The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3415: Four pairs of twelve

The thirteen top powerhouses of the Tiantianji area, each with its own unique features, are different.

Like killing Tianzun, the strength is the strongest; Fengming Tianzun, the best of the people and so on.

The lack of Tianzun is the most devoid of virtue, and has done a lot of work!

It is even said that he had a fellow brother in the same year, more qualified than him to become a god, but he was secretly removed.

Of course, with the identity and strength of Tian Zun, even if you do anything excessive, no one dares to say what he is not.

Even the Tianzun and the patrolling angels who are in the same name as him, even if they are not in harmony with each other, at least they must maintain harmony, so what they do to him is also one eye closed, only when they are not seen.

However, there is one person who does not care about the identity of Tian Zun. After accidentally knowing some of the things that Tian Zun has done, he has taken a nickname for him, and he lacks virtue!

This person is Jiang Qiuyang!

Before Jiang Qiuyang has not become a public enemy of the Tiantian area, he will see other Tianzuns, and he will be politely referred to as a brother or a predecessor, but he only sees the lack of Tianzun, and he directly calls the other party as "the lack of virtue"!

Although Jiang Qiuyang is a rising star, but on the strength, the eleven top powerhouses, even if they are patrolling angels, single-handedly, are not his opponents!

Even if there is no dissatisfaction with him, he is helpless to him.

Sometimes even a little bit of dissatisfaction, Jiang Qiuyang will deliberately find him to do with him, so that as long as he sees Jiang Qiuyang, he must be full of faces!

It can be imagined that over time, the lack of esteem and resentment against Jiang Qiuyang is deep!

This is also why, when the patrol angels know that Jiang Yun and Jiang are related, the lack of Tianzun will always jump out for the reason of Jiang Yun!

Since the old man’s body can’t report the enemy, then the father’s debt is paid, and the son’s body is going to come back to the debt of the year!

However, at this moment, when I heard the golden light, it should be Jiang Yun’s mouth, and even shouted the name of “the lack of virtue”, which made the heart of the lack of Tianzun a burst of embarrassment.

Especially when he saw the face of Jiang Yun, and turned into the face of Jiang Qiuyang in his own eyes, it was even more scared.

Now, he finally understands why the sound of the avenue just displayed by Jiang Yun can easily counterbalance his attack.

Because of the shot, it is not Jiang Yun at all, but Jiang Qiuyang!

Jiang Qiuyang, back!


In the ancient domain of the spirit, after the ancients were killed and killed, and after killing the avatar of the sacred celestial being, he was immediately besieged by the patrolling angels, the murdering Tianzun and the gods and gods.

The old man wearing a hat, after hiding his appearance, came out.

Although the ancient and not old decisive shots, the plans they had to discuss before must be changed.

But the old man is still not shocked, between the big sleeves, six large space bubbles suddenly appeared, directly rushed to the remaining six Tian Zun except Yun, Ji's and Gu's three masters!

Not to mention these six Heavenly Respects, everyone present, even including the ancients, will not think that some people will attack the six strongest people at the same time with their own strength.

It was precisely because I didn't think of it, so the six heavenly lords, all of them did not have time to respond, they were wrapped up in the bubble that suddenly appeared, and immediately disappeared from the eyes of everyone, as if they had traveled to another world.

Then, the old man's body shape also disappeared.

Although the old man’s shot is awkward, but the old is not old, Jiang Li and the greedy and hidden three are well-informed. Among the six, the vain and the goddess should not be shot, so the old man wearing the hat is still one. Enemy four.

After Jiang Li and greed for a glance, the greed and sorrow took a deep breath.

I saw that his round belly had shrunk in an instant, and the messy hair was very neat, even the appearance was a lot younger, turned into an ordinary middle-aged man, and him. The previous image is simply a matter of two.

And this is another image of the greedy goddess. No one has seen anyone except his son, Scorpio!

Greedy and Residents reached out and patted the shoulders of Jiang Li: "Jiang Jiang, I am going to entangle the clouds in the sky, then Ji Fenglin will hand it over to you!"

The cloud is the owner of the cloud in the sky. Relatively speaking, the strength is higher than that of the discipline.

Obviously, the greedy sorrow knows that Jiang’s strength is weaker than himself, so he gave the Ji’s family to Jiang.

After leaving this sentence, the greedy hidden esteem has already stepped toward the cloud.

After glanced at the back of the greedy hidden, Jiang’s eyes looked at the patrolling angels and others, and there was a glimpse of the golden light that was not easy to detect, but it immediately converged.

Jiang Li did not change his appearance, so he went straight from the invisible place and went to Ji Fenglin!

In a twinkling of an eye, the ancient four are entangled in the top 12 strong people, leaving only Gu Yang still standing, no one will pay attention.

But Gu Yang, but would rather someone shoot for himself!

Because he is very clear, among the four, dare to pick the angels as opponents, it must be ancient.

The other three are old and old, and no matter who they deal with, once they are dissatisfied with the old age, then their own Gushi can be dangerous.

If you don't shoot yourself, you can stand here and you can't say it.

Sure enough, Ji Fenglin has already said coldly and coldly: "Gu Yang, you and I will join hands and let the person be abolished!"

"it is good!"

Guyang can only helplessly agree, and daring to the river!

The ancient gaze turned around, and the situation around him was clearly seen. He smiled coldly and his hands were differently printed. The thick power of the body swarmed out and formed two illusory graves. The patrolling angels and the gods of heaven.

In the ears of killing Tianzun, it is the sound of the ancient and old voice: "Killing, are you not looking at Jiang Yun?"

"Not as good as, how can I let Jiang Yun worship you as a teacher?"

The murder of Tian Zun’s gaze suddenly condensed, and his body shape stopped. He couldn’t react to the meaning of the old saying.

This time, the killing Tian Zun came in person, just for Ji Kongfan and Jiang Yun.

Although Ji Kongfan is not weak in killing, but it is also extremely high in the refining device. Killing Tianzun knows that he should be fighting for the gods.

As for Jiang Yun, if you don't look at the identity of Jiang Yun, then everything that Jiang Yun has shown, especially the unparalleled golden life, is enough to prove that Jiang Yun's future is not limited.

Killing Tianzun Nature is also very happy to accept it as a disciple.

However, Jiang Yun’s identity as a descendant of Jiang Qiuyang was there. When he attacked Jiang, he participated in it. How could Jiang Yun worship himself as a teacher.


At this moment, two loud bangs came suddenly, and the patrolling angels and the gods of heaven and gods had simultaneously shattered the graves that the ancients had pushed to them.

The two saw that the killing Tianzun stood still in the same place without moving, and could not help but frown.

However, the ancients did not give time to questioning the two people. Two graves appeared and they were pushed to the two.

Ancient and not old is not really going to kill the patrolling angels. After all, he also has scruples.

Especially the identity of the patrolling angel, until now, he did not figure out, always feel that there should be a more powerful existence behind the patrolling angel.

Therefore, he just entangled them as much as possible and delayed the time.

In addition, in order to hide his true identity, he is not likely to display his own mastery of magic, so now they are using the power of the Taoist market!

At the same time, it has been trapped by the bubble of the old man wearing the hat. It seems to enter the emptiness of the other space and the ear of the life-defying Tianzun. It also sounds the voice of the old man: "I am the teacher of Jiang Yun!"

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