The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4039: Here is the patriarch

Hearing the boy's voice, although Jiang Yun turned around and saw a nine-storey restaurant standing in front of him, his mind was still thinking about the grandfather entering the emperor's tomb.

Originally, he always believed that because Grandpa knew that he was in danger, he rushed to the Emperor's Mausoleum and saved himself.

But these few questions asked by Emperor Xuanyuan suddenly awakened him as if from a dream.

What kind of crisis will the Dai people lose when the emperor sits down? Uncle Mu can think of it, Jiang Haochu can think of it, even even the demon monster can think of it.

As the granddaughter of the Dai ethnic group, how could the grandfather of Xuanyuan's contemporaries be unexpected?

In order to save himself, regardless of the millions of Dai people, he will face the danger of extinction?

"Senior Man!"

The boy shouted again at Jiang Yun, let Jiang Yun take a deep breath, and said to the Emperor Xuanyuan: "Old man, I think that Grandpa should not know the true strength of Emperor Tomb, and even less There will be an emperor at the mausoleum. "

"Grandpa was worried about my safety at first, and secondly because he wanted to come, with the strength of his emperor, and wanted to rescue me from the emperor's tomb, there was no danger at all."

"It was just that I didn't expect that the Chiyuezi would suddenly appear, and his strength was stronger than that of Grandpa, so that his old man couldn't choose, and he could only enter the emperor's tomb.

"What's more, this approach of Grandpa also prevented the invasion of the Emperor's Tomb and saved all the people in Sijing Tibetan."

Listening to Jiang Yun's explanation, Emperor Xuanyuan smiled and said, "Yes, this is also possible."

"This matter, let's talk again!"

"Right now, you're ready for this feast."

"This banquet is not simple. There are only a few of the strongest in heaven!"

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yun temporarily put away all his thoughts and looked at the restaurant in front of him.

Before coming, Jiang Yun had already known from the mouth of Uncle Ming. Su Huaian and others banqueted their own restaurant, which is the best in the whole city.

For an ordinary meal, hundreds of Diyuan Stones are spent.

The decoration of the restaurant is naturally very luxurious.

And on the outer wall of the entire restaurant, there are still a large number of runes engraved, which have become a continuous prohibition, which is enough to block some attacks and even shield the gods.

Inside, it is also the power of the wave of matrix formation.

However, Jiang Yun's consciousness is naturally unhindered, and he easily broke through these prohibitions and formations and saw the restaurant.

The restaurant is huge in size and each floor is large enough to accommodate thousands of people.

At this moment, in addition to the ninth floor, the other eight floors have already occupied a lot of guests.

The huge top floor is only more than twenty people.

Obviously, the ninth floor of the restaurant has been contracted out by these days.

Outside the gate of the restaurant, stood a beautiful young woman.

The boy who brought Jiang Yun down has lowered the trunk and came to the woman.

The woman greeted her with a smile on her face, and said to Jiang Yun, "Sir, senior, please!"

Jiang Yun nodded, followed the woman, entered the restaurant, and went all the way to the top floor.

With the advent of Jiang Yun, all the people who had been talking about all of a sudden closed their mouths, and all eyes immediately focused on Jiang Yun.

These people, both male and female, are not very old, and all of them are of extraordinary temperament.

Although they have all heard of Jiang Yun's name, everyone except Su Huai'an has seen Jiang Yun for the first time.

At a glance, most people's faces suddenly showed disappointment, and even some people shook their heads ironically.

In the past two days, the relationship between Jiang Yun and Jiang Yuerou was well known by Su Huai'an's intentional propaganda.

Everyone thinks that Jiang Yuerou can be the person to be fancy, it must be the dragon and the phoenix among the people, all aspects are outstanding.

But Jiang Yun not only wears simple clothes, but also looks old.

Except for the temperament of being angry and overwhelming, there was nothing outstanding about him.

This naturally disappointed everyone!

