The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2374: Ghost country

The reason why Jiang Yun chose to live and die as a place to fight with Sen Luo, in addition to fighting back to the water, is also to take this opportunity to see if he can re-examine the power of these four laws.

Even, Jiang Yun wants to re-enlighten!

Although Jiang Yun is already a pure monk, but in his bones, he still insists that he is a monk in the Taoist domain and never gave up his pursuit of Tao.

He hopes that he will be able to re-enter the road of monasticism and be able to retrieve the power of the various avenues that have been lost!

Moreover, he also believes that his idea is not unrealizable.

Because he has already met many monks who are both monks and powers.

For example, most of the monks who are defying the domain, such as Yuezun, will adopt the method of swallowing the fruit to make them have the power.

What impressed Jiang Yun most was the wilderness, and the fair old man who also had the qualification of Tongtian!

Even if others have the power to repair the power and destroy the domain, they cannot display them at the same time. However, the two of them can combine the power of the power and the destruction of the domain!

Since they can do it, Jiang Yun believes that he can certainly do it.

Even, he clearly knows why he can't practice the Tao for the time being.

Because he has the power of silence, the first force born in the heavenly order, it is extremely overbearing, and does not allow the power of various avenues to enter his body!

As long as you can find a way to let the two coexist, then naturally you can re-enter the path of monasticism.

With the passage of time, Jiang Yun’s whole person has been completely immersed in cultivation and sentiment.

After nearly half a month passed, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the entrance to the dead, the entrance to the dead world!

There, Jiang Yun felt a familiar atmosphere!


At this moment, the entrance suddenly swayed, and the road became a whirlpool.

And in this whirlpool, there is a silhouette!

Seeing this figure, Jiang Yun’s face showed a strange color, so that he couldn’t help but say: “It’s you!”

As Jiang Yun’s voice fell, the figure standing in the whirlpool also suddenly said: “Is it Jiang Daren?”

"I am Jiang Yun!" Jiang Yun doubled his eyes and said: "Long time no see, ghostly!"


One of the five major sects of the mountains and seas in the past, the lord of the Geno ghost prison, born ghosts!

Although Geng Li and Jiang Yun had hatred, Jiang Yun was imprisoned in his own body, but later he helped Jiang Yun many times, Jiang Yun regained his freedom and let him turn to the dead.

Jiang Yun let him go where is the life and death of this moment!

However, before he left, Jiang Yun left two things in his body, one is the Tao, and the other is the print of nothing!

Just now, Jiang Yun felt the scent of nothingness, so it was a bit strange, and opened his eyes.

Unexpectedly, I will see ghosts!

"Jiang Daren, it's really you!"

When I heard Jiang Yun’s acknowledgment, the ghost’s body shape became clear, and the face was full of surprises.

Jiang Yun puzzled: "How come you are here?"

Ghostly smiled and said: "The adults don't know. Since the adults gave me freedom, I will come here when I am fine, I want to see if I can meet adults again."

"It’s a pitiful day, I’m finally seeing an adult again today!”

Jiang Yun’s heart said: “What are you looking for?”

Ghostly and eagerly said: "The adults gave me two tasks in the past, one is to find Xuanyuanxing, the other is to let me take care of the dead disciples who asked Daozong."

"Over the years, I have never been able to find Xuanyuanxing, but all the disciples who asked Daozong, I have already been placed properly, so I will report it to the adults!"

This is indeed the task that Jiang Yun handed over to Ghost, and at this moment he heard that Jiang Yun also understood his purpose of coming to find himself.

It is nothing more than to show your strength to yourself, I hope that I can get rid of what he left in his body!

Jiang Yun's acting style, Ghost Li can be said to be extremely understanding, which also makes him deeply fearful of Jiang Yun.

In particular, what Jiang Yun left in his body made him feel like a man in his back. He was always worried, and he was afraid that one day he would be inexplicable.

Therefore, he will come here every once in a while, hoping to meet Jiang Yun, to let himself completely get rid of this pain.

Jiang Yun looked at the ghost and shook his head.

Although Jiang Yun used to be very hateful, but in the past few years, even the ghosts have almost forgotten, this kind of hate is naturally a lot less.

Even when he saw the ghost, he made him a little embarrassed.

What's more, his three brothers did not really die, so at this moment, when they heard the words of Ghost, Jiang Yunwei stood up and walked to the entrance to the dead!

Ghost did not dare to enter the life and death world, just stood there, saw Jiang Yun appear, and hurriedly bowed down.

After Jiang Yun’s gods swept the ghosts, he discovered that the ghosts had already cultivated to the Taoist territory.

And his body, the one that he left in the past, has already produced a black fruit!

Although this fruit is obviously not fully mature, its intrinsic content must be the practice and sentiment of the ghosts over the years, and it also makes Jiang Yun come up with an idea.

If you swallow this fruit, can you have a ghostly way?

"It should not work. After all, as long as the power of silence is in place, the words contained in the fruit will surely be erased directly by the power of silence."

After thinking about it, Jiang Yun raised his hand and said: "You did a very good job. I will retrieve what I left in the past!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun had already exerted the power of nothingness, and he had not entered the body of the ghost, and he erased the print of nothingness for him.

For the fruit, Jiang Yun hesitated.

Because he has never collected the results for others, he is a bit worried that if he takes away the fruit, will it affect the ghosts.

"The species is condensed by the soul, and naturally it should be collected by the soul!"

So, Jiang Yun tried to condense into a palm with the soul, and fell into the body of the ghost, holding the fruit, gently pulling it, successfully pulling it out of the ghost body.


Ghostly fierce facial features suddenly twitched, but immediately returned to normal, his face also showed a happy color.

He can naturally feel that the **** in his body is no longer there.

From this moment on, I really became a free man!

Ghostly, this is a down-to-earth. Originally, he was worried that Jiang Yun would not help himself to remove the body, but he did not expect Jiang Yun to be so happy.

This also made him have no resentment against Jiang Yun. He was excited to Jiang Yun and repeatedly said: "Thank you adults, thank you adults!"

Jiang Yun took the fruit in his hand and took it from the body of the ghost. After carefully examining it for a while, it was collected.

Now, he is not going to take this fruit.

"Well, the ghost, the grudge between you and me, is here, and I hope you will do it yourself!"

"Adults are assured!"

Jiang Yungang wanted to get rid of the ghost, but suddenly asked: "Right, ask you something, I remember your father, that is, the prisoner of the Sen Luo Ghost, what is the death command."

"Is his position under Senluo's position very special?"

Although Geng Li did not understand why Jiang Yun had asked this question well, he still quite awkwardly said: "My father is very much valued by Sen Luo, and his position is not too high, but he can barely be regarded as the master of Sen Luo. One of the most effective three cadres!"

One of the three cadres!

Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed, that is to say, Ghost’s father, clearly one of the three most qualified to be the leader of the dead world!

If you know this thing earlier, you can cooperate with the father of Ghostly, and the possibility of success is even greater!

But now, there is no chance!

At this moment, Ghost Li suddenly turned his head and looked at the dead world behind him. His face changed aloud: "How can there be such a strong breath, and this breath is a bit like Sen Luo adults..."

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