The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2349: Repeated battles

Nameless abandonment!

This second home, which was worried about by Jiang Yun, is no longer the same as its name, and it is unknown!

The original nameless wilderness, because of the deliberate protection of the namelessness of the road, makes its aura less scarce, the environment can not be said to be hard, but at least it is absolutely not suitable for the cultivation of monks.

Even if a monk passes through the nameless wasteland, at most it only sweeps into the inside, and even is too lazy to enter it.

However, before the departure of the nameless wasteland, Jiang Yun merged the world with his own body with the power of assimilation. While protecting the nameless wasteland, it also gave the world a great fortune.

It’s been five or six decades since he left.

The creations that he left behind have gradually emerged during this time, and the whole nameless world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Today's nameless wilderness, the aura of incomparable richness, and the atmosphere of the nine caves, and the variety of Jiang Yun's entanglement into the Tao, his own understanding of the avenue.

This also makes it possible for almost no one to be a monk in the nameless wilderness, and everyone can cultivate.

Especially those born after Jiang Yun’s departure, whether human or animal, if they are solely on qualifications, they are all heavenly pride.

Even if it is placed in each avenue, among the major enchantants, it is also the object that needs to be cultivated.

For these changes, the unknown monk is naturally grateful to Jiang Yun, but also extra cherished, everyone is doing their best to hurry and practice.

Therefore, in today's nameless wilderness, there are already seven monks in Taoist territory, and there are more than one hundred monks in the Taoist world. There are thousands of monks in the heavenly world!

It sounds like the overall strength of the nameless wasteland is not strong, but these monks have all grown up in just five or six decades!

Before Jiang Yun came to the nameless wasteland, the monks here had the highest level of realm, but only a few in number!

If there is no outside disturbance, if you give more time to the nameless wasteland, then I believe that there will definitely be a human being, or even a strong person in the realm of the road.

It’s a pity that the unfamiliar life of the nameless wasteland was interrupted because of the great cleansing of the Taoist domain!

Fortunately, the area outside the nameless wilderness is a million miles apart, because the three monks from the dead world opened the gates of the dead, making this area completely dead.

Even the people of the Holy Family and the Temple of the Tao are not willing to be near here, so they have fortunately escaped the Great Cleansing.

However, after the end of the Great Cleansing, those monks who did not want to return to the Taoist and saints, in the escape of the headless flies, finally found the existence of the nameless wasteland.

For those who have just experienced the escape, the nameless wasteland is like a paradise on earth, so that they are not willing to leave after they arrive.

Coupled with the nameless wilderness, the strongest monks are only the Taoist, and they are not a threat to them, so they stayed.

With the arrival of these outside monks, the monks of the nameless abbots initially held a repulsive attitude.

But when they knew that these people had to escape from the Taoist and the saints, they had to accept them. .

There is no reason for it, because the nameless wilderness, and the Taoist, also have a common enemy.

The one that was first honored by the Tao, almost destroyed the nameless wasteland and killed all their creatures.

A large number of outside monks have entered, and naturally there are some people who are unconcerned, want to kill in the nameless world, and even enslave monks in the nameless world.

However, when they saw the nameless wilderness, in a city called the Magic Cloud, when they stood up with a statue of a size, they all gave up the idea!

The statue is carved by a young man.

The man’s name is called Jiang Yun!

Under the great cleansing of the Tao and the saints, for all the monks who are unwilling to return, their only hope is Jiang Yun!

Therefore, after knowing that this nameless wilderness has a relationship with Jiang Yun, even those who are bold and dare not dare to make trouble here.

In fact, this nameless wasteland is not really safe.

As more and more monks discover the existence of this place, everyone knows it, and the people of the Tao and the saints will certainly find it.

However, when the Taoist and the saints joined forces to attack the mountains and seas, they were monks with some mountains and seas, and they came here one step at a time.

This group of mountain sea monks, the number will be nearly a thousand.

The head is a pair of Taoist, not too old, the strength is not too high, the woman is the Taoist territory, the man is only the Taoist situation!

After they came to the nameless wasteland, they recognized the statue of Jiang Yun at a glance, and they also made them ecstatic, and naturally they stayed.

To tell the truth, just as the monks of the nameless abrupt world do not welcome outside monks, the outside monks who fled here have not welcomed the arrival of monks from the mountains and seas.

After all, the monks in the mountains and seas are the objects that the Taoist and the saints must destroy anyway.

If they are there, it will inevitably lead to the people of the Tao and the saints.

Therefore, some outside repairs have been united together, and I want to drive these unskilled Shanhai monks out of the nameless wasteland.

As a result, these outside monks are, in turn, easily defeated by seemingly not strong mountains and seas!

Even, they simply don't know how they lost!

Since then, the repair of Shanhai has not only continued to remain in the nameless wasteland, but after knowing that they actually met with Jiang Yun, the monks of the nameless wilderness also came together with them.

In this way, the repair of mountains and seas has become a temporary leader of the nameless wasteland.

Next, the Taoist Temple and the Holy Family have discovered the nameless wasteland and launched an offensive to win the world.

Under the leadership of the repair of the mountains and seas, the nameless wasteland has repeatedly turned a blind eye to the danger, successfully killing the enemy.

This also makes a lot of outside repairs, I simply don't understand why, in this district, thousands of unskilled mountains and seas can be repeatedly defeated repeatedly?

You must know that among the people who come to the temple, there are even strong people who have entered the human world.

With the strength of humanity, one person can repair all the mountains and seas.

The repair of the mountains and seas will always win.

After seeing the wars of the mountains and seas repaired several times, everyone can only think that this is all due to the powerful formation of the mountains and seas!

But in any case, after several battles, the status of Shanhai’s repair has become more and more stable.

Even the repairs of the outside world that were initially hostile to them gradually changed their attitudes, and even they were willing to listen to their orders and jointly protect this nameless wasteland!

Originally all monks believed that under the leadership of the mountains and seas, under the concerted efforts of all, we will be able to hold the nameless wasteland and make it a true paradise.

But in the past few days, the couple who are the leaders in the repair of the mountains and seas have become extremely dignified.

Although they did not say anything, they have already arranged all the monks above the borders in the entire wasteland into the boundaries.

At this moment, among the boundaries outside the nameless wilderness, there are dozens of monks in the Taoist world, constantly patrolling the nameless wasteland.

Their faces are also extremely dignified, because they know that there must be something big to happen, and this is a big event that cannot be solved smoothly by the repair of mountains and seas!

In the nameless wasteland, a rainbow of light was shot and appeared in front of them. It was a young man with a burly figure and a pair of eyes.

When I saw this person appear, all the Taoist monks came to his side immediately, and yelled at him with a fist: "Tang Daoyou, can you tell us, is there anything going on?"

"Yeah, we are all people on board. Everyone is a life-and-death. If there is anything, please tell them, so let us have a mental preparation!"

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