The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3046: Time reversal

Looking at the name of the old **** in the road, Jiang Yun said to him with a fist: "Please also help the seniors to help!"

In Jiang Yun’s thoughts, those who can exert the greatest power of the Taoist market can only be named.

However, the nameless figure is a wave of hands: "Not me!"

"Although many of my assimilations have gone the way of Taoism, but my deity is not convinced of Taoism."

"Of course, even if it is my assimilation, the power of the Taoist market they can play should not be as good as you, so I can't help you!"

Jiang Yun couldn't help but hold it again, but admitted that the name of the name is true.

The Taoist Market is the avenue of avenues. It is the land of Wandao. If you want to exert its power, you can only know as much as you can.

Among the heavens and the earth, although there are many Taoist monks, except for their own masters, the people who know the most about the Tao should have only three of their own brothers and sisters.

But even if they are still alive, even if they come out of their seals, they must be extremely weak. Where will they be able to sit on the town market and use the power of the road to trap the many powerful people of Bajietian.

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly: "Who is the predecessor?"

"Ha ha!" The road laughed innocently and said: "A person you absolutely can't think of, I will sell it first, and I will tell you later!"

"Now, you still have to let time go back and save them. After all, to find that person, you need to help them."

"it is good!"

Although Jiang Yun is really curious, he also remembers the safety of Ji Kongfan and others, so he will not ask.

His eyes swept through the world, sweeping through all the people who were fixed, until they saw Tianxiang and other four eight-day powerhouses, and they couldn't help but frown. "What about the four of them?"

Once they exercise their longevity, their four natures will naturally resurrect, and their strength is too strong, I am afraid that they will take the opportunity to make trouble.

The road is anonymous: "No matter, I will seal them now!"

While talking, the road nowhere to reach out, saw five rays of light shot from his fingertips, clearly falling on the Tianxiang four, and the sword of the Scorpio sword!

Looking at the nameless shot, Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly moved, and suddenly realized that the nameless name is also very proficient in the seal.

However, Jiang Yun did not think much. Anyway, he would ask him about his mother, so he directly pointed his finger at his eyebrows.

With the imprint of the shape of the golden water droplets appearing, a turbid yellow spring with a hundred feet long rushed out of Jiang Yun's eyebrows.

At the same time, the road was unnamed and reached out to the yellow spring.


With one finger falling, the volume of this yellow spring suddenly rose sharply. From the original Baizhang's length, it instantly became a million-dollar long!

Like a long dragon, it is in this world!

Jiang Yun is able to clearly understand the power of time contained in Huang Quan, far beyond the past, but also let his eyes show the excitement.

Although Jiang Yun does not know how to do it in the nameless, but the power of such a majestic time should be enough to make time reverse to the time before the ancient gun and the sword of Tianzhu!

The long spring of Huangquan, surrounded by everything, surrounds the world and slowly hovered!

Under this circling, not only the water of the Yellow Spring became more and more clear, but also the faint golden light emitted from it, which looked extremely spectacular.

Time, began to reverse!

The gas waves formed by the ancient guns and the Scorpio swords under the impact of the swords were rolled back, and everything that collapsed in the world was reunited toward completeness.

The cracks in all people, even the petals of the two borders that have collapsed, are also exploding at an extremely fast rate.

This time, Jiang Yun also noticed that although the Taoist market is also covered by this Huangquan, it is still not affected by the slightest influence. It is obviously detached from time.

This also makes Jiang Yun can't help but admire his master again.

I really don't know how the old man did it. A martial art that has been smashed and retired for countless years has been so powerful.


A tremor came and the ancient gun had returned to Jiang Yun’s hands.

"Jiang Yun, what is going on here?"

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s ear also sounded the voice of Ji Yunfan’s inquiry.

Nowadays, time has not only begun to re-emerge, but also back to Jiang Yun’s previous hand holding the ancient gun, hesitating to the moment to crush the Scorpio sword!

However, above the top of the head, the Scorpio Sword, which has also become intact, has been secretly shot because of the nameless name, so that it is only quietly suspended there, motionless, and there is no blue light and breath.

And Ji Kongfan did not like the same as before, encouraged Jiang Yun to smash the whirlpool, but frowned and looked at the four people in front of him in front of the unconscious Tianxiang.

Jiang Yun’s gaze was swept away from everyone’s body, his face was smiling, and everyone was still alive. This feeling is so good!

Jiang Yun did not answer Ji Kongfan’s question, but the illusory road was faintly pointed at Jiang Yundao: “I have sealed the sword and the four of them. As for how to deal with them, what to do next depends on you. I am!"

When the voice fell, the nameless figure disappeared directly, leaving everyone who heard the words he said, but he was confused.

Because the disappearance of the nameless name is so fast that they simply did not see the nameless name.

The voice of the nameless voice also sounded in the ears of Jiang Yun: "The things of my deity, or for the time being, don't let everyone know."

Jiang Yun naturally understands that the exposure of Zhen Gu Gun and Tomahawk has brought so many disasters to this world.

If the news of the nameless deity appears, and if it is known to the people of Ba Datian, I am afraid there is really no solution.

Therefore, Jiang Yun smiled at the people with a slight smile: "They also heard it. It was just the predecessor who suddenly arrived and saved us!"

Everyone can't help but face each other, and their faces are full of shocking colors.

They know the power of Tianxiang and others and the Scorpio sword. However, in this world, there are still people who can seal the Tianxiang and Tianzhu swords when so many people are not aware of them. This is really Let them feel incredible.

In particular, Ji Kongfan still frowned and said: "Who is he, how have we never seen before!"

Ji Kongfan's strength is higher than everyone else, and only he faintly feels that he seems to have lost something, but he can't understand what he has lost.

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "He is an elder of mine, who is it, I can't tell you."

Jiang Yun’s life experience, the people present are aware of it, so since Jiang Yun refused to say, they will not ask.

In any case, the shot of the strong man saved them and the world, and let them breathe a sigh of relief.

Ji Kongfan even raised his hand, he was going to shoot toward Tianxiang and others, apparently preparing to take this opportunity and kill them.

However, Jiang Yun is hurriedly saying: "Ji seniors, wait a moment!"

"what happened?"

Jiang Yundao: "I thought about it. Killing them and killing more than eight heavenly people is just a cure for the symptoms. So we might have changed their memories and made them think that they have completed the task that came to us. ”

Everyone in the room is not weak, so I understand the meaning of Jiang Yun as soon as I hear it.

Si Tianyang’s eyes brightened: “In this way, they will not come to us again!”

Ji Kongfan nodded and said: "Yes, it is up to you to change their memories!"


Still waiting for Jiang Yun to agree, I heard a dull crash, and suddenly it sounded. In the whirlpool, a large number of Eight Heavenly Monks began to surge and ready to continue into this world.

However, the pressure of the town's ancient guns is still there, so that they are temporarily unable to enter, and Jiang Yun is also hurriedly said: "Predecessors, who is that person?"

In the ear of Jiang Yun, the name of the name was pointed to him.

And when I heard the name, Jiang Yun suddenly stopped!

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