The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4120: Desolation

In the prison, there is naturally no good thing. This is just that Jiang Yun wants to go and see if the withered grass is really related to the barren.

At the same time, it was also a tentative test of Liu Meng, or the whole universe.

The secrets of Tianwaitian, so far, Jiang Yun just knew that this place can lead to the forbidden land, while other secrets are not known at all.

However, he believes that Liu Meng, who was lost and has become a centurion, must know more secrets than himself.

Well, if Liu Meng dares to go to the prison alone with himself, it means that Tianwaitian, or the Tibetan Association, allows guards to enter the prison at times other than patrolling.

Even, they will not monitor every disturbance in every prison of the watcher every moment.

Of course, it is also possible that Tianwaitian and the Tibetan Association would not monitor Liu Peng even for every prison.

But Jiang Yun couldn't hold back his doubts. Even if he took a little risk, he had to figure out whether the withered grass was a wild pattern.

If it can be proved that the withered wild grass is really the desert pattern of the barbarians, and it is not the Tibetan Association and Tianwaitian who deliberately came out to lure people like themselves to hook, then the meaning behind this pattern appears More intriguing.

Liu Meng is also an impatient person. Since he decided to go, he will not be delayed for a moment, and he will take Jiang Yun and appear in the prison again.

Standing in the air, Liu Meng asked anxiously: "Brother Fan, where is the good stuff hidden?"

After thinking last night, Liu Meng really believed Jiang Yun ’s words, thinking where Jiang Yun should have learned about Tianwaitian, especially in the area that he was responsible for, hiding good things.

Otherwise, Jiang Yun chooses to pretend to be a bad one, so why pretend to be a cowardly Fan Xiao!

Jiang Yun was not in a hurry, but deliberately turned around and looked around, his face showing a cautious expression: "Master Liu, now, I suddenly feel that the good thing will be the one above, deliberately arranged trap?"

"You said, are they watching us now?"

Seeing Jiang Yun's cautious look, Liu Meng's face sarcastically smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, you may be afraid."

"I thought you were not afraid of the sky, not the earth. Even if the handsome handsome general, you haven't put it in your eyes!"

In the past few days, Liu Meng was suppressed by Jiang Yun, and now he finally finds a chance to fight back.

Jiang Yun didn't care about Liu Meng's attitude, shook his head and said: "Forget it, although the things are good, but they must have their own lives."

"In case this is really a trap, aren't we throwing ourselves into the net? Not only will things be taken away by others, we may also become prisoners and be imprisoned here!"

"Forget it, Master Liu, just treat me as if I haven't said anything. Let's go back!"

"You're afraid of a fart!" Liu Meng finally could not help but growl: "Do you think the people above are so idle?"

"To tell you the truth, on the first day, it was divided into nearly 100 areas. We are responsible for it, but it is only 1% of the area."

"Not to mention the emperor, even if it is a general, he will not use his consciousness to monitor every area at all times."

"Besides, our first day of detention is only the least guilty prisoners, which will be released in a short time."

"Far not to mention, since I was a centurion, but for hundreds of years, the prisoners here have changed two or three batches."

"In short, you can put your heart in your stomach, if it is really dangerous, I can't bring you at all!"

After hearing Liu Meng's words, Jiang Yun couldn't help but sneer.

When he asked Liu Meng the day before yesterday about the affairs of Tianwaitian, he didn't tell him the news, obviously concealing it intentionally.

However, now Jiang Yun is too lazy to look for Liu Meng's troubles, but thinks quickly in his head.

It turned out that Yitian was divided into nearly one hundred regions, that is, nearly one hundred individual worlds.

Moreover, the prisoners in this area have already been replaced by two or three batches, so those prisoners they see today cannot be barbarians.

At this time, Liu Meng again urged: "Brother Fan, what else are you dazed, and quickly say, where is the good thing?"

Jiang Yun reached out and pointed at the mountains: "It's over there, come with me!"

When the words fell, Jiang Yun had already flown out, and Liu Meng naturally followed.

After counting the interest, Jiang Yun was already standing on top of the withered wild grass, and once again looked down from the top, it became more and more certain that those wild grasses really formed a wild pattern!

Famine, no cultivation of aura, no cultivation method, only cultivation of waste patterns!

With the wild pattern, they can also cast a variety of spells, anyway Dao Xiu spells, most of them have no effect on them!

Even, they can use the pattern of wasteland to make a mark on other creatures, so that other creatures become desert slaves.

Whether the strength of the Huangzu tribes is strong or not depends on the number of the wild patterns on the body.

But the premise of birth of the wild pattern is that he must have a wild pattern as a seed.

However, there are two ways to get this kind of seed, one is for others to plant it for you, and the other is to plant it for yourself!

The former can only become a slave, and the latter can truly control the power of the shortage.

Jiang Yun's desolation pattern was planted and painted by himself, and his desolation pattern, even among the Huangs, was the most powerful one.

Because Jiang Yun's wild pattern is the "famine" of the Huang people!

At this moment, Jiang Yun didn't know the waste pattern formed by this barren grass.

However, this is normal.

The patterns of the deserts felt by each ethnic group of the Huangs are different.

Liu Meng has also come to Jiang Yun's side, and he looked down with him.

Although he also saw the withered wild grass, he turned a blind eye and still asked in his mouth: "Brother Fan, where is the thing?"

Jiang Yun said faintly: "When I came here yesterday, it was only roughly felt, and in front of other people, I was not easy to find, so I need to look for the specific location carefully."

"Master Liu, please be quiet, don't disturb me."

While talking, Jiang Yun suddenly looked at Liu Meng, with nine colorful lights in his eyes suddenly blooming, printed in Liu Meng's eyes, so that Liu Meng suddenly stood in the air as if he had lost his soul. .

Jiang Yun no longer ignored Liu Meng, who had fallen into a dream. His figure fell from the air, stood among the withered grass, and sat down.

After sitting quietly for a while, Jiang Yun did not notice any special places, nor did he feel the unique power of the barrenness.


Slightly pondering, Jiang Yun's eyebrows slowly emerged a long-awaited wild pattern!

Since Jiang Yun was in the lower domain, he had been exposed to the power of the sky, especially after his strength continued to improve, and he almost never used the pattern of the wild, nor the force of the wild.

Because the practice of Huang Wen is just like Dao Xiu, Jiang Yun ’s most powerful monk known as the Huang Clan, Huang Junyan, is only the realm of the 11 Huanghuang. , So it's not very useful.

With the appearance of Jiang Yun's eyebrow pattern, starting from this pattern, a continuous pattern of patterns began to spread on Jiang Yun's face and skin, instantly covering his entire body.

Huang Wen is still spreading rapidly, and has left Jiang Yun's body, spreading towards the grass below him, and even spreading towards the ground below.

In fact, Jiang Yun's consciousness has already spread under the earth, and there is nothing special except for the black mud.

However, Jiang Yun believes that since there are wild patterns here, and nothing can be seen on the ground, if there is an accident, it can only be in the ground.

After a long time, Jiang Yun's wild patterns have almost reached the depth of hundreds of thousands of feet underground, and he can no longer continue to spread, which makes him have to recover the wild patterns.

But at this moment, his complexion suddenly changed.

Because, his own desolate lines, unraveled silently!

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