The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3726: Flip through memory

After walking in the darkness for about a quarter of an hour, a bright light finally appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

This made Jiang Yun's heart rejoice, knowing that the light might come from the entrance that he entered outside the domain, and could not help speeding up his pace.

When he came to the light place, he saw an irregularly shaped mist floating constantly, which was his entrance to the outside world.

Even through the fog, Jiang Yun could see that he was still sitting cross-legged outside waiting for his avatar clone.

However, Jiang Yun was not in a hurry to return to the heavens, but turned around and looked back at the darkness he had passed.

He is thinking about one thing.

According to his previous speculations, all the treasure pickers who entered outside the domain will be once again tampered with when they return to the heavens.

And this tampering must happen in this dark channel, even the moment it steps into the channel.

However, now that the entrance is close to myself, my memory has not changed at all, and I have not felt any strength or breath.

"Does this extraterrestrial world really open up to me?"

"Or does it mean that when I step into the entrance, the other party will try to tamper with my memory?"

"Also, this dark channel, although I came along all the way, did not appear to have a fork, but Linglong Muxue, who only entered here two breathes earlier, disappeared.

"Did she have been sent to another dark channel, she has returned to the heavens, or has she encountered any accident?"

After standing still for a while, it was determined that there should be no more accidents, Jiang Yun turned around and stepped into the mist.

"came back!"

At the same time, Jiang Yun's avatar has opened his eyes, and the sound of forgetfulness sounded in his ears.

Jiang Yun stepped out of the mist, but instead of anxious to merge with his avatar, he frowned and lost in thought.

My own memory about outside the domain is still there!

The Three Emperor Sects, Jin Yang, Zhu Shaoshao, the hundred guardians of the city, all still clearly exist in his memory!

"If my analysis of the situation of other treasure collectors is against each other, it also means that I am really an exception."

"From the beginning to the end, no power has been put on me to tamper with my memory!"

"Why does this happen, let alone, but now I'm most likely the only person in the heavenly domain who really knows the situation outside the domain!"

"Will I tell other people about the situation outside the domain?"

To be honest, everything outside the domain not only far exceeded Jiang Yun's cognition, but also caused Jiang Yun's heart a lot of worries.

Because the strength of the monks outside the domain, is really much stronger than the Zhutian Jiyu.

Their existence has always been a potential threat to the heavens.

If one day, the monks outside the realm can really enter the heavens, once they have aggression, then the heavens will probably become the second spiritual ancient realm!

All souls, monks, are enslaved by others.

Although Jiang Yun does not have a good opinion of the heavens, but people are regional.

Just like when he was in the mountains and seas, he would resist the attack of the monk destroyer.

And when he was in the extinction domain, he would stand up again and lead the extinction monk to block the entry of the heavens and the region.

Therefore, he did not want the heavens to become a place invaded by others.

Then he should tell the real situation outside the domain.

Especially tell the angel patrolmen, tell those big deities, let them think of ways, and prepare for various plans in advance.

In the extraterrestrial world, Grandpa may be among them.

If you tell Datianzun about the real situation outside the territory, does it not mean that you betrayed Grandpa.

What's more, how many treasure pickers have appeared since ancient times!

All other treasure collectors said that the extraterritorial area was a treasure land, and only one person said that there were monks all over the land. In his words, would the 13 great heavenly believers believe it?

Of course, he also knew that he might be thinking too much.

The extraterrestrial world must have existed for quite a long time. They themselves are still in the infighting. The human race and the demon race are endless. Where can I have time to care about the heavens?

Even, they may not even know the existence of the heavens!

Just then, Jiang Yun's ears rang out of forgetfulness: "I said, what's wrong with your boy, coming back is like being a person, standing here stupidly?"

"Why, got stimulated outside the territory? Bullied?"

Wang Wang was waiting for Jiang Yun to tell him the situation outside the region, but he did not expect Jiang Yun to stand there in a daze when he came back, which made him unbearable, and he walked out of the blood veins, teasing Jiang Yun a few words.

Immediately afterwards, forgetful brow frowned again: "You are hurt!"

"You haven't entered the extraterritory within a day or so, and you have been injured. Is it really so dangerous?"

Jiang Yun's fight with the middle-aged big man did hurt a little.

If you forget the old thing, Jiang Yun finally recovered from the contemplation, with a bitter smile on his face: "Not only was he hurt, he almost died there!"

Upon hearing this, forgetting the old brows frowned even more tightly: "No, your boy's luck is not so bad!"

"Although I haven't been to the extraterritorial area, I have met a few treasure pickers anyway, and they have been in and out of the territory many times, basically without any injuries.

"Why did you come to your kid and almost died there in such a short time?"

"Hurry up and tell me what happened to you outside the domain!"

Looking at the curiosity of forgetting the old, Jiang Yun hesitated: "I'm sorry, forget the old, wait a few days, now my brain is a bit messy."

"Further, I need to determine a few things, and when I do, I will tell you about my experience outside the domain."

Jiang Yun naturally went to Linglong Pavilion again to see if Linglong Muxue returned.

And this time, what kind of situation is outside Linglong Muxue's memory!

Jiang Yun's answer was so angry that he always kept his beard and stared. I really wished to show his identity and forced Jiang Yun to speak out in the name of Shizu.

However, in the end, he resisted, gave Jiang Yun a vicious glance, and returned to the bloodline with an unpleasant heart.

Jiang Yun reached out and retracted his consciousness, turned his head and took a deep look at the entrance to the outside of the domain: "It turns out that even with extremely sloppy sand, there are restrictions on going outside the territory!"

The reason why he said this is because after Jiang Yun found that he had returned to the Heavenly Lands, all of the extremely underworld sands fell into a drowsy state.

It seems that this in and out of the territory also consumed their power.

And if you want to enter the outside world again, you can only wait for them to recover strength and wake up again.

At this time, Jiang Yun didn't know how long it would take!

However, Jiang Yun was not in a hurry.

Anyway, I still have other things to do, when is Wake up, and when I will go again.

A longer time is also a good thing. At least those monks in the Supreme City can gradually forget their own affairs.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun retracted his gaze, left his body in a flash, and returned to Dan Lingzong.

Because he hasn't been away for a long time, Jiang Yun didn't go to see Yu Ji again. He just greeted her with Chuan Yin and told her that something was wrong and she would be away for a few days.

Yu Jiang was a bit shocked that Jiang Yun returned from outside the country so soon.

However, she didn't ask much. When she wanted to come, Jiang Yun was going to explore the road anyway, and it was not unusual that time was short.

Jiang Yun left Dan Lingzong and rushed towards Linglong Pavilion again.

Along the way, Jiang Yun also recalled his experience outside the domain.

In this way, three days later, when Jiang Yun was about to arrive at Linglong Pavilion, his complexion suddenly changed, and his body suddenly stopped.

Because, in his soul, a very powerful force suddenly appeared, ramming and looking at his memory!

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