The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3510: See clearly

There was no disguise in the dialogue between the seven patrols. Not only did Xu Heng listen clearly, but other people outside the mask also heard it.

And this naturally makes everyone's eyes condense, and even many people's faces are showing the color of expectation.

The name of the patrol is very well known, but there are not many people who have actually contacted them.

Especially in this chaotic cloud, few people actually saw the shots of the patrol.

To be honest, so far, compared to the strong strength that Xu Jia has shown to make everyone shocked and shocked, the performance of these seven patrollings has made everyone disappointed. It is really inconsistent.

Just as Xu Heng ridiculed their words, after the appearance of the seven patrols, they hid in the golden mask from beginning to end, like a tortoise.

Although Xu’s attack did not hurt them, it seems that they are also unable to make a home.

Today, all the tribes of the Xu family have already taken the 20 big ships and left the Taiyi world.

Until then, these seven sacred scorpions have to make a difference. It is really unimaginable. What can they do, and how can Xu Heng watch the demise of his own people.

The purple patrol scorpion suddenly raised the other hand and drew a few runes on the patrol in his hand.

Suddenly, I saw that the purple light emitted by the patrol command suddenly began to shrink, and directly fell into the body of Xu Heng, whose body was expanding and preparing to blew.

When the purple light entered the body, Xu Heng's body trembled with a lot of tremors, clearly feeling that a terrible force poured into his body.

This power, like countless shackles, firmly binds all the forces in the body, and thus allows the inflated figure to immediately re-shrink and return to its normal appearance.

Xu Heng knows that this power is probably from the patrolling angels, in order to prevent his own self-destruction.

The purple patrol whispered the road: "Xu Heng, your sin is indeed too big, so we have no right to dispose of you."

"We can only take you back and let the ambassadors personally decide your destiny!"

This sentence makes Xu Heng's heart a little trembling.

He can imagine that once he sees the angels, the consequences are absolutely more terrible than death.

But he doesn't care anymore. Anyway, from the moment he shot Jiang Yun, he has already prepared for the worst.

Therefore, he laughed wildly and said: "Ha ha ha, it is my honor to be able to see the angels."

"However, don't you say that I want to see the demise of my family?"

"You'd better move faster. If you are late, I am worried that our family has escaped safely."

Now Xu Heng is most worried about his family.

And he did not dare to despise the seven heavenly scorpions in front of him, so he deliberately took words to provoke them, hoping to know what they are going to do.

When I heard Xu Heng’s words, the purple robes turned to look at the six gold robes and patrolled the road: “How come?”

Six gold robes each took out a few round stones and smiled and said: "This is the hand!"

While speaking, the six people shattered the stone in their hands.


At the same time, a series of earth-shattering explosions suddenly came from far away.

The sound comes from the boundary between the Taiyi border!

Everyone is eager to follow the sound, and can vaguely see that from the place where the explosion came, there is a huge fireball in the group, rising in the darkness, the fire is rushing, and almost the big seams are given. bright!

These fireballs are not many, just twenty!

The twenty ships that were full of Xu family members had left the Taiyi world, and the silver ships that were in the middle of the seams were all blown up!

It is already clear to those who have a strong sense of power that in every huge fireball, the flames are burning, and the originally sturdy hull is burned into liquid.

The people of Xu family who are in it are mourning the wilderness and suffering heavy casualties.

Although there are many powerful Xu family members, they are shooting, some are crazy to block the fire, and some want to escape from the fire with other people.

However, no matter how they shoot, no matter what domain weapon they use, there is no way to rush out of this fireball.

They can only watch the overwhelming flames around them, and devour their own weak people.

Obviously, these are ordinary flames, and there is a ban on the law, which will completely ruin all the people of Xu family.

This miserable scene can definitely be said to be a human tragedy, so that most of the monks who have witnessed all of this are shaking their hearts and cannot bear to see.

The number of Xujia people on the 20 ships, more than a few hundred thousand, instantly died more than half, and the rest of those who are still alive will eventually die in this flame.

At this moment, the purple patrolling scorpion once again faintly said: "Xu Heng, now, see clearly?"

Xu Heng certainly saw clearly that the purple light beam in his body tied all his power, but he did not bind his knowledge.

Therefore, he has to look more clearly than anyone else, and must look carefully!

Even the unrelated people are somewhat unbearable to watch. It is conceivable that Xu Heng, who is the ancestor of Xu family, has suffered a great impact after seeing this scene!

At this moment, the whole person is like a moment of old age, and the trembling body has come together. Among the muddy eyes, the old tears criss-cross.

For the purple patrol, he did not respond at all, just licking his lips and muttering: "Impossible, impossible, how is this possible?"

Xu Heng’s words are also questions that everyone else is confused about.

Seven patrols, even if people have not moved, just crushing a few stones, you can let the 20 big ships explode!

Moreover, the fireball after the explosion can form a formation, which can trap all the family members and prevent them from escaping!

To do this, there are two ways.

One is that the Xu family on the boat actually has a person who is on the sky.

After getting the order to crush the stones, they shot and destroyed the big ship.

However, this possibility is not great.

Because the twenty big ships are simultaneously exploding, even if there is a person who buys a Xu family in the sky, how do you know that each ship has exactly the person you bought?

What's more, the big ship exploded and everyone could not escape.

If there are people who have been bought, do they know that they must die, and they are willing to go with their own people?

The second possibility is that the patrolman moved his hands on the 20 ships!

These ships are covered with countless intricate runes for defensive protection.

If there is a strong person who is proficient in the prohibition and the formation, and secretly makes some changes to these runes, then no one knows.

However, Xu’s hidden strength has been a long time, and the 20 big ships are definitely not the ones that have recently been finished, but they have already been built out, so that they can take them when they encounter the danger of extermination. All the tribes fled.

That patrol, where there will be time, you can enter the Xu family, find the hidden places of the twenty big ships, and then change the runes on the ship a little bit, not yet discovered by Xu.

Xu Jia, there is always Xu Heng, the Tianzun strong person sitting in town.

If someone can really get through Xu Heng and be able to do so many things, then you need to be so troublesome to do the tricks on the boat and directly destroy the Xu family!

"Han Tong", Xu Heng suddenly went to the seven patrols, crying and crying: "Seven adults, Xu Heng knows sin, Xu Heng knows sin, all faults, Xu Heng is willing to bear."

"I also asked the seven adults to raise their hands and let them go up and down, even if they were slaves!"

So far, Xu Heng has finally collapsed.

The purple robes watched him coldly and said: "Now knowing sin, it is already late, we can't save your people!"

"However, I can let you understand that when you build these twenty ships in your home, there are people who are on my way!"

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