The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2362: Chaptery crying

Just as Tang Yi and Lu Yourong and others know about Jiang Yun, although Jiang Yun’s mind already has a series of plans against Taoism, the decision to let him make no one is to make his heart really There is tremendous pressure.

Now, he still wants to think about it again. Can there be any way to save some people while saving the nameless wasteland?

Among the three places, Jiang Yun is actually the most unconcerned.

Because of the creatures in the land of the world, except for one day, other people have no relationship with him at all.

Even if it is a sky drop, and Jiang Yun is only a cooperation, not a person who Jiang Yun cares.

Jiang Yun is not a saint. It is impossible to really do the whole thing and try to protect every life in this world.

He can only help others as much as he can within his power.

What's more, it is not easy to get into the boundaries of the world.

The land of the boundary will only be opened under certain conditions. After entering, it is even more difficult to leave.

Therefore, let alone the monks in the mountains and seas are unlikely to flee to the boundaries of the world. I am afraid that even the ghosts may not be able to enter them.

Even Jiang Yun feels that the reason why Tao Zun wants to let the ghosts go to the land of the world is not to kill but to kill the nine places!

Although it is extremely important to kill the Nine Lands, Jiang Yun also wants to know why the Nine Lands will be disconnected from himself. However, in the case of his own ignorance, he can only temporarily throw it aside and ignore it. It is.

As for the Taoist market, Jiang Yun is not too worried.

The three brothers used to practice with Master in the Taoist market. They were very familiar with the situation there, and Master should have left some protective means there.

Even if the three divisions do not rival the ghosts, but want to escape, the problem should not be great.

What really makes Jiang Yun worry is the ghostly beast!

The ghostly beast, I am afraid that is the last remaining tribe of the beasts.

There are still a large number of worlds in its body, and there are many living beings in many worlds.

Especially in the turbid wasteland, many of the creatures there, along with the demon of the wilderness, have a close relationship with Jiang Yun.

If the ghost army really finds the spirited beast and launches an attack, then most of the creatures will die with the beasts.

"No!" Jiang Yun suddenly opened his eyes: "Xiao Letian and other nine ethnic groups, as well as blood robes and demon sects, they are also likely to flee to the ghosts of the beasts."

The clear and turbid wasteland, this is Xiao Letian sent to the body of the ghost spirit, and his gangsters are still left there.

The spirit of the blood robe and the spirit of the five demon spirits are also hidden in the body of the spirited beast.

Therefore, after they escaped from the mountains and seas, there is a great possibility to find the beasts of the spirits, and this is the real reason why the Taoist people must chase the spirits of the spirits!

At the thought of this, Jiang Yun suddenly stood up and could no longer sit still.

If you don't think of these things, you can still save no one, but since you have already thought of this possibility, if you don't go, if the facts come true, then you can't forgive yourself forever!

"Ginger brother, you are back!"

Just then, Zheng De appeared in the eyes of Jiang Yun.

Looking at Zheng De, looking at this magic cloud city, looking at the whole nameless wasteland, Jiang Yun that just stood up, but fell down with powerlessness.

If you go to find the beasts of the spirits, then if you come to the nameless wasteland, then all the monks in this world will die.

Moreover, in the martyrdom domain, I don’t even know where the ghosts are hiding!

Seeing Jiang Yun stand up and sit down, and his face is extremely ugly, Zheng De hurriedly came to Jiang Yun's face in a few steps, full of concern: "Ginger brother, what's wrong with you, is it uncomfortable?"

"Nothing!" Jiang Yun smiled and shook his head and said: "It is a little tired!"

Zheng De put this down: "That's just right, your nephew has already prepared the meal, let's go, let's have two drinks in the past, and the problem is lacking!"

Now Jiang Yun, where is the mood to drink, put on the hand: "Zheng Lao Ge, wine, drink again in the next day, my heart is a bit messy, I want to be quiet!"

Zheng De Zhang opened his mouth and wanted to comfort Jiang Yun, but he did not know what to say.

Although Zheng De is not a monk, but the experience of these years, especially all that happened today, he can not see, Jiang Yun's body is holding a heavy burden.

I am and Jiang Yun, who are two worlds!

Jiang Yun’s troubles, he can’t help a little.

In desperation, he could only sigh and say: "Well, then you should calm down yourself, wait for you when you want to drink, come to me at any time!"

Jiang Yun apologized: "I'm sorry, Zheng Lao Ge, also said thank you to my nephew!"

"My brother, say what to do!"

Zheng De turned and left, Jiang Yun also closed his eyes again, but the heart, but can no longer sit still, racking his brains to think about whether there is any best way.

After a long time, he gave up and shook his head: "Even if I can take the entire nameless wasteland, but the premise is that I need to know where the ghost spirit beast is now!"

"First, let's ask them to see Zong Rui. If they know which team of ghosts are going to chase the ghosts, then it is possible to know the position of the ghosts."

Just standing up and preparing to go to Zong Rui, his ears were suddenly moving, and the eyes burst into a dazzling light!

Because, his ear just heard a sound like a baby crying!

The voice, although extremely faint, but could not get through the ears of Jiang Yun, but also let Jiang Yun's body tremble slightly with excitement.

The voice of the beast of the spirits is just like a baby crying!

It’s hard to be done, the ghost spirit beast is now just in the vicinity of the unknown wilderness?

There won't be such a clever thing!

Although the heart is unbelievable, Jiang Yun still hopes that the best thing is really happening!


Suddenly, there was another baby crying.

And once I heard this voice again, it made Jiang Yun’s face show a smile.

Because this time he heard very clearly, the sound came from a house not far from his benevolent pharmacy.

There, there is a baby in the middle of the baby, waving his arms and crying!

"I am a little nervous!"

Jiang Yun smiled and shook his head and sighed. "Yes, why didn't the unnamed predecessor come, he won't have any trouble?"

As Jiang Yun’s voice fell, his ear suddenly sounded a nameless voice: “Why, I can’t think of it!”

Jiang Yun’s eyes lit up again. The next moment, his figure has risen to the sky, appearing directly in the seams, and standing in front of him with a smile on his face!

Seeing that the name is safe and sound, Jiang Yun’s face is also a smile: “It’s really a miss of my predecessors, but the seniors came a little late!”

“Hey!” said the nameless grin and said: “There was something wrong with the road, but it’s good that you have arrived.”

"It seems that there should be no accidents in the nameless wasteland?"

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "It's a little bit twisted, but it has been solved by me!"

“What happened to the predecessors? Did you encounter a Taoist or a saint?”

"That didn't!" said the nameless shook his head: "I met a group of ghosts and brought you an old friend of your sinister family!"

"Well?" Jiang Yun suddenly stunned, and looked in the eyes and looked at the nameless: "Who?"

"Wow, wow!"

Another burst of baby crying sounds in the ears of Jiang Yun.

This time, the sound does not come from the nameless wasteland, but from the dark seam!

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