The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2633: Leave method

Jiang Yun’s body, which originated from the things in Tongtianmen, except for the sacred objects of the nine ethnic groups, only the golden sword that has been broken twice.

The nine sacred objects, perhaps because they have been too long in this world, the power they should have is almost disappearing, and there is no breath in the Tongtianmen.

Only this handle is used as a key to open the golden sword of the golden seal of Jiang Yunshen. It also contains the terrorist power that can not be fully controlled by today's Jiang Yun.

Therefore, the monks in these Tongtianmen should feel the breath of this golden sword.

Sure enough, when Jiang Yun took out the golden sword, the eyes of the monks who passed through Tiantianmen suddenly showed the color of fear, and even stepped back one step.

But then, their eyes became confused.

One by one frowned, it seems that they are a little uncertain, whether they feel the familiar and fearful atmosphere of their own, whether it comes from this sword.

Looking at their reaction, Jiang Yun's face has no expression, but his heart is one of the jumps, and he is already ready to shoot.

Because he did not forget, the original red-haired man appeared at the beginning, it was normal, but after discovering that the monks who entered the grave were all in the source, they suddenly became inexplicably crazy.

Now look at the appearance of these more than 90 strong people, let Jiang Yun worry that they will suddenly become crazy, and shoot themselves, then, I am afraid that I will die here.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun’s worry did not appear.

After more than 90 strong men looked at Jin Jian for a long time, they shook their heads.

The red-haired man put his hand on his eyebrows: "Weird, I can't think of it, my memory is sealed, and it is sealed!"

"I only remember that I seem to come to win the treasure, and then I was given a seal in this palace."

Speaking of this, he suddenly looked up, his eyes twitched with two flames, and he stared deeply at Jiang Yundao: "Do you know who is keeping us here?"

The words of the red man made Jiang Yun’s heart even more shocked!

Although he thought of it before, these strong people may have their parents locked up here and let them be the object of their own trials.

But now the red man said that they entered the Tiantian Palace, it seems to come for the treasure!

“Is it true that this Guantian Temple is actually the residence of my parents?”

"And my parents' status is extremely honorable, and the place where they live is shackled by other monks, so they enter the Guantian Palace and want to **** the treasures belonging to my parents."

"As a result, they were in turn imprisoned by my parents!"

"It is still said that this Tiantian Palace is a treasure left by a strong man, and my parents, like the strong ones in front of them, are all here, in order to **** the Heavenly Palace."

“Ultimately, my parents are strong, or for other reasons, which led them to get this heavenly palace, and these strong men were imprisoned here?”

Jiang Yun’s brain instantly thought of these two possibilities, but it was only what kind of possibility, he could not continue to analyze.

At this time, the red-haired man and all the strong players took a step toward Jiang Yun, and everyone had a strong breath.

Everyone’s eyes are staring at Jiang Yun, and they say the same thing: “Say, do you know who is keeping us here!”

Obviously, they are now really on the verge of madness and are about to lose their senses.

Behind Jiang Yun, Jiansheng has also quietly stood up and sent a voice to Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Yun, I am afraid I can't get out, your strength is stronger than me, this handle is broken, you first hold ""

"If you can escape, remember to help me complete my wish, be sure to find the ultimate kendo!"

While speaking, Jiansheng quietly handed the broken sword in his hand to Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun did not reach out to pick up, and turned his back to the sword and said: "Sister, this sword, should be able to take you away!"

Jiansheng’s outstretched hand suddenly stopped in the air, and his face showed a bitter smile: “It seems that I have not been able to pass you.”

"Yes, this broken sword can actually let the holders leave here!"

In fact, Jiang Yun did not know that the broken sword could leave, but the previous Jiansheng said that he had communicated the broken sword with the knowledge of God. As long as there is a broken sword in hand, the attack of these strong people will not hurt him.

Now, Jiansheng seems to be ready to die, to Jiang Yun with a broken sword, but how smart is Jiang Yun, I understand that Jiansheng is the opportunity to live for himself.

"Sister, you have to leave here, don't worry about me."

"It doesn't matter, I am not their opponent, but I have this sword in hand. It is not difficult to protect myself!"

Jiang Yun spoke while shaking the golden sword in his hand.

With Jiang Yun shaking Jin Jian, he actually let the eyes of the more than 90 strong people suddenly move to the top of the Golden Sword, and the eyes once again showed the fear.

Obviously for Jin Jian, they really have fear.

Seeing this scene, Jiansheng still hesitated, and Jiang Yun went on to say: "Sister, don't forget, I am now a four-life, will not die easily!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Yun’s words made Jiansheng finally force his head.

Moreover, by now, he naturally understands that Jiang Yun’s strength has surpassed himself.

If you stay here, you will not be able to help Jiang Yun, but will become the burden of Jiang Yun.

"I guess that every treasure here is actually the way out of here."

"If you can, don't fight with them, grab a treasure from them and leave as soon as possible!"

After the sword smashed Jiang Yun's sentence, the broken sword in his hand suddenly gave off a strong ray, wrapped his body, and instantly disappeared from the eyes of Jiang Yun.

With the peace of Jiansheng’s departure, there is only Jiang Yun’s outsider among the tombs.

Jiang Yun also spit a long breath, clenched the golden sword in his hand, and looked at the more powerful people in the more than 90 Tongtianmen in front of him: "Although I don't know who shuts you." But I know that I can only leave here if I beat you!"

"However, it is obviously unrealistic to deal with so many people with my own strength, so I will take up the golden sword and challenge you one by one."

"You can dare to fight!"

Jiang Yun did not know whether his own words could cause the normal reaction of these strong people.

If you can, then you really want to fight with them to see your strength.

If you can't, then you can only rely on the power of the Golden Sword to see if you can live away from here.

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun had already put away the golden sword!

To be honest, Jiang Yun’s behavior is really extremely risky.

If so many powerful people are mad at the same time, then Jiang Yun will be torn into pieces.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun’s luck is still good!

The eyes of these strong people gradually became normal again, and even the faces on them were still smiling.

Especially the red-haired man laughed loudly and said: "Your courage is really not small, you don't have to fight with all of us. As long as you can win me, let us leave!"

Jiang Yun nodded: "A word is fixed!"

"A word is fixed!"

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