The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3059: One after another

The body of the ancient strong man's deity can not help but tremble at this moment!

Just now he met a Ji Kongfan who was able to perceive his existence, and he was almost wiped out by the other party.

I managed to escape, but I didn’t expect that I now have someone who can also detect my soul!

Moreover, he has a clear feeling that the strength of this person is much stronger than that of those who have had numerous avatars before!

Because the person before the good show also showed his figure, and this person, not to mention himself, even the red bloodshots have stopped, they do not know where the other side is hiding.

This made him really feel like crying and tears.

Such a seemingly ordinary lower field, in the end what hidden secrets, there are so many strong people in it.

"No matter what, go for the best policy!"

In order not to repeat the mistakes just made, the ancient strongman immediately decided that he would not continue to explore this piece of nothingness, so he was ready to leave.

However, he also found that his own soul, clearly defined as being imprisoned, could not leave.

And the voice also sounded again: "The blood of the trace, the eye of the sky, the original Gu Shi people, how to run to this lower domain, came to me?"

"Is it necessary to see my fate?"

Hearing this voice, the heart of the ancient strong man violently swayed again.

The other party can not only detect their own soul power, but also can see the trace of blood, and even recognize their identity!

This has made him more certain that the strength of this person is definitely stronger than himself.

The most important thing is that since the other party knows that he is a Gu Shi person, but there is no fear in the words, this means that the other party is not afraid of Gu.

Realizing this, the ancient strongman immediately changed his attitude and said with a respectful tone: "I don't know which predecessors lived here, but the ancient clan, the ancient one."

"Because I need to inquire about the origins of a monk, follow the law, and mistaken into the predecessors here, disturbing the retreat of the predecessors, I will leave, and I hope that the predecessors Haihan!"

The ancients are very clear, although they are not afraid of each other, but after all, they have only one soul.

With the strength of the other side, it is really easy to kill yourself.

His own soul power is destroyed, but also his own soul.

I don’t even know who I am, even if I’m really inexplicable, I don’t know who to look for, so I’m leaving it.

When I heard the explanation of the ancient saying, the voice resounded again: "Since you have come to me after pursuing this person's fate, it means that this person is also related to me."

"Why, you don't want to look at my memory and know the origin of this person?"

Gudang hurriedly said: "The younger generation does not dare!"

"The younger generation is intriguing about the origin of this person, and it is not malicious, but it is the responsibility of the people, the loyalty!"

Despite the fact that the ancients are not in the heart, but under the roof, people have to bow their heads to see the memory of a stronger than their own, that is to find their own death!

After a moment of silence, the voice made a cold cry: "Hey, look at what you are quite sensible, death sin is forgiven, but live sin is hard to give, give you some lessons, and let you remember a little longer!"

When the voice fell, there was a light spot in the emptiness, and it was blown up gently.

Gudang suddenly felt that his soul had shivered slightly, and he had been slightly injured.

This is still the other side's mercy, really just gave yourself a lesson!

As the light spots disappeared, the forces of restraint around them disappeared. The ancient sorrow was the words of daring and daring: "The younger generation is saying goodbye!"

After that, the ancient hurriedly left here!

After the ancient soul has completely disappeared, there is a figure in the void, which is the unnamed deity!

Like Ji Kongfan, the unnamed deity in order to find a safe place to sleep, deliberately opened up an independent space, sleeping here.

Unexpectedly, today I was smashed into this ancient wave.

Looking at the direction in which the ancient soul force disappeared, the road said to the unknown: "Gu Shi would have thought of watching Jiang Yun's fate and exploring the origins of Jiang Yun!"

"It should not be that the eight-day notice of Gu's, it must be the ancients of this domain, please Gu's shot!"

"The ancients here are also smart, and did not directly let Gu Shi kill Jiang Yun, just let Gu's investigation of the origin of Jiang Yun."

"Gushi stalks and stalks, traced back to the source, may find that Jiang Yun is the descendant of Jiang's pulse!

"At that time, Gu Shi will naturally take a further shot against Jiang Yun!"

"This idea must be from the owner of the ancient tribe, ancient Changqing!"

"The Evergreen Evergreen, it really means a little!"

The Tao was inexplicably indulged for a moment: "Although my assimilation has erased the memory of all of us in our souls about us and Guantian Temple, some people still know that Jiang Yun is from the collection of the heavens."

"No, you can't let this ancient stalk continue to trace it!"

"Just, how to stop it?"

"It's okay to give him a lesson, but if I really kill his soul, then if he doesn't care, he hates it, then it's quite troublesome!"

"Hey, let's take a look at it. How old can you find it?"

After that, the nameless figure disappeared from the place, and quietly followed the ancient soul.

After Gudang escaped from the nameless name, his heart was really anxious and angry.

Originally in his opinion, to explore a person's life experience, it is not a matter of hand.

Unexpectedly, I encountered two strong players in succession, and even almost let my souls disappear.

Gudang did not rush to pursue those bloodstains that are still spreading, but stopped temporarily and said to himself: "In fact, I have been sure that this is the result of Jiang Yun. Tianji domain."

"I don't know which strong man's descendants, or who is strong, who came to this subfield by means of **** or avatar."

"Do I need to inform the family about this, or inform the angels to let them investigate this person?"

Gudang himself vetoed his own idea: "Still forever, stealing into the lower domain, although it is forbidden by the patrolling angels, but it can be big or small!"

"Not to mention, the emptiness of nothingness is here, and there is just the unknown strongman, he already knows my name."

"If I say this again, if the Wanzhong and the patrol angels really want to check it out, then I will offend the two powerful!"

"Forget it, since the ancient people of this lower domain don't open their eyes, they even provoked the Jiang Yun, simply let them kill themselves!"

Gudang finally decided not to take care of this sub-national ancients, and is ready to leave this sub-domain.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw a large amount of bloodshot, rushed into the world where the two worlds were located, and made the invisible road emerge.

Numerous bloodshots are entangled in the tombstones in the market.

In particular, the little beasts in the market and the body of Qin Xiaoqi are entwined with nearly a hundred bloodshots.

This shows that the relationship between this person and a beast, and Jiang Yun is extremely deep, and is very close to Jiang Yun!

Gudang saw the present in the eyes of the sky, and never found a person who was really close to Jiang Yun. Now there are two people at once, which makes his eyes shine and he just wants to leave. And there are some shakes.

After hesitating for a moment, he bit his teeth: "Since I finally met two, and the strength of this person and a beast is extremely weak, it is impossible to pose any threat to me, then I have seen their memories, and then go. Not too late!"

After making up his mind, Gudang did not hesitate to come to the world where the two worlds were located, and came to the market.

He didn't know, in fact, just when the countless bloodshots touched the tomb of the Taoist market, he was alarmed by a boy in the fields of the heavens...

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