The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3232: Chasing after

After the 50 monks who had missed the sky also chose a domain door to enter, Lei Yintian, Gu Shi and Yun Shi also selected a domain door and entered the ancient domain.

In a twinkling of an eye, the twelve forces have already gone halfway.

For these six forces, they are eager to enter the Linggu domain, which is actually expected by other forces.

God refining the sky and missing the sky is to protect Ji Ji and Fan Peng.

Lei Yintian, Wanshentian and Gushi are to kill Ji Kongfan and others and avenge their men.

As for Yun’s, although there is no hatred with Ji Kongfan and others, Yun’s and Gu’s, these two ethnic groups have always been a group.

For this, many people are actually surprised.

Because Ji's and Yun's two families, the nine great Tianzun and the patrol angels are worried that the Gu family will be the only one, there will be a second Jiang, which will secretly support it and contain the use of Gu.

It stands to reason that Yun and Ji's should stand together, but the relationship between Yun and Ji is not good, but the relationship with Gu is good.

However, everyone knows that this is inevitably a game between the thirteen top powers, including the one who is in charge of the sky, and that these ordinary disciples can figure out, so they will not go. This kind of thing is at the bottom.

Seeing that the six forces have entered the domain door respectively, the six purple patrols did not ask again, but allowed the six-domain door to open, and turned their eyes to another battlefield.


On the broken knife in the hands of Jiang Yun, there was a drop of blood slowly falling from the edge of the blade into nothingness, breaking the silence of the surrounding, and letting nearly half a million monks finally come back.

Jiang Yun slowly lifted the broken knife and pointed to many monks: "Who else wants to kill me, come!"

Although there are indeed many people who want to kill Jiang Yun, but in the face of Jiang Yun once again proactive provocation, this time, there is no one who dares to stand up.

Jiang Yun is like Ji Kongfan. He also shocked nearly half a million monks with one person!

Looking at the silence of many monks, suddenly, standing behind the ghost statue of Jiang Yun, reaching out, grabbed Jiang Yun's body and put it on his shoulder.

Jiang Yun finally glanced at the other monks in a cold, and the demon statue turned and walked, walking towards the depths of the seam.

Looking at the back of the statue of the dead, many monks have a hesitant color on their faces.

They can naturally see it. At this moment, Jiang Yun should consume a lot of power. It is already the end of the strong, I am afraid that it is powerless to shoot again.

At this time, as long as they rushed over and entangled the sorcerer, they would kill Jiang Yun and take away all the domain tools of Jiang Yun.

However, looking at the distance, the eight-day-hundred monks who were not cold, they did not dare.

In the event that Jiang Yun has more strength, or if there is any strong dependence on Jiang Yun's body, in the end, it is likely that they will die.

Under this entangled state of mind, the shape of the sorcerer's image has become farther and farther.

When I saw that I was about to disappear from the sight of everyone, I suddenly had a dull voice: "Chasing!"

It is a monk who speaks thousands of days.

As his voice fell, all the monks of Thousands of Magical Days took a step, followed by the statue of the eternal demon, and chased the past.

Although the seven-day monks did not speak, they followed closely!

Seven Love and Thousand Magic Days have just been taken out of the way they have performed by Jiang Yun, and they have also been hurt by some counter-attacks.

In particular, the sudden appearance of the ghost statue and the attack that was issued made them kill seven people in an instant.

Although the loss is not too heavy, it is much stronger than the eight days, but they can't swallow this breath, and they are not willing to let Jiang Yun leave like this.

However, they are not sure whether Jiang Yun has other reliances. The following determination is followed by Jiang Yun.

This will at least allow Jiang Yun not to take a break from rest, always be vigilant and be careful of the attacks of these people.

Jiang Yun’s injury is something that everyone sees in his eyes, not loaded.

If you don't take a rest, even if there is any miracle medicine in hand, his injury and the power consumed will not recover in a short time.

In that case, they will have a chance to attack!

Therefore, after the seven love days and the thousand magic days, all the remaining monks actually went up.

No way, Jiang Yun’s domain device is really an irresistible temptation for each of them.

Especially in this ancient domain, there is a domain device in hand, it is equivalent to an extra life!

Everyone’s attention is on Jiang Yun’s body, so no one noticed that in the crowd, there is a scrawny old man who turns his eyes quickly and talks to himself: “This **** cloud is too Big, it is simply the Lord who is not to be killed!"

"However, if you don't want to die, should you give me the platform made of the heavenly stone in your hand first!"

"Now I have to find a way to save you, how can this be saved!"

Naturally, this old man is the scorpio!

Scorpio, originally did not need to enter the ancient domain of the spirit, to participate in this war.

But there is no way, among the entire collection of the days, he is the only one who knows Jiang Yun’s body!

Jiang Yun did not say that he took out five pieces of domain devices, even if he took out 500 pieces, he would not be too surprised.

After all, he saw the Tianshufa stone on Jiang Yun.

Think about it, the five-piece domain alone makes the nearly half a million monks behind Jiang Yun, so the value of thousands of Tianshufa is enough to make Tianzhu risk his life and enter Linggu. Within the domain.

However, he does not worry about the rules here, and does not care about the results of only one hundred people who can live back to the heavens.

As a member of the sky and the sky, he wants to go back to the heavens, it is not too difficult.

Now, he is more worried about whether Jiang Yun will really die in the hands of so many monks.

If Jiang Yun is dead, then he believes that absolutely nothing in Jiang Yun’s body can fall into his own hands!

"I knew that I should find a big fat man and ask a few more people to help me!"

Then, Scorpio's eyes suddenly brightened: "With, I remember, last time Huaxin and Shangguanxuan said that they also recruited several monks in other subfields, and their strengths are extraordinary."

"If you can find them to cooperate with me, although we still occupy a disadvantage in terms of numbers, it is better than me to save Jiang Yun alone!"


Thinking of this, Tianzhu quietly took out a piece of communication jade, which was left when he and Hua Xiaoxin were separated.

Hua Xiaoxin and Shangguanxuan, it was in the year when Jiang Yun took the reward of the Tianshufa stone, and ventured to the lower domain to help Jiang Yun catch the dragon rain.

At this moment, they are also watching the situation in the ancient domain of Ling.

After receiving the message from Scorpio, although the two men hesitated, they finally told the names and looks of the monks they had recruited, and even the current position, to tell Tianzhu.

I got a list of five people, and Scorpio couldn’t help but settle down a little.

However, because he was too focused on the connection with the flower core, he did not pay attention to the situation at hand.

At this time, he suddenly found that a large number of monks who were behind the sorcerer's demon statue, inexplicably stopped to figure again.

This naturally made him feel puzzled. He turned to look at a monk next to him and lowered his voice and asked: "Brother, why are you not leaving?"

The monk glanced at Scorpio, swallowed his mouth vigorously, and stretched his finger to the front, his voice trembled: "Cancel, disappear!"

Scorpio looked in the direction of his fingers, still puzzled and asked: "What disappeared?"

"Jiang Yun, seven loves the sky, everyone in the thousand magic days, all disappeared!"

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