The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2327: Clear the context

Jiang Yun suddenly stopped!

The name of the road continued: "You also understand the role of assimilation, and I can assimilate countless myself."

"And I did it, so strictly speaking, we are just the equivalent!"

Jiang Yun finally returned to the gods: "You are also a avatar, where is your deity?"

"I do not know!"

The road is open to the palm of his hand: "Actually, the reason why I named it is because I didn't really know my own origin and didn't know my name."

"Original?" Jiang Yun sharply grasped the two words in the no-named words: "So, do you already know your origins now?"

The road smiled innocently: "It should only be a guess, say it, thank you!"

Jiang Yun is puzzled: "Thank me?"

"Yes, because you and I have this war!"

"When I saw that you broke the palm of the 10,000-man monk defense, I vaguely knew."

"When you applied the technique of the curse to the Tao, I finally remembered it."

The curse of heaven!

Jiang Yun suddenly stood up and stared at the road with no eyes. "How do you know?"

The technique of the curse of heaven, that is the magical power of the heavenly people. In the two fields of extinction, the number of people who know it is absolutely rare. Therefore, when Jiang Yun exhibited, he did not name it.

However, the name of the road is broken, and there are only two possibilities for his origin. One is that he is in the domain of destruction, and he is the supreme strongman who has entered the realm of legend.

Another possibility is that he comes from...

"You, are you a god, or an ancient?"

The road was anonymous and smiled: "Do you look at me like a demon?"

The nameless name is the human race, so he can only come from the ancients!

This is really beyond the expectations of Jiang Yun!

Originally, he thought that the Tao was nameless, but he came from a certain ethnic group in the domain. However, his true identity turned out to belong to the ancients!

However, this is what makes Jiang Yun understand why he did not find a group with assimilation power when he was in the domain.

“No!” Jiang Yun suddenly frowned. “If you are from the ancients, your strength is a bit too weak!”

In this sentence, Jiang Yun did not mean to mean the nameless, but to tell the truth.

So far, the ancient and natural people that Jiang Yun saw, the strength of any one, is strong enough beyond the imagination of Jiang Yun.

It is not necessary for Tianjia to say that he blew himself up, and he only abolished his soul;

Hong Zhenyi, able to send himself directly into the Tianxiang world of the ruined domain at the entrance of the Taoist domain!

The sky has made the mountains and seas come from a reincarnation for countless years.

Xuan Tong, if he does not have the power of the Tianzu, he has been shot dead by him.

Compared with them, even though the strength of the nameless is weaker, it is also true that Taoist should not easily tamper with the memory.

What's more, when he saw Dao Zun, Dao Zou was far less powerful than it is now.

The nameless name does not mind Jiang Yun’s doubts about his own strength. He smiled slightly: “I just said, when I came to the Dojo, I couldn’t remember who I was, and my cultivation was great. The degree of decline has not fully recovered yet."

"If not, I can't let the one of the roads trap the soul of God!"

Jiang Yun nodded and sat down again: "Why did you come to the domain?"

"I was ordered to find the patriarch of your ruined family, the whereabouts of Ji Kongfan!"

Jiang Yun just sat down in the body and suddenly bounced again. He stared at the road with no eyes. After a long time, he began to say: "You don't know Xuantong!"

"Xuan Tong!" Hearing the name, the name was frowned and fell into meditation.

Although he already knows his own origins, some memories still seem to be very clear. After thinking for a long time, he only reveals the sorrowful color: "That is my big brother!"


Jiang Yun couldn't help but breathe a sigh!

It turned out that the nameless name was the one who came to Ji Gufan’s whereabouts after the creation of the domain in Ji Kongfan!

However, when he did not know what he had experienced, he lost his memory and fell into a fall, so that he was not able to return to the ancients, but was held by the Taoist and became the sovereign of the Tao.

Xuan Tong, as the unnamed big brother, can never let go of the missing brother, so he will secretly enter the extraterrestrial battlefield from the Tianzu, and want to find the nameless.

Only in this way, Jiang Yun’s original identification of the sky has once again become confusing.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun has been able to figure out a complete context for all things.

This piece of heaven and earth, first with the Tianzu, then with the ancients, after the ancient heaven dispute, the ancient and the heavenly people are on an equal footing.

Soon after, Tongtianmen and Tongtianling came, especially in the Tongtian Order, which contained all kinds of powerful forces, which created the domain.

The destroyer of the domain, and then created a number of domain.

In order to understand the purpose and origin of Tongtianmen, both the ancient and the ancients no longer interfere in the destruction of the two domains, but secretly observe until they discover the patriarch of the genocide, Ji Kongfan!

In particular, the lonely family disappeared inexplicably, and Ji Kongfan took the nine slaves and opened up a domain, and suspended his death and broke into reincarnation.

This also led to great interest between the two races. They sent a tribe to find the whereabouts of Ji Kongfan and wanted to find out the truth about the disappearance of the dead.

As a result, the people sent by the Tianzu did not have the slightest harvest, and went back to life.

The ethnic group that the ancients sent out was also unknown. However, because of the accident, they not only repaired and fell, but also lost their memory. They were trapped by Taoism and became the sovereign of the Taoist!

At this time, the nameless name asked: "How do you know the name of my older brother?"

Jiang Yun did not conceal: "I met your big brother in the battlefield outside the field. If you enter the domain, you will not return, so he can't worry, so come to you!"

The nameless face showed a bitter smile: "I have never seen him for a few years."

Jiang Yun once again asked: "Predecessors, why do you suddenly know that God Bless is caught by the Tao?"

"Although I am not a competent father, but in the soul of God Bless, I always hide my glimpse of God, even if he is reincarnation, as long as he is in danger, I will know!"

Jiang Yun heard that he couldn’t help but smile. He and Dao Tianyou, strictly speaking, really can’t be a brother.

There is a golden lock and a nightly guardian in his own soul, and Dao Tianyou is guarded by his father's gods, even if the reincarnation cannot be erased.

"Where were you at the time?"

Jiang Yun wants to pass the name of the road in front of him and see if he can find the nameless deity.

Just a little faster, the road shook his head and said: "I was just an ordinary monk. I realized that God blessed me. I just woke up and became a nameless person."

"That's nearly ten thousand monks!"

The power of assimilation of the nameless, divided into thousands, or even more, is hidden in the bodies of some monks.

If the power of assimilation does not awaken, then these monks will live without knowing.

But once the power of assimilation is awakened, they will all be from the inside out, completely become the nameless!

The nameless name asked: "Yes, Jiang Yun, how do you have the power of the Tianzu, and the technique of the curse?"

"As far as I know, this curse of the day, even among the heavenly people, there are not many people who know!"

When Jiang Yunwei was indulged, he would tell the battlefield outside the field, himself and the Tianjia battle, and later the battle with the proverb.

Naturally, Jiang Yun still answers the question about why he can die and resurrect.

After listening to Jiang Yun’s experience, the nameless face was quite emotional: “You are the person of the Kyrgyzstan. When I see you at first sight, I know that your life will never be ordinary!”

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly: "I saw the first sight of my predecessors, but it was full of hatred for my predecessors!"

"Hate?" The road name is arrogant: "You are still in the middle of it, what hate can I have?"

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