The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4124: Actively explode

At this moment, most of the monks' faces showed a trace of uneasiness.

Because this round of hunting mission is obviously very different from the past.

In the past, there was only one hundred military merits for hunting a prisoner, but the number of rewards this time was ten times.

You should know that although everything is linked to military merit outside the sky and the sky, it does not mean that military merit is well obtained.

No matter what the task is, the amount of military power gained can be directly proportional to your efforts. It is already very rare.

Therefore, the number of military awards has been doubled, which means that the difficulty of this quest is also doubled!

What's more, every guard who participated in the hunt and killing had to be restrained and cultivated, and it was lower than the prisoner.

This made many guards unable to resist the retreat and wanted to withdraw from this round of hunting.

However, once you withdraw, the 1,000 military contributions you signed up for cannot be returned.

Therefore, everyone is hesitant.

However, some guards are still very calm.

For example, Jiang Yun!

The four-fold method of breaking the law is the realm he disguised today. Even if it is really sealed and repaired, it will have no impact on him.

Unless there is a strong man among the prisoners who can cross the ten levels of cultivation, no one can threaten him at all.

At that moment, the Fang Da commander waved his hand, and suddenly a beam of light fell into the hands of Jiang Yun and other guards.

That is a panacea.

Fang Da commanded coldly: "Swallow the elixir and set off immediately!"

Looking at the panacea in his hand, Jiang Yun remembered what Mu Zhengjun had told him, and Tian Waitian used the panacea to restrict the cultivation of prisoners.

Unexpectedly, now even the guards have to take these immortals.

Jiang Yun picked up the Elixir, observed it quietly for a moment, and calculated the approximate medicinal herbs, before putting it in his mouth.

Although he is not sure that the Elixir will have any effect other than restricting cultivation, but with his current flesh and the identity of a pharmacist, he is not afraid of any Elixir.

The entrance to the elixir melted into countless light spots, and even rushed directly to Jiang Yun's life gate.

Feeling this scene, Jiang Yun couldn't help moving.

The light spot fell on the life door, as if it had become a nail, embedded in the door.

After Fang Da commanded everyone to swallow the elixir, he waved a big hand: "Okay, let's go!"

With the order of Fang Da commander, together with Jiang Yun, a total of 100 guards immediately walked towards a teleportation array arranged outside the military hall.

No one knows the exact location of the hunt, but it is basically a strange world.

Into it, everyone will also be scattered randomly, everyone will use their own ability to hunt the prisoner, or be hunted by the prisoner.

Just as Jiang Yun stepped into the teleportation array, Liu Meng's voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Brother Fan, I always feel that this hunt is a bit wrong."

"But what's wrong, I can't tell you, you have to be careful anyway!"

"Don't just think about military merits, it is important to protect your life first!"

Hearing Liu Meng's reminder, although Jiang Yun had no expression on his face, he listened.

Whether it is for the outer space or the hunting, Jiang Yun knows very little.

And since Liu Meng is sure to take Jiang Yun to other prisons, it means that he knows a lot.

Since even he felt that there was something wrong with this round of hunting, I am afraid there is really something wrong with it.

However, Jiang Yun did not care too much.

With his own strength, even if there is something wrong, if you want to save your life, you should still have no problem.

It's really not possible, just find a place to hide for a month, and no one can find yourself.


Finally, the light of the teleportation array lit up, and Jiang Yun and other guards had disappeared.

Naturally, Liu Meng and others also left one after another, and this military and martial hall also regained calm.


A flower in front of Jiang Yun is already in an unknown world.

Looking around, except for yourself, the other guards have disappeared.

Jiang Yun looked up, and the sky was gloomy and incomparably gray, as if heavy rain was about to come, and people's mood would also produce a sense of depression with this sky.

At the moment, Jiang Yun is in a desert, all directions, all yellow sand with no end in sight.

Jiang Yun murmured: "I don't know how big this world is. What crimes did those 100 criminals commit."

"They have no injustice with me, and I will kill them for military merit ..."


Jiang Yun spit out a long breath, to tell the truth, this hunt is still a bit burdensome for him.

Although Jiang Yun's character is that there must be revenge, but he is not a killer. It is not consistent with his principles to kill people who have no hatred for no reason.

However, if he does not kill these prisoners, he will not get enough military power, and he will not know where his parents are.

"Let's talk before talking! If it doesn't work, it's a big deal. I'm going to grab the results of other guards!"

After Jiang Yun made up his mind, he released his consciousness and wanted to see how big the world is.

But at this moment, among the yellow sand behind him, a yellow spear suddenly stretched out, just like a viper, stabbing him very quickly.


The spear stabbed Jiang Yun's back fiercely, making a crisp sound like a metal impact.

Jiang Yun seemed to feel nothing, turned around, looked at the yellow sand behind him, and smiled coldly: "Since it's here, don't leave!"

When the words fell, Jiang Yun reached out and grabbed the yellow sand.

Suddenly, a large amount of yellow sand, with Jiang Yun's grasping power, rose into the air, just like a salon, spreading out hundreds of feet away.


Just at the tail of this salon, a figure fell from it.

At the next moment, Jiang Yun had already appeared in front of this figure, looking at each other condescendingly.

This is a middle-aged man with ordinary looks, but the pupils of his eyes are bloody, with a cold killing intention.

Jiang Yun remembered that there was no such person among the guards in the outer space, that is to say, he was a prisoner.

Facing Jiang Yun's gaze, the man suddenly smiled at him yawningly, his hands under the ground suddenly lifted upwards, and he saw that the yellow sand beneath him rose up and turned into a tornado. Wrapped Jiang Yun directly.


There was a loud drink in the man's mouth.

All the sand, like raindrops, hit Jiang Yun's body with a very fast speed, making a crisp sound of impact.

Gradually, the smirk on the man's face turned into a panic.

Because he saw Jiang Yun standing in a sandstorm, and letting the sand hit him, the whole person was completely unharmed.

Jiang Yun said blankly: "Thank you for giving me a reason to kill you."

"Just, before killing you, I need to figure out one thing!"


The man didn't even see how Jiang Yun moved. His entire person had been pinched by Jiang Yun's neck and lifted up directly, which made his face show fear and resentment.

Jiang Yun's consciousness immediately rushed to each other's eyebrows, trying to search for souls.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun's complexion also changed suddenly, let go of his palm, and quickly backed away.

With a loud bang, the man's body exploded directly.

The other party exploded!

Rao is Jiang Yun who has rich fighting experience, and did not expect that the other party would explode without hesitation when he was caught by himself.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun's physical body is extremely strong, the power of the other party's self-detonation, just blasted his clothes, and did not hurt him.

Looking at the huge hole that was blown out in front of him, Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, frowning and saying, "Strange!"

"This person gave me the feeling of ambushing here deliberately, waiting for me to appear."

"Since the location where we come in is random, how could he know that I will appear here?"

"If it was a coincidence, why did he explode directly after he was caught by me?"

"Is his character so strong, or does he explode to ... destroy the corpse and prevent me from discovering?"

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