Just then, a burst of laughter rang out: "Ha ha ha, Brother Shan came late, let us wait, we will be punished by three drinks in a while!"

In the voice, a figure has stepped in front of Jiang Yun, it is Su Huai'an.

Look at him with a smile on his face, a familiar tone, and where it was when Jiang Yun was killed with a sword.

If you don't know, I thought he and Jiang Yun were friends.

Su Huai An continued: "Come here, let me introduce to you, this is the mang brother that the spirit girl brought back!"

"Brother Shanmang, please come with me!"

Su Huai'an did not introduce Jiang Yun to these days, and personally led Jiang Yun to the seat.

Jiang Yun arched to everyone: "Under the mountain, thank you for your kind invitation!"

After speaking, he sat down politely.

Su Huai'an sat on his left and shouted behind him, "Dude, serve, drink!"

Suddenly, the restaurant's buddies, just like wearing flowers and butterflies, presented a variety of exquisite dishes and fine wines.

Su Huai'an stood up again, poured wine for Jiang Yun himself, and then raised his wine glass and said, "Brother Shan, the younger brother was reckless that day, and he shouldn't do anything to you."

"However, we don't even know each other. This glass of wine is treated as a reparation to you."

Jiang Yun smiled and raised his wine glass and said, "Brother Su is serious!"

After Jiang Yun drank this glass of wine, Su Huai'an smiled slightly: "Brother Shan, that day after Brother Shan was taken out by the spirit girl, I had remorse, so I specially arranged to check the origin of Brother Shan. . "

"It is strange that with the help of my Huai tribe and many brothers and families present, I couldn't find the slightest origin of Brother Shan."

"It really made me wait, so I'm here today, dare to ask where Brother Xiashan comes from and what kind of people is it?"

Jiang Yun smiled and said, "I come from a small place, and my ethnic group is very ordinary, not as famous as your ethnic group, so it is normal for Brother Su to not find it."

As soon as Jiang Yun's words fell, a man immediately said: "Brother Shan, IMHO, if you really come from a small ethnic group, a small place, there is an improper door between you and the spirit girl, and the house is not right!"

"Yes!" Another person said, "The spirit girl is respected. The apostle she chooses also represents the face of the Dai people. Not to mention that she can match her perfectly, but it can't be too far away!"

Listening to these people, you say something to me based on your own history, desperately degrading yourself, Jiang Yun is really funny, too lazy to continue to stay.

However, just as he was about to stand up and leave, the sound of Emperor Xuanyuan was sounding in his mind: "Jiang Hao first came and sat on the first floor!"

This sentence made Jiang Yun's heart move.

The so-called banquet, which is not so good, is a group of children's fun, and they don't even want to stay here, but the Dai patriarch will come here in person!

"Does this banquet have any other meaning?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun also temporarily dispelled the thought of leaving, and re-focused on Su Huaian and others in front of him, deliberately pretending not to understand, and frowned: "You said so much, what does it mean ? "

"I have a stupid brain, so are you all right?"

At this time, Su Huai'an finally said again: "Although we do not know how you coaxed the spirit girl and made the spirit girl like you, we all know that you are not worthy of the spirit girl and it is absolutely impossible Let you be with the spirit girl. "

"When you climb up to the Spirit Girl, you are simply trying to conquer the power of the Dai people.

"We are not stingy, so as long as you are willing to leave the Spirit Girl obediently and never appear in front of the Spirit Girl, we can give you a fortune."

"If you insist on staying with the Spirit Girl, don't blame us for being rude."

Jiang Yun then appeared in sorrow: "I don't know how much money I can give me?"

Upon hearing Jiang Yun's words, everyone's face showed contempt.

Su Huai'an smiled coldly: "One thousand emperor source stone!"

Jiang Yun shouted, "How much?"

Su Huai'an shook his head, raised his hand, and 10,000 pieces of Emperor's Stone appeared directly in the air, sparkling.

"Ten thousand yuan!"

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