The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3281: Severe cough

The sudden coughing sound, for the Wuling people, although it was a bit awkward, but did not have much reaction.

However, Jiang Yun’s eyes are suddenly bright, and the ancient guns that are almost punctured are also quietly collected.

Because, he heard the coughing sound, and even looked up the person who made the sound, but nothing.

The face of the old man in the color coat is also slightly changed. The palm of the hand that grabs Jiang Yun is not declining.

He is very clear that no matter what happens, he must first take Jiang Yun first.

It’s a pity that when he was in the palm of his hand and he was about to touch Jiang Yun, a white light that didn’t know where it came from suddenly appeared and hit him on the palm of his hand.

Seeing this white light, Jiang Yun’s gaze flashed, and suddenly he remembered that when he first came to the manor and used his knowledge to explore, he was locked by several identical white lights.

And those white lights are from the numerous mirrors of the size and size that were originally placed in the manor.

After the return of the Jingling people, Jiang Yun asked them to put away all the mirrors in order to guard against the coughing people in the mirror world.

But now there is another white light shot, so that Jiang Yun does not know exactly where it came from.

This white light does not seem to have any power, but it touches the palm of the old man's hand, but it makes his body tremble slightly, his face is completely changed, and his palm is finally retracted.

Then, the sound of the tremor of “嗡嗡嗡” was heard, and it was continuously transmitted from all the abandoned estates.

But wherever there is a sound, there will be a white light column that appears in a clear way, just like growing out of the ground.

In an instant, hundreds of white light columns stood in all directions of the manor, and each light column was a square, and it was tall.

If you look from a distance, you will find that all the white beams are in the same position, and all the five Ling people who are now on the top of the manor, even Jiang Yun, are all wrapped up to form a light column cage. .

Jiang Yun’s gaze looked at the place where the light beams rose, and found a mirror on each position.

This made Jiang Yun’s heart move slightly.

Because he remembers very clearly, those places, originally without a mirror.

That means that these mirrors should have just been placed there.

"Mirror light!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s ear heard the old man with a faint voice, and he hurriedly lifted it up and looked at the other side.

At this moment, the pale face of the old-fashioned old man was already filled with the color of the emperor, and he did not go to see Jiang Yun at all. His eyes were only swept over these white beams.

When he heard him, Jiang Yun realized that this way of using mirror light as a cage is a certain technique of the mirror spirit!


As the voice of the old man in the color coat fell, the cough sounded again, and then an old voice was heard: "Wu Longcheng, I haven't seen it for so long, I didn't expect you to remember the mirror of the mirrored spirit." prison!"

The sound didn't sound in a certain direction, but it came from all directions, and it made everyone look at it involuntarily.

At first glance, even Jiang Yun’s face is slightly discolored.

Because of the white light column of that road, there was a figure in it.

This should be an old man. The reason why it should be because anyone can see his thin body and see his slightly scattered white hair, but can not see his face.

His face is extremely blurred, like a space twist!

But the old man named Wulongcheng, after seeing this vague old man, couldn’t help but step back and stepped up, pointing his hand and pointing at the silhouette in the light beam closest to him. Road: "Jiang Yan, you, you have not died yet!"

"You are all living well, how can I die and cough!"

The old man in the mirror seems to be physically stunned. After saying a word, he coughs again, and the cough is especially powerful.

Because it was clearly visible, his body was slightly bent, trembled violently, and reached out and grabbed his mouth.

Therefore, at this moment, all the white light columns have his presence, so the sound of coughing sounds from all sides at the same time, like thunder, deafening.

Even more than one-half of the nearly five Wuling people, whose face gradually became pale, was shocked and coughed.

However, in the eyes of Jiang Yun, there was a cold flash, and the rare face on his face showed a shocking color.

Because, he found that these five Ling people who are violently coughing, each one's body shape is also slightly curved, and reached out and grabbed his mouth.

That way, the look of Jiang Yan in the mirror is almost exactly the same.

This made Jiang Yun suddenly realize that this Jiang Yan's cough is also a technique that allows others to imitate their actions, just like looking in the mirror.

"Mirror spirit, really strong!"

Whether it is the mirror light, or the strange technique now, Jiang Yun has never seen it before.

Although Jiang Yun did not know the true identity of Jiang Yan, but he could not guess, the other party must be a strong person of the Jing Ling.

The most important thing is that the other side is always hidden in this boundless world. In this manor of Wuliangcheng, it is hidden in the mirror world!

It sounds like nothing, but the boundless world is imprisoned by the thirteen forces of the Tianji Group, and this manor has been occupied by the five spirits for countless years.

A mirror-spirited person can hide in this situation for so many years but has not been discovered by anyone. It is conceivable that this person's strength is strong and his heart is strong!

Jiang Yun is also faintly aware that the reason why the other party will hide for so long, suddenly appeared today, revealing his identity, in addition to helping himself, I am afraid it should be because of his arrival, because the person sent himself The strong spirit of the mirror spirit here!

At this time, Wu Longcheng apparently recognized the technique of Jiang Yan, and suddenly screamed: "Damn, give me a break!"


The huge cockroach under him, suddenly swelled up again and turned into a thousand feet, the huge body swept wildly in the air, splitting all the white beams into two, as if from the middle Cut the same.

As the light column was cut, the five Ling people who were coughing suddenly stopped coughing and straightened their waists. Each face was full of horror.

Although they and the mirrored spirits have hatred, their age has never experienced the same thing.

After they were born, the Jingling people have already fallen, so for the Jingling people, they can say that they have no understanding, and naturally they have not thought that there will be such a strange practice.

Then, suddenly opened his mouth again, and saw that from his mouth, there was one by one, the size of the dragonfly flew out.

These cockroaches spread out immediately after they rushed out, and the mirrors that emitted the light beams above the ground rushed over.

Obviously, they want to destroy these mirrors.


However, before these cockroaches arrived, the sounds of the muffled sounds suddenly appeared in the mirrors, and the scattered light beams blasted together, turning into a mist of fog, causing all the cockroaches to rush into the fog. .

And then, from these fogs, I don’t see them, but instead I have one by one and walked out.

Because of the fog, even if Jiang Yun can not see the specific appearance of the figure, but it is not difficult to guess, it must be that Jiang Yan killed the cockroach, and finally came out of the mirror.

However, after seeing these figures clearly, everyone can't help but sigh and breathe!

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