The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2378: I am you

In order to deal with the preparations made by Sen Luo, time cloud killing is definitely a powerful one.

However, since Shen Luo’s deity has entered the life and death world, he has always stood still in the same place, and Jiang Yun has been unable to launch the time to kill.

Although Sen Luo used a method similar to the gold shell unshelling, successfully escaped the attack of the bones of the beast, but it was finally let him step into the time to kill!

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, Sen Luo’s heart suddenly looked awkward.

Not long ago, outside the nameless wasteland, he was forced back to the ghost gate by Jiang Yun with the power of time.

At this moment, although he still does not know what time is killing, but naturally it is not difficult to guess, it must be the power of time, but also a force he can not compete.

Senro instinctively wants to quickly leave the moment and avoid the so-called time killing, but Jiang Yunxi can let such a precious opportunity.


Suddenly, the air violently swayed, accompanied by a pressure to cover the body, and there was an endless mountain above the top of Senro!

Although the space of the entire life and death world is not large, these mountains are also compressed to a certain extent after the emergence, not the real size.

However, from the eyes of Sen Luo, the number of these mountains is too much, and I can't see where the end is.

"Sen Luo, today's 10,000 mountains, is your land of bones!"


As the sound of Jiang Yun sounded, the whole 10,000 mountains immediately fell to Senro.


In the huge roar, Sen Luo’s body was immediately overwhelmed by the 10,000 mountains!

If it is only a simple mountain, then with the strength of Senro, it is easy to break free.

However, under the suppression of these tens of thousands of mountains, Sen Luo can clearly feel that there is a strong consciousness in every mountain!

Ten thousand mountains, is the consciousness of Wandao!

Wandao consciousness has been continually joined together, just like the formation of an invisible big net, firmly suppressing Sen Luo, so that he can not break free from the suppression of these mountains!

As for Jiang Yun, it is more clear to see that in every mountain, there is a big man sitting cross-legged.

And the image of these big men is exactly the same, it is the demon of the mountain, Fang Hao!

100,000 mountains and ten thousand demon!

If Jiang Yun can communicate the consciousness of 100,000 mountains, then the 100,000 demon inside will be merged into a real square, and even directly suppress the death of Sen Luo.

It is a pity that today's Jiang Yun only cultivated the mountains and seals to the five hills. It can only communicate with thousands of mountains at the same time, and suppress the time of Senro's approximation!

However, for Jiang Yun, this degree of repression is enough!

Looking at the invincible Sen Luo, the power of the hidden celestial spirit in Jiang Yun’s soul is also his most powerful killer. He finally swarmed out and condensed on the palm of his hand, taking a shot toward Sen Luo. !


The emergence of the power of the Tianzu made the whole life and death circles violently oscillated again. The magnitude was far greater than before, and even the beginning of nothingness was shocked by a series of cracks.

The face of Sen Luo is one of the changes, the power of the Tianzu, is also the power he did not know!

And this strength is even stronger than the bone of the previous beast, and it makes Senro very clear that once he is hit, it will definitely hurt even if he is not dead!


Seeing that Jiang Yun’s palm was about to shoot himself, Sen Luo’s mouth suddenly screamed.

The strength of the late return to the source completely broke out, and even the tens of thousands of mountains that were suppressed on it suddenly shook.

The tens of thousands of squares in the mountains also used up all the power, and continued to suppress the Sen Luo.

However, in the vibration of Lushan, Sen Luo’s mouth actually rushed out of a shadow.

Although this shadow has not completely rushed out, Jiang Yun recognized it at a glance, and it is also a Senro!

As early as Jiang Yun trapped Sen Luo with his life fire, Sen Luo split two avatars and was defeated by Jiang Yun.

In order to avoid the bones of the beast, the former Sen Luo used a method similar to the gold shell to unshell, as if a layer of shell was removed, and the same one was rushed out of the body of the deity.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that those were the sects of Sen Luo, but now it seems that this is a special magical power that Sen Luo has mastered.

Under this kind of supernatural power, Senro seems to be able to continually split him one after another.

However, this time, regardless of how many detachments Sen Luo split, Jiang Yun is already ready.

"Array open!"

In the scream of Jiang Yun, time kills open!

The nine lines of time emerged from nothingness, just like the river of nine time, surrounded by the end and the end, surrounded by Senro and all the mountains!

In an instant, the time in this area covered by the formation suddenly became chaotic!

Time to kill, is a kind of formation that Jiang Yun created on a temporary basis according to the nine snows.

And because he is in the realm of life and death, there is no way to try it in advance, so I don't know what effect this scene will have.

When he thought about it, he originally controlled some of the power of time, which allowed time to flow back in a short time. The role of this time killing should be able to make time back longer.

What surprised him, however, is that at this moment, as the power of time becomes chaotic, under the circumstance of the nine lines of time, his eyes are clearly showing countless rivers of different lengths.

This made him feel like he was in the secret time of Shura.

Some of these rivers of time flow in the homeopathic direction, while others flow in the opposite direction, some flow very fast, some flow is extremely slow, and even completely still!

"The river of these times is the power of time in the life and death world!"

Seeing these rivers of time, Jiang Yun suddenly recognized their origins.

Moreover, with the pattern of time as the guide, Jiang Yun can even control these rivers of time at least, at least nine times!

In the heart of the movement, Jiang Yun stretched his finger to a river of countercurrent time, rushing to Senro, and his body suddenly hovered around him.

Seeing that he had just rushed out of his mouth, he immediately returned to his body.

And Jiang Yun’s palm, which contains the power of the Tianzu, was finally shot on his body.



The power of the Tianzu entered the body, and Sen Luo’s mouth suddenly made a scream, and a part of Jiang’s shot actually appeared a wound, and it was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Give me up!"

Under the pain, Shen Luo’s strength has suddenly erupted, and even the tens of thousands of mountains that have been pressed against the body have been topped up.

It’s a pity that it was a time when a river was surrounded by him. When time went back again, the tens of thousands of mountains fell back together!

Then, Jiang Yun once again condensed the power of the Tianzu, and went to Sen Luo.


The attack of the power of the two heavens in succession, coupled with the power of the back of time, made Senro's body hit hard.

Seeing that Jiang Yun raised his palm for the third time, Sen Luo suddenly shouted out loud: "Jiang Yun, wait!"

Where does Jiang Yun care about Sen Luo's begging for mercy, although he can now control the river of time at will, but the strength of Sen Luo is amazing, in case he breaks away from the suppression of Lushan, escapes the time to kill, then wants to kill him, It is another trouble.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not hesitate to take a shot to Senro.

But at this moment, the voice of Sen Luo’s mouth suddenly changed into a humane: “Jiang Yun, I am you!”

Upon hearing this voice, Jiang Yun’s palm suddenly stopped in the air, and the eyes of the eyes suddenly rose out of the amazing cold light, staring at Senro.

Because of this voice, it is my own voice!

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