The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3237: Full of praise

The tremendous changes in Jiang Yun’s body, all the thousands of monks are clearly seen in the eyes.

This also made the original disdain and ridicule of their faces all replaced by dignity and shock.

Although they have been able to see it, Jiang Yun has gained a temporary strength in the way of burning his soul and burning his life.

Although they also know that after Jiang Yun’s temporary strength has disappeared, Jiang Yun will definitely be badly hurt, and even it may be directly smashed.

However, they also know that Jiang Yun is doing this, in order to deal with himself and others!

They are more aware that Jiang Yun in this state has regained the power to kill himself!

Especially at this moment, Jiang Yun’s calm but thunderous voice echoed in their ears, making them feel chilling!

Jiang Yun that already has some old voices continues to sound: "I know that the reason why you follow me is for the domain of my body!"

"Now, I am giving you!"

Not waiting for Jiang Yun’s voice to disappear, Jiang Yun has already pointed out at them.


A series of earth-shattering loud noises suddenly sounded.

But in the eyes of all people, they only hear their voices, they don’t see anything, and they can’t see anything at all.

Only some monks with more powerful knowledge are faintly aware. It seems that there is an invisible door that rises up in abundance. It floats in the air and waits for others to wait for someone else, just like entering another one. In the space.

Nothing is wrong!


But when they are sure that their feelings are true, there are countless muffled sounds coming.

It was a myriad of transparent spaces that emerged from all directions and rushed toward the madness of their bodies.



Then there was another tall black building that flew from the body of Jiang Yun.

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, nine color imprints also appeared, bursting out nine colored lights and falling into the tall buildings.

The high-rise buildings suddenly rose wildly in the air, and they suddenly became the size of the sky. They were suspended above the head of everyone, with a heavy pressure, and they also radiated countless lights and covered them.



A black lightning flashed through the dark seams and smashed to the monks.

Wherever it goes, the seams are like paper, which is torn by layers.

Broken knife!

At this moment, everyone has been shocked to the extreme.

Jiang Yun took a breath and used four pieces of domain!

As he said to the 10,000 monks, since you want my domain, I will give you these domain devices!

However, the way this is sent is somewhat different!

Looking at the tens of thousands of monks who have become obviously panicked, Jiang Yun opened his mouth and said softly again: "The devil, may wish to fight with me again!"


Among the three mouths of the sorcerer's demon, Qi Qi made a roar that was enough to tear the sky, turned around, took a step, and strode toward the 10,000 monks.

Although the devil was also scared by Jiang Yun’s sudden move, he had to say that watching Jiang Yun’s change and feeling the murderousness of Jiang Yun’s body, it awakened the magic and war of his heart that had been dusty for many years.

Therefore, he is willing to fight with Jiang Yun again!

Jiang Yun, still standing on the shoulders of the statue of the dead.

Although the face is old, but the murderousness emitted by the body is already already!

"Maniac, crazy, he is crazy!"

The days of the heavens, at this moment, all the people watching this scene, in the mind, have not emerged this idea.

At this time, Jiang Yun, in their eyes, is simply a madman!

Burning the soul, burning life, and urging five domain devices without hesitation, all this shows that Jiang Yun is going to fight the 10,000 monks with one person!

In addition to the shock, many monks also showed admiration in their eyes, just as they admired Ji Kongfan three days ago.

Obviously, Jiang Yun was deeply angered by the chasing of these 10,000 monks.

To this end, he also made up his mind to desperately fight to death, even at the expense of thousands of monks!

And if you change to someone else, you are in the position of Jiang Yun, and ask yourself, I am afraid that everyone is not so decisive, and will not make such crazy things.

"Good, good, good!"

There was an excitement in the face of the vain, and three "good" words were spit in the mouth.

And then, he was screaming in the sky!

It’s just a laugh, but it brings out a sense of grief and innocence that only he understands, a helpless feeling!

If there are other imaginary people here, seeing the illusion of the moment, there will be a strange feeling.

In the eyes of all people, it is incomparable to majesty, but it is bohemian, but it has never revealed such a state of anger and anger.

Or, in the eyes of most people, I have never seen such a vain!

"Good boy, good boy!"

Feng Ming Tian Zun is also full of praise for Jiang Yun, and with a smile, nodded again and again.

Even his eyes, which had already become clear, have become a little muddy again.

This turbidity is a misty mist!

Feng Ping on the side has long been stunned.

Although he had long thought that Jiang Yun was a madman, he would never have thought that Jiang Yun would be so crazy!

When he looked at the life of the goddess, he was even more jaw-dropping.

"A good fourth!"

On the stage of the field, the immature face of the ancients is also showing a smile of gratification, but in the depths of the eyes, there is a touch of cold light.

"The sky, the nine great gods, the three big families, are the rules of this **** that you have changed, and the fourth is forced to this extent."

"If there is any mistake in the fourth, I will let you, blood debts pay!"

The ancient elders spoke again, without waiting for the sound to fall. His body shape had disappeared from the original place, appeared in the seams, and rushed toward the ancient domain of Ling.

He promised Jiang Yun, no matter what Jiang Yun wants to do, he can let go, even if the sky falls, he will support him.

Now, he is going to give Jiang Yun a support!

Every step of the ancient age, his appearance will become a bit old, until a few steps, has become a man with a white hair, is getting closer and closer to the ancient domain of Ling!

That figure is very large, for the fat man Jiang Yun has never been optimistic about, at this moment, the eyes are also bursting out of the eye-catching, self-speaking: "This kid, it is indeed worth recruiting!"

"If this person can live into the heavens, then I can't miss it!"

Among the patrolling palaces, among the eyes of the statue of the patrolling angel, there is also a skyrocketing, muttering road: "Whether it is Ji Kongfan, or Jiang Yun? Who is the person who looks at the old man?"

After a moment of silence, the voice of the patrolling angel once again sounded: "If you can't tell, then you will kill both of them!"


As for the tens of thousands of monks and Jiang Yun’s confrontation, in the three days, in the constant attack on Jiang Yun, they had no fear of Jiang Yun, only ridicule.

But at this time, they finally remembered. Three days ago, Jiang Yun used his own power to survive the encirclement of nearly half a million monks, and smashed a road paved with bones. The hundred monks cut off the heads of thirty-four seven-day and thousands of magical monks.

Today, such Jiang Yun is getting closer and closer to them!


At the same time, the murderous murder has already reached the peak of Jiang Yun, and suddenly there was a roar in his mouth, his body leaping from the body of the sorcerer's body, and his bare hands rushed to the already bound or bound, or Isolated, or brought to the dream of thousands of monks!

The glory of the demon, followed by!

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