The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 253: Eighteen demon

In a jungle a thousand miles away from Tianyao City, if someone passes by now, it will be a big surprise.

Because of the rare people on weekdays, there are countless ragged figures at the moment, and everyone’s face is full of excitement and incredible color.

Naturally, it is the tens of thousands of people of the eighteen demon people in Beishan Prefecture.

After nearly three hundred transmissions, Jiang Yun finally took all these demons and all left Beishan.

At the forefront of the group demon in front of the station, Jiang Yun’s face was smiling, and he greeted the monks with a polite manner: “You, fortunately, don’t insult, we will not be here, and we will see you again in the future! You take care, leave!”

"and many more!"

Just as Jiang Yun turned and was about to leave, the two voices sounded almost at the same time!

One is from Bai Ze, and the other is from the genius of the goblin family.

Jiang Yun did not pay attention to Bai Ze, but looked at the spiritual child: "Predecessors, what else?"

At this moment, the old face of the Lingzi is full of excitement.

Even without the support of others, a few steps went to the front of Jiang Yun, holding a ring in his hand: "Daoyou has not received our thank you!"

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Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "No, these things, you have to keep yourself!"

Although Bai Ze has already told Jiang Yun that there are many ancient people in these ethnic groups, there are many good things, but Jiang Yun really does not have the slightest temptation, and will not directly ask for it.

He can't do such a thing.

However, his actions, in the eyes of many Yaozu, are extremely unbelievable and incomprehensible.

It takes so much effort to help them with the danger of life, but not to return anything.

They don't know, Jiang Yun is not the first time to do such a thing.

In the southern city of Nanxing, he also saw and treated many monks as unconditionally.

The spirit is still reluctant to give up: "Daoyou, you have a life-saving grace for us, if we don't accept our thanks, we are upset!"

"Really, don't worry, take care, leave!"

The voice fell, this time Jiang Yun did not even give these demon people the opportunity to open, step by step, has been outside the field.

After several consecutive steps, it completely disappeared from the sight of these Yaozu.

Looking at the direction in which Jiang Yun disappeared, tens of thousands of Yaozus were all stupid, and they stood there until they heard a "plop" and let them come back.

The old earthly spirits fell to the ground directly, and behind him, all the tribes of the goblin family also fell.

Then, the tens of thousands of Yaozu, without exception, also squatted in the direction of Jiang Yun’s departure, and squatted deeply.

Although they know that Jiang Yun can't see their actions at the moment, the helplessness is really rewarding. It can only express gratitude in this way.

After the three scorpions, the spirits trembled and stood up, facing their own people: "You remembered me, from now on, Jiang Yundao friends, is the benefactor of my genre forever, this sentence, Remember the family rules!"

"If Jiang Yundao friends are in trouble in the future, or find us, as long as one sentence, my goblin family must help the whole family to help each other, and die without regret!"

"If anyone dares to violate it, it is regarded as a traitor and kills innocent!"

Thousands of goblin people said in unison: "Yes!"

The patriarchs of the other seventeen ethnic groups, like the spirits of the earth, have followed suit, and each ethnic group is willing to do so, without any reluctance.

At this moment, the patriarchs of other ethnic groups successively walked to the side of the spirit of the earth, and they handed a ceremonial ritual: "The predecessors of the spirits, now we have left the Beishan Prefecture, but we do not know where to go next, I do not know. What plans can a senior have?"

Among all the demon people, the spirit of the earth is the oldest, so the demon is also the leader of his horse.

The spirits indulged in a moment: "It doesn't matter. As early as a few years ago, my family has already tried to inform the same people in other worlds, and hope they can help us."

"Although I don't know if they have received our help, but this is the only hope of my family, so my plan is to find a relatively safe place and wait patiently."

Several ethnic groups also nodded at the same time: "Yes, we have also sent out for help, but we do not know if we can have the same family to save us."

The spirits continued: "Before this, I suggested that our eighteen people should not form an alliance for the time being. In this way, in this troubled world, it can also increase the power of self-protection."

As soon as this proposal was said, it immediately received the agreement of other ethnic groups because they had this idea.

What's more, the three-month co-habitation has also made their relationship with each other extremely harmonious and able to form an alliance, which is beneficial.

"Our lives are all given by Jiang Yundao friends, so the alliance of our eighteen demons is better than Jiang Huimeng."

"It’s also good for our people to remember Jiang Daoyou’s life-saving grace at all times.”

Thus, in the remote forests of the mountains and seas, the 18 demon people each took out a drop of the demon blood, the real **** alliance, and formed the eighteen **** demon alliance!

After the alliance, the relationship between the people is naturally close to a few points. An old man is directly watching the spirit of the earth: "The old man, I don't know, now, what is the relative security of this mountain and sea?"

"I have heard other demons say that there is a place in Nanshan Prefecture, which is similar to our Beishan Prefecture. All of them live in the Yaozu. Maybe we can go there and seek shelter."

"I have also heard that the place seems to be called 100,000 莽山!"

"Just don't know, will they accept us? After all, the exclusionary nature of our Yaozu is more terrifying than the Terran."

"Hey, give it a try, go and talk!"

"In this case, it is not too late, we will leave immediately."

"It’s just that we have too many people. The human monks are hostile to us and can’t go at the same time. So everyone is going to zero, go head-to-head, and finally gather outside the 100,000 mountains!”

After reaching a consensus, the eighteen demon people were scattered into hundreds of shares, quietly leaving the jungle, from different places, to the 100,000 mountains.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also came to the gate of Tianyao City in the complaint of Bai Ze.

Looking at this majestic, looking at the endless huge city, Jiang Yun’s heart made a heartfelt voice.

There are not many cities that Jiang Yun has visited, and the most memorable nature is Nanxing City, which has been in the past six months.

However, compared with the Tianyao City in front of it, the southern star city can only be regarded as a small town.

From this point, it is not difficult to speculate that the drug gods behind the Tianyao City are strong.

In addition to the scale of the city, Jiang Yun also found that the city gate of Tianyao City was half-opened and half-closed. It was also a monk with hundreds of people who had a breath of breath, and carefully checked the people who were entering the city.

As the largest city in Zhongshan, there is a drug gods behind it. This day, the drug city is almost the most prosperous city in the whole mountain and sea. The number of people entering and leaving the city every day is unimaginable.

The people who entered the city at the moment have already been lined up in nine long lines that stretch for at least several hundred meters, and they have been examined.

"The prevention of Tianyao City is too strict. Is it because of the strength of the medicine Shenzong, and is it afraid that someone will make trouble in the city?"

To be honest, Jiang Yun did not understand the defense of Tianyao City, but he did not think much. He chose a team at random and arranged.

"When is it going to check in the medicine city?"

"You seem to have not come here for a while, probably starting before half a year ago, there is this rule."

At this time, the dialogue between the two middle-aged men in front of Jiang Yun caused Jiang Yun’s attention. And he is also secret in his heart.

"Before half a year ago, it seems that I met Xiao Xiao's big brother!"

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