The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3696: Destiny

Surrounded by the eight reincarnation powerhouses in Babutian, a delicate white lotus flower emerged from Fu Linglong's body, suspended above her head.

However, the white color is not the color of the lotus flower, but the burning flame above the lotus flower!

The white flame was not the heat, but the cold chill.

As Fu Linglong stretched her finger toward the white lotus flower, she saw that the lotus flower suddenly turned slowly.

Under this rotation, the chill released by the lotus not only suddenly turned several times, but also the white flames turned into white pilings, just like a waterfall, pouring down all around.

In the surrounding nothingness, it was immediately covered with white frost, and even the darkness was scattered away, so that this seam of the boundary seemed to become a white sky.

The appearance of this white lotus immediately made Babu and others look pale.

In particular, the chill of coldness was passed on to them instantly, so that their bodies were also covered with frost. Although it did not freeze them, they made their actions slowed down.

Obviously, this white lotus is a powerful domain device.

Fu Linglong, as a strong god, was surrounded by eight reincarnation monks, and even when she came up, she used the domain device without any hesitation. It can be seen that her heart is extremely anxious, and she hopes to get rid of the entanglement of the eight as soon as possible.

The object that annoys her is naturally Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun is the person named by Hongchen Datianzun to protect.

Although it was Jiang Yun who took the initiative to challenge Babutian himself, if Jiang Yun had any accidents or was taken away by Babutian, Hongchen Datianzun would not care about the cause at all and she would only punish Fu Linglong.

Even punish the entire Linglong Pavilion!

Therefore, Fu Linglong really has a hard heart at this moment.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was first attacked by the power of breaking the law released by more than 700 Babu people, and now he is facing the palm of the law with the power of the warlord.

In anyone's opinion, Jiang Yun wouldn't say that he would die, but at least it was impossible to escape the palm of the Lord of the War Department.

But at this time, the face of the Lord of the War Department was shocked and confused.

The reincarnation powerhouse has a special ability called law restraint.

That is, you can drive out the rest of the rules in a certain range, leaving only the power of the rules you are proficient with.

Then this area is also a specific area of ​​law that is exclusive to the caster.

In this area, the caster is supreme being.

In short, legal constraints are like forming an independent space, but it is more indestructible than space.

The master of the war department restrained Jiang Yun from exerting his rules, that is, he wanted to trap Jiang Yun and then capture him.

Strangely enough, the head of the war department suddenly found that his palm, only a few feet away from Jiang Yun, suddenly stopped and could not move any further.

His own laws are bound, but they are blocked in this place far away.

If only that was the case, but what really shocked the head of the war department was that he could vaguely feel that Jiang Yun's body, that is, within this wide area, had formed a rule area.

The two law areas, because the existing laws are different, naturally there will be exclusion.

And this often happens.

For example, if two reincarnation powers fight, both sides have the constraints of the law, can form a rule area, then who can restrain each other, depends on each other's strength, proficiency in the rules and other factors.

However, at this moment, the main object of the rule of the war department is Jiang Yun!

Don't say Jiang Yun hasn't stepped into the state of breaking the law, even if he has already stepped into it, even if he has reached the peak of the state of breaking the law, it is impossible to show the constraints of the law.

But now around Jiang Yun's body, the head of the war department felt that another area of ​​laws had been formed.

Moreover, the area of ​​its own laws cannot even break into it.

This makes the warlord can't help doubting, is Jiang Yun breaking through to the reincarnation?

As for Jiang Yun, he was the leader of the war department who didn't care about it at all, and all his attention was focused on his own body.

The power of breaking the law, which originated from more than 700 eight monks, all hit him, but did not cause any harm to him.

Because at this moment Jiang Yun has truly become a rule, and it is not a rule, but a countless number of rules.

He is like a black hole of laws, greedily absorbing any power related to the laws.

These forces all entered his body, condensing on his wheel of fortune.

It merges with the power of the laws that originated from Mengyuan, and becomes a part of his body.

Finally, he could faintly see that on his wheel of destiny, a thin layer of cicada-like wings emerged, also formed by countless kinds of runes.

Although he didn't know what this thing was, he knew very well that this was the puppet that limited himself to breaking the law.

As long as this layer of shattering is broken, then you can break into the law.

Therefore, he is now urging all available power to attack this puppet severely.

This is why the rule of the Lord of the War Department is unable to approach Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's current state is no longer devoured but attacked.

Coupled with his incarnation as a law, it is tantamount to forming a closed area of ​​law.

Unfortunately, although the power in Jiang Yun's body has reached an amazing level, the hardness of this layer of maggots is far beyond his imagination.

Under his crazy attack, he was still intact!

At this time, the person who knows best about everything is the forgetfulness in the veins.

His consciousness stared at Jiang Yun's behavior, and his face was also extremely shocked: "This kid has broken into the realm. The rules that need to be broken are actually his own destiny!"

"It's just the rules of fate, but his rules of fate are too powerful!"

"With the power of the law of origin and the power of so many monks who break the realm of law, they cannot be broken."

The thin thing on the wheel of Jiang Yun's destiny is also a rule, the rule of destiny for every being.

When entering the realm of breaking the law, in fact every monk will encounter a kind of encounter.

This is a law.

The practice of each monk is different, and the rules that need to be broken are different.

But the hardest thing to break is the law of destiny.

Even in the memory of forgetting the old, when entering the realm of breaking the law, monks who need to break the rules of their own destiny, from ancient to modern times, they will not add up to more than ten!

Because the law of destiny is related to the destiny of life.

Even if you practice against the heaven, you can change your life against the sky, but the fate you change is still confined to the law of destiny, and you ca n’t really change without restriction.

If possible, then the monk need not continue to practice.

Everyone needs to change their destiny to immortality, and they don't need to fight each other, they just need to live down to earth.

However, if you can break your own rules of destiny, it doesn't mean you can change your destiny as you want, but you can at least get a special kind of freedom.

It is from now on that your fate is no longer controlled by anyone.

Especially for the monks from the plight of forgetfulness, it is even clearer that Jiang Yun, together with the fate of the souls of all the heavens, are in the hands of the beast's powerful plight.

If Jiang Yun really broke his own destiny, then he might be able to get rid of the beast's control!

At this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly looked up, and the two revealed a little crazy eyes, looking at the Lord of the War Department who was watching him.

Jiang Yun's gaze shivered for no reason in the mind of the warlord.

But then, he suddenly noticed that Jiang Yun's legal restraint had disappeared.

This also made him unable to think about other things, which contained the full strength of his own power, and finally shot him **** Jiang Yun.

However, he froze again.

Because he didn't see the formation of his law area, instead he saw Jiang Yun's face with a smile, and said to himself: "Thank you!"

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