The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3397: Golden light

This sudden scene allowed all the witnesses to stop squatting again.

Even the ancient elders who were originally prepared to break free from the old man’s **** temporarily stopped their postures and looked at their disciples with suspicion.

Twelve people, such as the nearest angel who was closest to Tian Zun, were the most clearly seen.

The lack of Tian Zun is obviously being blown out by the impact of a powerful force.

This also made the first thought in their minds, that is, Jiang Yun’s side, always hiding a strong person that he and others did not find, and always protected Jiang Yun’s safety.

Even, they all thought of this strong, it should be the spiritual master!

Otherwise, it is really impossible to explain, in the absence of the strength of the Tianzun, how can be thrown out by people.

Even Jiang Yun himself was a stunned look. Looking at the lack of Tianzun who flew out, he turned his head and looked at his surroundings. He also didn't understand what was going on.

Fortunately, at this time, I finally barely stabilized the figure of the body. Tian Zun has already said with amazement: "He has the power of heaven and earth to protect him!"

This sentence, although explaining why the lack of Tianzun will be shocked, but it also makes the color of doubt on their faces more intense.

Since Jiang Yun has not been able to open his own life with a fist, it means that his life is a failure. It is reasonable to say that the power of heaven and earth should also disappear.

How could it still exist?

However, understanding this point, but let them be somewhat relieved.

Nothing is sorrowful, haha ​​smiled: "There is a lack of glory, and I say that you are more violent than him!"

"Although Jiang Yun has failed, his life is still there, indicating that the process of turning life into a door is not over yet, and the power of protection is naturally there."

"You don't want to wait for such a time. It's a bit of a pain!"

In the face of the taunts of nothingness, the singer of Tian Zun couldn’t help but glance at him. When he just wanted to refute, he suddenly came to a bang of rumbling.

Everyone’s eyes naturally rushed to the direction of the sound of the loud noise.

At first glance, the patrolling angels and others are completely calm.

However, the ancients and others have just put down some of their hearts, but they suddenly hung up again.

The sound comes from the fact that Jiang Yun’s fan has opened 90% of the life!

At this moment, this life gate actually started... collapse!

Turning life into a door, this is the act of going against the sky, then Jiang Yun has to give him some punishment since he has lost his life.

The death of the door is a punishment!

The most direct consequence of the collapse of the life gate is that it will lead to the cultivation of Jiang Yun, and truly fall to the virtual world.

The more serious consequences will be to make Jiang Yun's cultivation a realm, forever set in a virtual reality, and will never be able to condense his life again.


Sure enough, in the collapse of the life gate, Jiang Yun’s figure was like a continuous heavy blow, and the whole person kept retreating toward the rear.

Among his seven scorpions, the blood is also unable to control the sputum to flow out, and in an instant, he is dyed into a blood man.

Coupled with his messy white fluttering hair, the pale face of wrinkles stacked, making him look like a veteran old man at the moment, the limit is coming, quite desolation.

"The fourth child!"

Looking at Jiang Yun's grief-like look, Gu Lao couldn't bear it anymore. He suddenly slammed his arm and broke the palm of the old man. He once again stepped toward the domain gate of Linggu, stepping on.

This time, the old man behind him did not stop him.

Because the old man is very clear, if he blocks it again, the ancients will really turn their faces with themselves.

However, of course he can't let the old age rush out.

In desperation, he spoke to Jiang Li and greedy and ignorant: "Let's go, just take a look at it, can you save your son!"


When the ancients stepped out, they stepped directly into the domain door, and the anger in his heart was too strong. The horrible power fluctuations on the body caused the southwestern gate that was originally only Xu Xuan to collapse. , thus revealing a huge gap of a hundred feet.

The people gathered outside the domain door naturally saw the disappearance of the ancient figure, and also knew that they should have blocked the residence door and prevented Guyang from having this.

And before they can tell who the ancients were, there were three figures, and they followed closely into the ancient domain.

Looking at the gap of the size of a hundred feet, watching the four disappeared figures, the remaining monks of these days, can not help but face each other.

To be honest, at this time, they really want to follow the ancient domain to see what is going on.

Because so far, there have been seventeen Tianzun-level powerhouses in the Linggu domain.

And it is obvious that the four who entered the post are clearly opposed to the patrolling angels.

These four are now in, maybe they are going to do it with the angels!

The battle between the Tianzun level strong players, they may not be able to meet once in a lifetime, if you can witness it, it is really a good fortune.

However, they are inevitably worried that the fight between so many powerful people will not be able to escape if they spread to themselves.

What's more, they did not dare to enter without the orders of the angels and others.

But at this time, there is a figure that even rushed into the ancient domain of Ling.

Ji Kongfan!

The collapse of Jiang Yun’s life gate, Ji Kongfan also saw clearly.

And his fear of Jiang Yun, I am afraid, is second only to the ancient and not old, so this time, he did not care to enter the ancient domain.

With the entry of Ji Kongfan, Xue Qing and others followed each other and followed closely.

Although they have forgotten Jiang Yun, but Ji Kongfan has great grace for them, it is their invisible leader, they naturally have to follow Ji Kongfan.

After a moment of entanglement, a sigh of helplessness, a bite, and a choice to enter the ancient domain.

He knows that Ji Kongfan will have great possibility to worship under the door of God's refinement and become a disciple of Heaven.

As long as you have a good relationship with Ji Kongfan, there will be enormous benefits that are unimaginable for your future practice.

Through the understanding of Ji Kongfan, he knows that Ji Kongfan is empathetic.

Then this time, it is the best chance to get the good feelings of Ji Kongfan!

The entry of Ji Kongfan and others, the monks of the Tiantianji area have no idea, after all, Ji Kongfan, they are the lower domain monks.

However, the entry of this god-clear disciple is to let them finally cling to the curiosity of the heart, and also rushed into the ancient domain of the spirit.

"Someone is coming in!"

The patrolling angel looked at the direction of the southwestern gate: "I can detect the breath of four people, and I am equal to me. It should be the four people who had previously blocked the domain door."

Gu Yang sneered and said: "They must see Jiang Yunhua's life as a failure, and rushed in to save Jiang Yun!"

"It’s just right, no matter what, you can’t leave them alive and leave.”

Only Gu Yang is clear, and the four of them are old and not old, and he can't wait for the ancients to appear here, and they can fight with the angels.

Although he did not dare to provoke the ancients, but if the ancients died in the hands of the patrolling angels and others, then his own Gushi has since got rid of a big trouble.

"It's almost now, let him catch it first!"

Looking at the whole person has already succumbed to the ultimate Jiang Yun, the lack of Tian Zun a bite, once again came to Jiang Yun.

However, this time he learned what he was, and did not directly grab Jiang Yun with his palm, but gathered an illusory hand and grabbed Jiang Yun.


However, it was a muffled sound. The illusory hand was once again touched by Jiang Yun’s body and was once again crushed by a powerful force.

Even from the decaying body of Jiang Yun that exudes a thick and dead air, a golden light is lit up!

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