

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s pupils could not help but suddenly shrink, and the depth of the eyes was flashing a faint color.

These tens of thousands of monks, the strongest of them, but the weakest, and even the spiritual environment, the difference in strength between them is extremely different.

It seems that they are indeed arranged in a certain way, but this method is in the eyes of Jiang Yun, not to mention Liu Peng's formation.

It is even flawed and unbearable. There should be no role in merging the cultivation of thousands of people, and it should not be able to block themselves.

"How is this going?"

Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed and he took another step. This time he went straight to the biggest flaw in the formation.


At the same time as Jiang Yun lifted his foot, the tens of thousands of monks also lifted their feet at the same time. A vast breath broke out from the biggest flaw, and once again, it blocked Jiang Yun’s figure.

"This can't be regarded as a battle, but I don't know what kind of method I used to bring together the repairs of this 10,000 people!"

The eyes of Jiang Yun’s eyes skyrocketed, staring at the 10,000 monks, and found that the position they stood in was actually messy and messy, but their actions were extremely neat.

One person moves, thousands move!

To Jiang Yun’s feeling, these thousands of monks are like the ones of the Tao.

"The 10,000 monks must be the biggest reliance on Tao, but how can he do it, and can combine the cultivation of thousands of people without using the formation?"

"If you don't solve these 10,000 monks today, you will not be able to kill one!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun stretched out a finger and there was a small whirlpool at the fingertips.

Daoyi always stood outside the gates of the palace, so he watched Jiang Yun’s actions.

After seeing Jiang Yun’s successive temptations, he was obviously ready to shoot. He shook his head and shook his head: "But, since you want to fight so, I will fulfill you, just let me see if you are qualified and me." Cooperation!"

This is the second time that Dao mentioned that he wants to cooperate with Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun listened clearly, but he did not pay attention to it.

Because you don’t have to work with yourself, you don’t agree with what you ask for.

As the voice of the road fell, Jiang Yun’s fingers that had been stretched out had been extremely casually directed toward the void.

One finger fell, and the wind of silence screamed out and turned into a gust of wind, sweeping away toward the tens of thousands of monks.

The wind of silence is definitely one of Jiang Yun’s killers.

Even with his current strength, he can only use it once in a short period of time. Therefore, under normal circumstances, he will not be able to use it easily.

However, at this moment, in the face of the tens of thousands of monks who can be cultivated together, Jiang Yun can only use it.


Just as the wind of silence broke away from Jiang Yun’s fingers, among the thousands of monks, suddenly there were several figures vacated and voluntarily greeted the wind of silence.

A total of 100 people, like a wall of people, has blocked the path of the wind of silence.

Although the price of this blockade was to let the hundred people under the blow of the wind of silence, they suddenly disappeared, but after killing a hundred people, the wind of silence also dissipated.

"With the lives of hundreds of people, the power of the wind of silence!"

Jiang Yun’s pupils contracted again, and there was finally a hint of dignity in his heart.

If these 10,000 monks are so timid and do not care about their own lives, then today they want to kill one, I am afraid that it is unlikely to be realized.

Moreover, they will not give themselves the opportunity to fight alone, as long as they take the shot, the remaining people will block at the same time.

Unless you can kill a lot of monks with one stroke!

This is something that I can't do.

However, from this point of view, Daoyi really wants to cooperate with himself.

Otherwise, with the power of these thousands of monks, you can kill yourself!

Obviously it is the Tao that does not let them kill themselves!

"This one, there are some means, it is no wonder that he only has the strength of Tianyuan, but there is no fear, there are thousands of monks in hand, in the domain, almost no one can hurt him!"

Just when Jiang Yun didn't know how to deal with Daoyi, he suddenly thought of a problem.

How do these monks know how to deal with the wind of silence?

The wind of silence has rarely been used by itself, and there are very few people who know it.

However, I just pointed out that the tens of thousands of monks immediately split a hundred people, in order to offset the wind of silence.

This shows that they not only know the wind of silence, but also know how to deal with it. It is clear that they are very familiar with the wind of silence.

In the Taoist domain, even if you are a Taoist, you will not know the wind of silence!

"What the **** are you?"

Jiang Yun’s eyes are as electric, and seven color marks appear in his eyes, staring at the 10,000 monks.

At this time, from the body of these 10,000 monks, Jiang Yun suddenly felt a familiar atmosphere!

If one or two monks have the familiarity of Jiang Yun, it may be possible.

However, thousands of repairs are uneven, there are men and women, old and young monks, there is a trace of the familiar feeling of Jiang Yun, this is absolutely impossible!

Jiang Yun’s brain is spinning with thoughts.

He has practiced all the way to the present, and he has encountered many things that are ridiculous and difficult to understand, but things like this have never been met, and they have never even been thought of.

In the next moment, Jiang Yun’s fascination suddenly went to the cover of the 10,000 monks. He had to take a good look at the tens of monks, what the **** is going on!

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