The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4046: Go to the forbidden area

What is happening in this restaurant today can be said to be one wave after another, and one wave after another, but it also shocks everyone's heart.

The shock that Jiang Yun brought to them before was nothing compared with the scene presented to them at this moment.

Su Dinggan, the chief of the Qiang tribe, the chief of the inner eight tribe, actually shot against the chief of the Dai tribe!

This simply subverted everyone's perception and exceeded the limit of their imagination.

Even Yu Yuankui, who almost betrayed the Dais, was blank in her mind at this moment.

Even though he betrayed the Dai people, he only just allowed the monks of the Hai people to enter into the city unobstructed from the portal of his guard.

However, if he were allowed to go directly to the territory of the Dai people, let alone shot against Jiang Haochu, even if it was shot against the ordinary Dai people, he would not be able to do it.

Therefore, he had to admit that he was a little farther than Su Ding in any respect.

Jiang Yun was also stunned, especially the "Broken" sentence of Emperor Xuanyuan, which made him even more nervous.

Jiang Haochu appeared in time, and protected Jiang Yun with the power of dreams, letting Jiang Yun breathe a sigh of relief.

Not because his own life was saved, but finally he was made aware that Jiang Haochu, the Dai patriarch, at least cared about his life.

This also saves him from having to put Jiangcun and the Qiang in different places.

For Jiang Yun, Jiang Haochu was also a reliable person.

Naturally, he is now worried about Jiang Hao's safety.

Su Dingqian and Jiang Haochu are both quasi-imperial powerhouses.

Although the same emperor will also have different strengths, since Su Dinggan dare to shoot Jiang Haochu, and the branch in his hand, even the Xuanyuan Emperor was shocked, which shows that Su Dinggan was confident that he could kill Jiang Haochu of.

If Jiang Hao dies at the beginning and Jiang Mu is in the chaos again, with the help of a quasi-employee alone, the Dai people may soon come to the end.

Jiang Haochu's face also showed a hint of panic.

Obviously, he did not expect that Su Dinggan would attack himself.

Although in his eyebrows, there were nine brilliant rays of light, like a waterfall, pouring down, forming a waterfall of light, covering himself, but the black branch was easy to wear Passed the mask.

Jiang Hao suddenly blurted out and said: "The power of the emperor is impossible!"

He knew this black branch naturally, it was the treasure of the Huai tribe, but it contained the power of the emperor, which he did not expect.

The power of the emperor can only be possessed by the emperor.

Looking at the entire Tibetan Realm, there are only three other races, each with an emperor.

Especially the demon clan has no great emperor.

Where did the power of the great emperor on that black branch come from?

It is absolutely impossible for the emperors of the other three major races to lend their power to Su Ding, which can only be ...

Unfortunately, Jiang Haochu has no time to think about these issues.

After breaking through the nine colored light waterfalls outside his body, the black branches continued to drive straight in and easily penetrated him.

Suddenly, I saw Jiang Haochu's face, the exposed skin, and even his eyes, there were countless black lines, just like the branches and leaves of a large tree.

The appearance of these lines made Jiang Haochu's body unable to move anymore, and stood rigidly there, widened his eyes, and no trace of breath was emitted, as if turning into a dead tree.

The whole process is slow to say, but in fact it only takes two or three breaths.

Jiang Haochu, the Qiang patriarch and the quasi-empire, had no vitality under the attack of Su Dinggan.

At the same time, Jiang Yun's ears suddenly sounded a strange old voice.

"Hurry, Jiang Yun, I'll send you back to the Shes!"

Before waiting for Yun Jiang to figure out who the speaker was, he felt a powerful force covering him.

And in front of himself, there was a nine-color aperture of the size.

"Go in!"

The old voice sounded again, and a hand was patted gently on Jiang Yun's body, so that he had no resistance at all and stepped into the aperture directly.

At this moment, Su Dinggan turned around suddenly, still full of endless killing eyes, locked in Jiang Yun's body and said: "Where to run!"

