The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3285: Mirror stack

Looking at the countless self standing in his own body, Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel a sense of dazzling.

Compared to seeing all the five Ling people and their own battles before, this scene at the moment brings him more blasting.

Moreover, he can also see that these copied themselves are exactly the same as their current situation, and they all have serious injuries, and they only have the strength to go against the sky.

Therefore, Jiang Yun still does not understand, what is the meaning of the so-called creation in Jiang Yankou.

It’s hard to make it so that you want to make so many “self” and join forces to fight the Wulong City.

But if that's the case, there won't be any chance of winning!

When it comes to Wu Longcheng, this kind of cultivation is a realm. Can you beat it by many people?

If these self are the realm of the law, perhaps there may be some deterrence against Wulong City, but a group of people who are against the heavens and the third, like the eucalyptus, are simply vulnerable.

However, Jiang Yun also noticed that after Wu Longcheng saw this scene, his face clearly revealed a more fearful color.

Although he tried to rush over, the sturdy sword that was also copied was not all the control, but it was all the power, and he was entangled in him, not letting him have the slightest The possibility of getting out.

Just when Jiang Yun couldn’t think of a reason, Jiang’s voice once again sounded: “It’s coming, don’t resist, believe me, I’m not malicious!”

With the fall of Jiang Yan's voice, "嗡", I saw another white light that didn't know where it came from, and shrouded Jiang Yun's body, so that Jiang Yun could not move.

While in the light, Jiang Yun’s eyes appeared.

The skinny body is slightly stunned, and the faces under the white hair are so vague.

Jiang Yan!

The strong man of the Mirror Spirit finally showed up.

And he did not give Jiang Yun a chance to respond at all. He had already stretched out a finger and went to Jiang Yun’s eyebrows.

The fingernail's nails, sharp as a knife, actually penetrated directly into Jiang Yun's eyebrows.

Jiang Yun’s eyes widened, and a sharp pain came from the eyebrows, and instantly swept his whole body.

Although it can't move, Jiang Yun can clearly see that there is a blood, and he is slowly flowing down the edge of his eyebrows.

At this moment, Jiang Yun could not help but wonder if Jiang Yan was going to kill himself.

After Jiang Yan’s fingernails pierced Jiang Yun’s eyebrows, he suddenly accelerated the speed of movement and allowed Jiang Yun to feel it. The other party seemed to have drawn a few simple lines.

An incredible thought emerged from Jiang Yun’s brain: "Does he give me the spiritual pattern of the Mirror?"

"This is what he gave me?"

"But I am a human race. They are spiritual people. Even if they give me their spiritual patterns, can I use his mirrored spirits?"

It seems that I know what Jiang Yun thinks. Jiang Yan’s voice is slowly sounding: “Other people have accepted our spiritual pattern, but it is really useless, but you are different!”

“Hai Na Baichuan, inclusive!”

Jiang Yan’s words, especially the last eight words he said, made Jiang Yun’s eyes burst into a dazzling light!

He finally knew that most of his previous guesses were correct.

The reason why the strong man of the Mirror Spirit found himself was because he knew his own life and knew his true origin!

And his own Jiang's pulse, or his father, does have a relationship with the Jingling people that foreigners do not know.

Because, the eight words, is the summary of their own Jiang's practice!

Now Jiang Yan's own creation is the spiritual pattern of his Jingling family. As long as he has the blood of Jiang's vein, he can also make the spiritual lines of the spirits compatible and become their own.

Naturally, this means that with the spiritual pattern, the mirror spirit of the magical magical powers, you can also display the same.

Before, I felt a little overwhelmingly that the strength of the Jingling people was too strong, but I did not expect that after that, I would gradually master the powerful magical powers of the Jingling people.

This is of course a great creation.

Although I finally understood these things, Jiang Yun’s mind was even more chaotic, and he couldn’t help but close his eyes slightly, and his face showed a bitter smile.

"All right!"

After a moment, Jiang Yan’s voice made Jiang Yun open his eyes again.

Still waiting for Jiang Yun to look at the spiritual pattern above his eyebrows, the countless Jiang Yun in front of him suddenly rushed over to his body and fell into his body.

In this scene, Jiang Yun is also familiar.

Mastering the concept of separation and possession, there are countless avatars of Ji Kongfan. Whenever he wants to improve his strength, his avatar will rush to his body and integrate with him.

Just like at this moment, the situation I experienced.

However, the avatars of Ji Kongfan's integration are cultivated by his own rising cultivation.

In front of these, Jiang Yun is not a avatar. It is only copied by Jiang Yan’s technique of mirroring the spirits.

The time they exist is absolutely limited and will soon dissipate.

Looking at these "self" at a very fast speed, one after another into their own body, Jiang Yun's eyes are more and more horrified.

Because all the copied Jiang Yun and himself have merged, although there are no changes in the two life gates in their own bodies, they can feel it out, and they are repaired into realm, but they are constantly at a crazy speed. Climbing.

Jiang Yun finally understood why Jiang Yan would dislike his ability to improve is insignificant.

Because the copy of the mirror itself seems to be endless, but in fact there is a fixed number.

If your strength can be higher, then after combining these equal strengths, your own strength will naturally be higher.

After the interest rate, Jiang Yun felt that his cultivation has reached the peak of anti-world.

Still not waiting for yourself to understand, the realm has continued to break through to the legal context.

And, it continues to climb, but the speed is slower than it was just now.

At the same time, Jiang Yan’s voice continued to sound: “Cough, this technique, called the mirror stack.”

"I believe that its role, you have already been very clear, although the power is indeed amazing, but in my mirror Ling, it is classified as a ban."

"Because of the great cost of performing this operation, the strength gained is only a short period of time, and some are not worth the loss."

"In my current situation, I don't know how much you can improve your strength, but the strength after the upgrade should be the same."

"That is, within ten, you have to kill Wulongcheng!"

"If you can't kill him, then today, you, me, the entire mirror spirit, will usher in a disaster!"

Listening to Jiang Yan’s explanation, although Jiang Yun’s face was calm, but his heart sank slightly, he looked up quietly and stood still in front of him.

The technique of mirror stacking is forbidden!

Although Jiang Yan did not say what kind of price to pay, but since it is classified as a ban, the things that must be paid are extremely precious.

In addition, this Jiang Yan is always coughing, and said that he is a dying year.

Then, in order to display this technique of mirroring, in order to make this for himself, it is very likely that he will pay the price of life!

However, Jiang Yun also understood.

Jiang Yan should really be only in the mirror world.

Therefore, even if he is stronger, he has no problem dealing with ordinary Wuling people, but it is impossible to deal with Wulongcheng.

The other Jingling people are the cultivation of the local protection. Even if their strength is superimposed, it will not be much improved.

Therefore, his only way is to help himself to display the technique of mirroring, so that his strength will skyrocket, and thus defeat Wulong City and keep the mirror spirit!

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