The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3386: Old man

"Sure enough, it is the ancient domain!"

In the boundaries of the heavens, in the boundary between the gates of the Linggu domain, a chubby old man appeared quietly, and glanced at the ancient monks and the many monks gathered here, whispering to himself. .

Naturally, it is the greed!

Although the six hidden secrets are not low in the domain name of the days, but there are not many people who have actually seen them.

In particular, there are two different images of greed and sorrow, so the greed of sorrow and ignorance does not hide the appearance at all, so it is so swaying here.

What's more, his side is quite awkward, I am afraid that even if he tells others that he is greedy and ignorant, no one will believe it.

With his special induction in the body of the Scorpio, although he was able to get here at the fastest speed, but was blocked by the closed Linggu domain.

Otherwise, he can appear directly in the ancient domain of Ling!

And he has been sleeping for a long time, so I don’t know what happened, how can there be so many people gathered here!

After a slight indifference, the eyes of the heavens swam around and went to the side of a monk standing on the edge, opened his mouth and gently sucked.

I saw that the monk had turned into a light, and directly fell into his mouth, and he was swallowed by him.

At this time, the ancient invisible in the dark, the slightest movement, suddenly looked at this direction.

When the ancients saw the greed and looming, the eyes suddenly flashed, and said to himself: "It looks like, my guess is correct, that little fat man, it really is his descendants!"

The old man next to the old man naturally heard the old saying that he was stunned: "Who are you talking about? Which little fat man?"

The ancient elders rushed to the chin in the direction of greed.

The old man turned his head and looked at the past. At first glance, he was surprised to say: "Is it greedy?"

"How come this delicious ghost is coming!"


Just as the two men talked, the greedy sorrow again opened the mouth, and the sorcerer who had just swallowed it, spit it out again, and spit in the mouth: "What is this monster, how so bitter, a little bit It’s not good.”

The monk who was spit out by him was full of anger and did not know what was going on.

Even in his eyes, he could not see the existence of greed, but he felt that he had made a weird dream.

Looking at the way of greed, the old man reveals the strange color: "This guy, it will not be here to eat here!"

I spit a few mouthfuls of spit, and I felt that the bitterness in my mouth eased a lot of greed and sorrow. I slammed my mouth and rubbed my mouth, but my face gradually became dignified. "I didn't expect it." In these years of sleeping, so many big things happened!"

"The Linggu Wars, the thirteen guys have come, and now they ran into the ancient domain, catching what Jiang Yun!"

"However, all this, what is the relationship with my family?"

"You have no door to send, and will not be sent to the ancient domain by anyone. If you are full, you will go to the ancient domain to do what?"

It is not difficult to see that after the swallows of the monks, the greedy sorrow has already known the memory of the other party and knows what happened in the days of the past.

However, he did not know about Tianzhu’s joining the Haotian, so he naturally couldn’t figure out how his son would run into the ancient domain.

"They have already sealed the ancient domain of the spirit, so I will be known by them when I go in."

"Even if I know it, there is nothing wrong with it, but I don't know what the idiot boy is doing in the Linggu domain."

"In case it is against the sky, they are facing each other, then I am going in now, I am not taking the initiative to send it to the door!"

"But if I don't go in, the thirteen people will start to move. If my family's idiot is on the side, even if it is affected, it will be dead!"

"This is how to do!"

Greedy is really tangled, I don’t know if I should enter the ancient domain of adventure to save my son, or wait for my son to come out here.

Just then, his ear suddenly sounded an old voice: "Greed, come over and talk?"

Hearing this voice, the greedy eyes of the sorrowful eyes suddenly picked up, and the eyes flashed a very fierce cold light!

Among the various fields, there are only a handful of people who can recognize his true face, and he has already seen it before, and he has not found any strong.

However, now that someone has directly shouted his identity, which makes him feel surprised, his heart naturally rises to vigilance.

Greedy looked at the direction of the voice, still did not see the person talking, can only say the same: "Who are you?"

The old tongue spit out two words: "Not old!"

Greedy for a moment, the face showed a strange color: "Is it old?"


Old people, not in the days of the world, are also famous!

It is said that he is not old and not dead, but some people have seen the death of the old man.

In short, just like the old man who is causal, the old man is not a mysterious strong man who sees the dragon without seeing the tail.

For the name of the old man who is not old, the greed of nature is also heard long ago, but there is no contact with the other party.

Therefore, he really did not think that at this moment, shouting his own, it would be an old man!

And as his voice fell, the illusion in front of him, two figures appeared in the air.

Looking at the two men, his eyes flashed again.

The other party apparently deliberately exposed the hiding place, otherwise, he could not detect it at all.

However, greed and sorrow did not dare to delay, step by step, stepped into the piece of nothingness, came to the side of the two figures, and bowed to the two men: "I don't know who is Not old predecessors?"

The old man said: "I am! You don't have to call me a senior."

"You and I have not had a relationship before, but now there are some methods of marriage, so our peers are talking!"

Greedy and faint glimpse, asked inexplicably: "Predecessors, what is the meaning of this?"

Ancient and faint saying: "Your son, is it called Scorpio?"

"Yes, it is the dog!"

The greedy sorrow hesitated and said: "And, it doesn't matter, I am here because I received the help from the filial son."

"Just, I don't know how he will enter the ancient domain of the spirit, and he is in danger."

No, the old man nodded and said: "Your son, good!"

As early as in the lower dynasty, the ancients knew the existence of Scorpio, and also guessed that Scorpio is a descendant of greed.

This time, when I entered the ancient domain of the spirit, the ancients did not know that the scorpio also entered it, but since greed and sorrow came, the ancient ignorance naturally understood.

Even, he thought of it, Jiang Yun himself looking for a retreat, there is a great possibility, that is, with Tianzhu, and Haotian!

However, because of their appearance in the sky, Jiang Yun’s retreat was sealed.

Therefore, the ancients will not take the initiative to show their greed.

It is a glorious thing to be able to get the praise of the old man. But at the moment, it is always a feeling of uneasiness when it is greedy, but it is hard to say: "It is praised by the predecessors."

The ancients smiled and said: "I am telling the truth, your son is really good, has a vision, speaks loyalty, and my disciple is a friend."

"And, in order to save my disciples, he did not hesitate to take risks in person. I appreciate it."

The first half of the old sayings, let the greed and ignorance finally understand, why not the old man to talk with his peers, he was the light of his son.

Just hearing the back, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart is getting stronger and stronger: "It is his privilege that the dog can become friends with his predecessors."

"But I don't know, who is the disciple of the predecessor, and what kind of danger is involved?"

The ancient and unsatisfactory look of greed and glance: "My disciple, named Jiang Yun!"

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