The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3350: One husband


Linggu domain, the southwestern domain door, suddenly came a burst of earth-shattering loud noise!

In the loud noise, in the darkness of the domain door in all directions, suddenly there are one after another, slowly stepping out.

Naturally, these figures are the nearly 100,000 foreign monks left in the ancient domain of Ling.

In the last year, they all gathered near the southwestern gate.

At this moment, the sound that suddenly sounded, let them naturally understand that this must be the opening of the domain door.

Sure enough, it seemed to be condensed by the light, and the domain door that was always closed tightly finally opened up.

Just, looking at this already opened domain door, I have long been looking forward to most of the foreign monks who came at this moment, but the excitement in my heart suddenly fell out like cold water.

Because the sound of the domain door opening is huge, but the domain door after opening is only three feet wide and can only allow one person to pass.

Everyone knows well, there will be a crazy killing before entering the domain.

Originally there were quite a few monks, especially the top 100 monks who were still on the top of the list. They also hoped that the area opened by the domain gates would be large enough so that many people could pass them at the same time.

Then, once the killing begins, as long as your own speed is fast enough, you can completely rush into the domain door in the shortest time.

Just stepping into the domain door means you are completely safe.

However, now, the only three-foot wide domain door is that they have to dispel this idea.

Obviously, even at the last moment, for this battle of the ancient domain of the spirit, the major forces of the various fields of the heavens are also strict requirements, and are not prepared to give anyone the opportunity to fish in troubled waters!

It is impossible to let everyone line up in a long line and enter the domain door in turn.

To enter the domain door, there is only one way, that is to kill all the way!


Suddenly, a series of intensive sounds of blasting sounded, and a large group of monks who had covered their appearances stepped out and rushed to the vicinity of the domain gate, and the disciples who had already stayed in the position of the domain door, and Jikong Where, give it up.

Over the past year, because Ji Kongfan has been sitting here, the disciples of God's refining of the sky have to gather here.

Their location is closest to the domain gate.

At this moment, the domain gates opened and they became the target of many monks.

After all, in addition to the number one ranking in the battle list, the number of killings of other gods and gods is quite a lot, and there are as many as nine people who enter the hundred!

This group obscures the true face of the monks, not only to prevent them from rushing into the domain door, but also to seize the jade in their hands through this last chance.

In the face of the emergence of this group of thousands of monks, the face of the gods and disciples suddenly changed.

Especially Guan Yu, but also stood up, eyes coldly sweeping through these people, sneer: "I did not expect that, some people have turned our gods into soft persimmons!"

"Just because there is courage to do our best for our gods, why don't you have the courage to reveal your true appearance, and hide your head and tail, what is your skill!"

This group of monks did not pay attention to the words of the Guan, but they were only prepared for war and murderousness, and they were ready to shoot at any time.

Although it is said that the Tiantian Jiyu has no way of knowing the situation that occurred in the Linggu area, the domain door has already been opened at this moment. After the domain gate, people of all major forces must be gathered.

Then everything that happens here will naturally be seen by people outside the domain.

Under the eyes of the public, if these monks reveal their true colors, then even if they can kill Guan Yu and kill all the disciples of God, they will surely be revenged by God.

Therefore, they will cover up the true appearance.

Although Guan Yu said sarcasm in his mouth, his heart was quite heavy.

He is not worried about himself. With his strength, if he does not care, he wants to break into the domain door. The problem is still not big.

But what he cares about is still Ji Kongfan!

However, Ji Kongfan is still in the closed eyes of the old god, and seems to have no idea that he has been surrounded by people.

Looking at the group of monks, Guan Yu also quietly passed to Ji Yunfan: "Empty brother, now, you can shoot it!"

Ji Kongfan finally slowly opened his eyes, but still did not go to see those people, just looked up and looked at the open domain doorway not far away: "They, still did not appear?"

The road to gnash your teeth: "No!"

For Ji Kongfan, Guan Yu really hates and respects!

If it wasn't for Ji Kongfan who insisted on waiting for him to be from the same field, the gods would not fall to this point.

However, he did admire Ji Kongfan.

Now that it is at the last critical moment, and it is clearly in an unfavorable environment, Ji Kongfan is still able to remain calm.

After a moment of silence, Ji Kongfan sighed softly: "It looks like you really can't wait!"

When the voice fell, Ji Kongfan finally stood up slowly!

At the same time that Ji Kongfan stood up, whether it was a disciple of Guan Tian and other gods, or thousands of monks who surrounded him, everyone seemed to feel that they had an illusion in front of them. They seemed to see Ji Kong. There are countless ghosts in the body.

But when they decided to go again, Ji Kongfan was just a person, standing there quietly, closing his eyes again, whispered: "If that is the case, then you will not wait."

"About, I read that you have been protecting me for many years, and I promise you to return to the heavens!"

With the words of Ji Kongfan, everyone can't help but hold it all.

Because of this sentence, it is extremely arrogant!

The meaning of Ji Kongfan’s words is clearly not only that he himself must enter the collections of the heavens, but also to enter the customs.

You know, Ji Kongfan and Guan Yu, although they seem to face only a thousand monks, actually, their enemies will be all monks except them.

Under this circumstance, Ji Kongfan dared to say such a statement, which is really unacceptable.

What is strange is that after hearing this sentence, the original nervous and excited mood, even inexplicably calmed down.

Even, he involuntarily quietly asked: "Empty brother, you have to wait for those people..."

"Is it because you have long been able to protect them, all of them into the heavens?"

Ji Kongfan did not answer the question of Guan Yu at all. He raised his foot and swung his sleeves, wrapped up his body and stepped in the direction of the domain door.

In front of Ji Kongfan, there are nearly a hundred monks blocking it, and the breath that comes out of everyone is the peak of the opposite world.

Seeing that Ji Kongfan came to himself and others, it is clear that he has to step into the domain door. Some of the hundred monks have already sipped out the channel: "Look for death!"

While speaking, the monk also took the shot.

However, he only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and a sharp pain came from his chest. He looked down and looked at a **** wound in his chest.

The next moment, all his perceptions have been lost, and one fell!

Ji Kongfan took the pass, but he has already passed all of them and appeared before the domain door!

As long as there is another step, Ji Kongfan and Guan Yu can enter the domain door.

However, Ji Kongfan did not step into the domain door, but turned around and glanced at all the monks with no expression, then closed his eyes again.

Guan Yu’s eyes widened and he looked at Ji’s back, and his eyes showed an incredible color.

Although he had known that Ji Kongfan’s strength was stronger than himself, he had no feeling at all, and he was brought to the domain door by Ji Kongfan.

At this moment, he finally understood that the true strength of Ji Kongfan is much stronger than he imagined!

Ji Kongfan stood in front of the domain door just as it was when the ancient domain was just opened.

At that time, he escorted Xue Qing and others to leave with his own power.

Now, before the domain door is about to close, he has to defend the domain door with his own strength!

When the husband is off, Wanfu is not open!

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