As the words fell, he pulled out the black branches and even shot at Jiang Yun, who was already in the aperture.

The speed of the branches was extremely fast, and they immediately came out of the aperture.

But at this time, a figure suddenly appeared, and a palm shot on the branch.


The tree branch was shaken out of the aperture, and the figure was also shaken into the aperture.

The aperture heals instantly, and Jiang Yun is already in the real tribe of the Dai people.

Until then, Jiang Yun couldn't see clearly. He had just sent himself back to the Dai and blocked himself from an old man he had never seen.

However, the breath on the other side is familiar to Jiang Yun, and it seems to be quite similar to the evil spirits in the chaos world.

The old man's face was pale, and blood was dripping from his mouth and nose. Obviously he blocked the tree branch and he was seriously injured.

But he couldn't care about his injury, and he hurriedly said to Jiang Yun: "I'm an old man, and you should hurriedly inform Jiang Ming and let them close the clan immediately."

"I'll save the patriarch!"

蜃 Old!

Jiang Yun knew that his speculation was correct. The other party and the evil spirits of the Four Chaos Realm should be the same.

However, Jiang Yun does not have time to think about these now, but pulls him away: "You can't go, you go, not only can't save the patriarch, but it will certainly die!"

蜃 The old face showed resolutely: "My mission is to protect the patriarch, and I will also die."

Having said that, Lao Lao suddenly said: "Yes, Jiang Yun, I already know the two ways you can help the Dai people."

"The patriarch is actually the first way you tend to say, but he is worried about your safety and is embarrassed to say it."

"Now, the patriarch may be gone, and the day of the demise of my Dai people is coming, so I ask you if you can go to the forbidden area immediately to find the Nine peoples."

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly: "If the patriarch is still there, I can go, but now the patriarch has already suffered misfortune. I am afraid that Su Dinggan will attack the Dai people immediately. I will go to the forbidden area again, where is there time?"

The old man hurriedly said: "Maybe it is too late. Our family land is in a dream. This dream was set by the ancestors. Once closed, even if the emperor is close, it will take several years to break open."

"So, if you are lucky, maybe we can hold it before you come back!"

Hearing the words of Lao Lao, Jiang Yun's eyes lightened: "How many years can it really stop the emperor?"

蜃 Lao smiled bitterly: "This is what the ancestors said personally, and I'm not sure, but I don't think the ancestors would make jokes about the lives of so many of us!"

With a slight groan, Jiang Yun gritted his teeth, "Okay, I'll go and notify Uncle Ming ..."

Waiting for Jiang Yun to finish his speech, Lao Lao has interrupted: "Let me go to inform you, you have time now, you go to the forbidden area!"

"Yunzi, the safety of my tribe can be all pinned on you!"


A cloud child made Jiang Yun suddenly exhale a long breath, then took out a pile of storage utensils, and handed it to the old man: "Okay, I'll go to the forbidden area now."

"There is Diyuan Stone in it, please help me give it to Uncle Ming and Yue Rou."

Lao Lao took the magic weapon and nodded heavily: "Sure!"

Jiang Yun no longer hesitated, directly took out the token that Su Qianchen gave to himself, and then communicated to Xuanyuan Great Emperor with his wisdom: "Ancestor, please stay, don't let the Mirage know!"

"If you can protect the Dai people, you can protect the Dai people. If you can't keep them, then uncle Baoming and Yuerou. If you can't keep them, then please keep Yuerou!"

Xuanyuan Emperor was silent for a moment before he said, "Okay, I promise you, as long as I don't die, Jiang Yuerou will be fine!"

In fact, Emperor Xuanyuan didn't want Jiang Yun to go to the forbidden area at all, but this happened suddenly now. He also knew that he couldn't help Jiang Yun at all, so he could only agree.

"I'm leaving!"

When Jiang Yun just wanted to infiltrate the token with divine knowledge, another voice suddenly sounded, "Yunzi, what are you doing?"

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