The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3002: Jiang Yun drop robbery


With the fall of Jiang Yun’s voice, this seam, or the boundary between the entire mountain and the sea, is getting windy!

It is a kind of road pattern, which emerges in the darkness, and rushes to the position where Jiang Yun is in the same place!

These lines, endless, overwhelming, gathered behind Jiang Yun's side, condensed into a huge vortex that continues to rotate, also covering an area of ​​a million feet!

Among the whirlpools, it is clearly visible, and a large number of layers of roads are condensed, forming nine million-foot-sized days at an extremely fast speed!

In the illusory world, including Ji Kongfan, many monks have witnessed the ultimate battle of Jiang Yun and Daozun, so they know that this nine-way heaven is originally a magical power of Tao.

However, now, it has been shown by Jiang Yun!

However, the nine-day road that appears at this moment is really much stronger than the Taoist monastic road.

The nine-fold sky, the pure blue, is like the real sky, the incomparable reality.

Even you can see that there are blossoming white clouds in the sky, and there is a trace of mist.

Looking at the nine-day road, Ji Kongfan smiled slightly and said softly: "Jiang Yun, from his bones, actually thinks he is a Taoist!"

Hearing the words of Ji Kongfan, the many monks in the mountains and seas first glimpsed, but then they understood the meaning of the words and made their faces show the excitement and expectation.

If you want to give the whole big world known today, according to the ranks, then from high to low, the order should be the days of the world, the ancient and the two races, the destruction of the domain, thousands of domains!

In the Taoist domain, even in the minds of most Taoist domains, they believe that their domain is the lowest level, and that the power of their own practice is the weakest of all forces.

However, Jiang Yun, regardless of his real life experience, he actually grew up in the realm of the road, from an ordinary person who did not have the cultivation, went on the road of monasticism, and has been walking to this day.

Today's Jiang Yun is definitely the most powerful Taoist repair ever!

Therefore, Jiang Yun, today will use his identity as a way to prove to everyone, especially to the self-proclaimed heavenly people, that the power of the road they despise is not weaker than any power, and equally powerful. .

At the same time that Jiang Yun condensed the nine heavens, Tianjia was not idle. From the robbery, there were also countless runes in it, and the swords of countless handles were condensed, pointing to the nine roads below. Sting away.

Even though these swords are illusory, each sword contains a strong sword and sharpness, which can easily cut the seams, and is not weaker than the real weapon of the gods.

Obviously, Tianjia is going to pierce all the nine heavens with these illusory swords.

However, Jiang Yun was a cold smile, shook his head and said: "You Tianzu stayed in the heights for too long, so that you don't even know what is the power of the Tao!"

Jiang Yun reached out and screamed: "Go!"

The nine-day road that has been formed has suddenly turned into nine rays of light. With the sound of rumbling, it swayed up and greeted the illusory sword that fell like a raindrop and slammed into the robbery.


All the illusory swords suddenly fell on the top of the road, giving a crisp sound of gold and iron.

Although there are indeed many illusory swords pierced into the heavens, but nothing more!

Not to mention all the holes in the nine-day road, and even these swords failed to pierce the first heavy road, just leaving some cracks that are invisible!

Looking at the almost intact Nine Heavens, getting closer and closer to the robbery, the unbelievable voice of Tsinghua also sounded: "Impossible!"

Although the Celestials are not pure sword repairs, they naturally use swords.

These illusory swords are not just simple as a rune.

They are formed by the heavenly people in this countless years, collecting the swords and swords that were left behind by the powerful swords.

This sword rain can also be seen as a combination of countless sword repair masters from ancient times to the present!

However, such a powerful attack failed to break even a heavy road. It was beyond the imagination of Tsinghua and made him too surprised.

Jiang Yun said faintly: "I said, you don't understand what it is!"

"Your illusory sword is not an ordinary sword. I am a golden road, and naturally it is not an ordinary road!"

"This is... my way, you can easily be crushed by you!"


In the voice of Jiang Yun’s voice, the first heavy road has already slammed into the sky and made a loud noise.

Without waiting for the sound to end, the remaining eight-way heavens are like the waves, one after another, all hitting the sky.

When the nine-fold road disappeared, it was clearly visible. On the robbery sky, there were nine huge cracks that stretched millions of feet, just like the nine scars, which looked strange.


Seeing this scene, the ancient people who stood in the appearance of the mountains and seas could not help but breathe.

Especially Hong Zhenyi, watching Jiang Yun's figure, can hardly believe his eyes.

This is still in my memory, the once familiar Jiang Yun?

Because only those who have fought with the Tianzu for countless years, know the heavens best, and know the horror of the robbery!

However, such a terrible robbery, even by Jiang Yun with the power of their most despised, under the attack, he hit nine cracks.

For his own achievements, Jiang Yun is calm, and there is no wave in his heart.

With the dissipating of Jiu Dao Tian, ​​Jiang Yun faintly said: "The Tianzu, you are self-proclaimed, and you are in charge of the day. Today, Jiang will let you feel it, Jiang has deliberately lowered for you. Robbery!"

"The first robbery, thunder!"

The four-character export, above the lines of the mountains and seas that did not condense into the heavens, suddenly sounded a "squeaky" sound and turned into a thunder.

This is the ordinary Thunder, the same is overwhelming, endless, in the hands of Jiang Yun's hand, quickly condensed into nine huge columns of the Thunder, from the bottom up to the robbery.

Without waiting for the Thunder's pillar to touch the robbery, Jiang Yun has already said again: "Second robbery, fire!"


Each of the Martians emerged from the darkness, and instantly burst into the air, turning into a fire, and rushed to the robbery.

Then, Jiang Yun opened for the third time: "The third robbery, the wind!"


Road wind, formed one gigantic whirlpool, swept away toward the robbery days.

"The fourth robbery, sword!"


The sound of the crisp swords rang from all directions, and the handle was made into a sword like a real one. A total of nine handles, respectively, pierced the nine huge cracks above the robbery!

These four methods of attack are the previous days of Tianjia to Jiang Yun and many monks.

At this moment, Jiang Yun is still the body of his people, and the robbery formed by these four kinds of powers makes the heavens feel the power.


Thunder, fire, wind, swords, four, attack, almost simultaneously hit the top of robbery days, although this should be issued numerous road noise, but converging to a cry loud noise shook the whole mountain waters.

Robbery days have been completely engulfed four kinds of attacks, just as the same as the previous Jiang Yun, outsiders can not see.

Only Jiang Yun can clearly see that on the day of the robbery, the previous nine cracks began to spread division, making the whole day as the robbery turned into a big net.

However, at this moment, the sound of the roaring days of the Buddha is among the day came from the robbery: "Heaven!"

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