The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3328: Wait until the end

In the past year, the Linggu domain has always maintained a state of extreme calm.

Not to mention the massive killing, even a small amount of friction rarely occurs.

Because all the foreign monks who are still alive today are all in the rest!

They are basically gathered in the southwestern gates, or they are clearly or darkly watching a battle list at the center!

Above the battle list, there are still two hundred names!

However, everyone knows that the two hundred names are simply not the final ranking!

Everyone is waiting for the last moment, that is, when the domain door opens!

Everyone is replenishing their batteries, so that they can maintain their peak. In order to be able to squeeze into the top 100 of the battle list at the last minute, let them live away from the heavens. .

Today, although there are nearly 100,000 monks left in the Linggu domain, most of them are no longer gathered together.

Except for a few strangers or relatives who can truly trust, the other monks are alone.

The same feelings, affection, love, any relationship, in the face of death threats, are less important than their own lives.

The only thing that is fairly united is the twelve major forces.

Of course, few of the people left by them today can be called a big force.

The three major families are the worst, Gu Shi is left alone, and Yun and Ji’s each have less than ten people.

But in any case, at least they are still gathered together, not scattered.

It’s not that they are united, but because there are not many people who are still alive, so as long as everyone works together, there may be opportunities to get enough killings so that all those who are in power can return to the heavens. area.

As for the moment, the monks who are still in the top 100 on the battle list are even more enemies.

Everyone's eyes on others are full of alertness and vigilance.

And if you look at other people's eyes, it is possible to attract others to kill you at the last moment!

In short, this southwestern gate seems calm, but in fact the atmosphere here is already extremely dignified and full of gunpowder.

The big battle, at the touch of a hair!

While the domain door is facing the emptiness, Ji Kongfan is still sitting there with his eyes closed, and the disciples of God's refining are still gathered around him.

Once again, Guan Yu walked to the side of Ji Kongfan and quietly said: "The empty brother, there is still a month, when are you ready to start?"

In the past year, Ji Kongfan has always maintained this state, and still has not moved.

Therefore, the number of his killings, let alone the top one hundred, even if the first thousand is not counted.

This naturally makes them really worried.

Because if Ji Kongfan does not take the shot at the end, they want to complete the task of refining the gods, and want to bring Ji Kongfan back to the heavens, they can only sacrifice some of their own doors and kill the same door. To Ji Kongfan.

And this is the disciple of all the gods who are still alive, and they are not willing.

Especially for Guan Yu, if Ji Kongfan gets enough killings, then when the domain door is opened, he can take Ji Kongfan and the first one to step into the domain door, so as to avoid being chased by others. .

He is very clear that his first status in this battle list is definitely a piece of fat in the eyes of almost everyone.

Even if his strength is strong, it is impossible to fight against nearly 100,000 monks with one person!

Even at the last minute, he must be wary of his own door!

When I heard about Guan Yu, Ji Kongfan slowly opened his eyes, and his calm eyes looked in all directions: "They, did none of them appear?"

As early as a year ago, Ji Kongfan had passed through Guan, and asked him to pay attention to the whereabouts of some monks who came from the same lower domain.

And until today, those people have not even appeared one!

Guan Yu smiled and said: "Now, the foreign monks who are still alive should have been concentrated here. As for those who have not come, they are almost dead!"

"Is it all dead? Even Jiang Yun is no exception?"

In the whispering whisper of Ji Kongfan, the eyes he had just opened were closed again, and he did not see the killing in his eyes.

Regarding the urgency of the road: "If you are empty brother, don't worry about other people, or think about yourself!"

"There is only one month left, the domain door is open. If you don't take it anymore, then when you are in the next domain, I am afraid that the whole army will be completely annihilated in this ancient domain!"

At present, Guan Yu certainly can't tell him the truth. He can't tell him that if the number of killings of Ji Kongfan is not enough, there will be a disciple of God's refining to give him the amount of killing.

He still hopes that Ji Kongfan will be able to obtain enough killings through his own strength.

After all, he knows better than anyone else that Ji Kongfan definitely has this strength.

However, Ji Kongfan just thrown the word four words.

"Wait until the end!"

Ji Kongfan’s attitude makes Guan Wei full of anger and hate his teeth.

However, he couldn’t take Ji Kongfan anymore. He could only bite his teeth and ignore Ji Yunfan. Instead, he gave orders to all the gods and disciples: "You have all listened to me, Ji Kongfan Entering the domain door, we will occupy all the top 100 in the battle list, and it will not be able to escape after returning!"

This is not about scaring people, but about facts.

Among the nine great gods, the most violent temper is the **** of heaven!

Once a famous disciple who was very fond of Tianzun, he was angered by Tian Zun. The result was directly thrown into the furnace of the refining furnace by Tian Zun and burned alive.

And these people, in terms of status and identity, can't be compared with the pro-disciples in any way.

If you can't complete the mission of heaven, then you will die when you go back!

Regarding the last evil road: "So, what to do, when you do it yourself!"

The disciples of God's refining, one by one, are also gnashing their teeth, and they can't wait to give birth to Ji Yunfan.

In addition to this, other people have almost begun to discuss countermeasures in secret, discussing how to wait for others to capture the jade of others when the domain door is opened.

About a thousand miles away from the southwestern gate, there is a small world without people, hiding a thin old man.

The old man looked around and looked forward to it as a thief, facing a piece of jade in his hand, and lowered his voice: "Pre-war, I have to go back to the heavens."

In the jade slip, there was a very thick voice soon: "You are coming back now?"

The old man said: "Yeah, Jiang Yun has not appeared yet, it must be dead, I still stay here to do!"

"Don't you think that I can kill a **** road from the nearly 100,000 monks and turn around the heavens!"

The thick voice immediately followed: "Who told you that Jiang Yun is dead, he is not dead!"

"What!" The old man's eyes suddenly smashed: "Is he still alive? Still alive, why don't you come to the domain to gather here?"

"You ask me, I ask who is going, anyway, he must be alive, now, you still can't come back?"

The old man’s face showed a hesitant color. After a moment, he gnawed his teeth: "If he is alive, then I will not go back."

"But you have to send me a few helpers!"

The thick voice is puzzled: "It’s all the time, what do you want to do?"

The old man is not angry: "Crap, of course, bring Jiang Yun back to the heavens!"

"You still don't give up? Still want to pull Jiang Yun into the sky?"

The old man gnashed his teeth: "If he died, I gave up, but since he is still alive, I have been here for ten years. I will bring him back to heaven anyway!"

After a moment of silence, the thick voice sounded: "Okay, but now all the forces have begun to go to the ancient domain of the spirit, I can't send more people, I let a fateful world to help you!"

The old man’s eyes suddenly light up: “Enough is enough!”

The peak of the edge of the law, in today's Linggu domain, is absolutely invincible existence!

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