The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2934: Torture

Long Yu, this is a dragon!

At this moment, he saw that he could not break through the two realms of the founding family. After he could not grasp Si Lingxiao, he finally couldn't bear to turn his own reality.

As a demon, it turns into a human form. Because the difference in the body will limit their strength, they will not be able to exert their true strength.

Only after becoming the truth can their strength be released without reservation.

The body of Longyu is a black dragon with a length of more than 10 million feet. The huge body is almost across the entire creation area, emitting a heavy atmosphere like a mountain!

Just seeing the horrible body of Long Yu, it caused a huge visual impact to everyone, and also made the hope that the founding people had just risen, and immediately re-extinguished and replaced by despair.

Even, they dare not think about it. When the horrible body of Long Yu directly hits the entire creation area, will it collapse the two-domain array formed by himself and others.


Sure enough, in order to turn into the dragon's rain, I raised my head and gave a sigh of nine days of shaking. When I slammed my tail, I used my body to come to the creation of the land.

At the same time, the night of the dust also sighed and said: "All the refiners, draw the demon print!"

At night, I used to take out the refining demon pen, squirting a blood, using my own blood as ink, and drawing a demon seal in the air, pushing the dragon rain to the rushing down.

Lu Qingcheng, Lu Xiaoyu and other refiners have also come back to God, and each has also taken out the refining pen.

Everyone does not care what kind of refining prints are drawn. Anyway, they draw as much as possible of the most advanced refining prints that they can draw, and push them to Longyu.



At the same time that all the refining demon prints entered the dragon's body, the body of the dragon rain also hit the creation land.

Although the refining of the demon print did play a little effect, it curbed some of the power of the dragon rain, but the attack of the dragon rain just came out with both hands and palms.

Now, he is completely squatting on the creation land with the whole body. The horrible impact force suddenly makes the whole creation area shake the earth and countless buildings collapse.

The people in the law are as if they are involved in the huge waves of the sky. The bodies of countless people are directly hit by the high speed and are out of the original position.

When flying in the air, because of the huge impact force, they also rushed into their bodies, so that the repairs in their bodies could not be used, just like becoming mortals.

Si Tianyang's complexion suddenly changed. The big sleeves were waved again and again. Although he held some people in the air as much as possible, there were still many people who fell heavily from the air and fell to the ground. .

And those who were supported by Si Tianyang were also vomiting blood and suffering from extreme injuries.

Although not dead, at least there is no longer the power to continue to maintain the law.

However, before the vibration subsided, Long Yu had already raised his body and once again slammed into the entire creation.

Most of the people have not recovered from the previous shocks. In the face of this second impact, they have no countervailing power.

As a result, more people have died, more people have been seriously injured, and even the strongest people such as Si Jingan have suffered some injuries.

As for the two-field array, although only one person is still sitting in the formation, the formation will not collapse, but as so many people die, the defense power of the big array naturally becomes weaker. .

The eight petals of the two borders are covered with cracks.


For the third time, Long Yu slammed into the creation area with his own body.


The eighteen petals of the two worlds have finally collapsed completely.

Naturally, this means that there are more Chuangzu people and monks in the mountains and seas, which have been hit hard and sacrificed their lives.

At this moment, Si Lingxiao, who was always sitting at the center of the law, finally stood up in trembling!

In fact, with so many impacts, Si Lingxiao did not feel the slightest feeling, because all the impact force was absorbed by other people in the array.

As the fruit of the two worlds, Si Lingxiao is pure and kind. Although she knows that she will leave with the dragon rain, she may not help the Creator, but she can’t continue to sit here. With so many people, die because of yourself!

That is a great torture for her!

Therefore, she is prepared to sacrifice herself to exchange the entire creation of the family for even a moment of peace.

But before she could speak, her voice had already sounded in the ear: "Ling Xiao, sit down!"

Si Lingxiao looked up, his face was already tearful and looked at Si Tianyang, shaking his head and said: "Old ancestors, I can no longer let the tribes die for me, they are my loved ones!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Si Tianyang’s face could not help but smile. “You don’t have to think too much. Our creations are not just in charge of life, but also control death!”

"They are dead, but as long as they are not scattered, after the reincarnation, they will still be my creative people!"

"But!" Si Lingxiao still shook his head: "We have not been able to continue, if they are all dead, then even if we control the dead, there is no meaning."

Si Tianyang smiled and said: "No, they will not be sacrificed now. As an ancestor, I will protect you and them!"

"Sit down!"

For Si Tianyang, Si Lingxiao did not understand.

Obviously I can't figure out how this time, the ancestors have the confidence to protect themselves and others.

Only Ji Kongfan, who also heard this sentence, looked at Si Tianyang and understood that Si Tianyang was preparing to take that extremely important step, open his own life door and surpass the real life!

Si Tianyang took a step forward and stood at the highest point of the tribe. He watched the dragon rain that had been prepared for the fourth time to strike his own ethnic land. The cold road said: "Dragon rain, don't think, only you Beyond the real life!"

However, before the dragon rain responded, there was a sound in the distance that sounded loudly: "Dragon rain, I heard, are you looking for me?"

With the appearance of this sound, not only the dragon rain, but also the Tianjia, the ancient Chinese, and Si Tianyang, all the Tianzu people all looked at the direction of the voice.

In the darkness, a person is out, it is awesome... Jiang Yun!

Seeing Jiang Yun, Long Yu’s huge body is full of tremors. In the huge longan, there are two cold lights, cold and cold: “Jiang Yun, I didn’t expect you to appear!”

When the voice fell, Long Yu unexpectedly ignored the creation of the people under his body, but suddenly turned his body and rushed toward Jiang Yun!

In the face of the rushing dragon rain, Jiang Yun did not wait for the other side, but also turned around and immediately galloped away in the distance.

Looking at the back of Jiang Yunyuan, all the people including Ji Kongfan and Si Tianyang are well-informed. Jiang Yun is to protect the creation of the land and himself, so he will deliberately Take out and take the dragon rain away.

However, the strength of Jiang Yun, even if it is not weak, but it is different from the dragon and rain, but also they can not help but worry about the safety of Jiang Yun.

The night alone looked at Ji Kongfan and asked his opinion: "Do we want to look at the past!"

Ji Kongfan shook his head and said: "It is useless to go to us. Since he dares to show up, he must have certain certainty."

Among all the people, only the dry four from the ancients looked at the direction in which Jiang Yun disappeared. However, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes: "That man is not Jiang Yun at all!"

"But he didn't change his appearance. What the **** is going on?"

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